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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. That is what 2D CAD is for, you overlay a cross section so it communicates what you desire. There are also "Designer Blocks" to help with detail components. DJP
  2. There is a lot of good advice above but the rock bottom requirement is to really confront (squarely look at ) dialog box settings before doing anything. It seems like people have forgotten how to really look at a dialog box, see how it is set before acting. This is even more true with the print dialogs from Chief and from a PDF file to paper, you miss one simple setting and all is then waste, it is so preventable. DJP
  3. Bay windows are or tend to be problematic for the reasons you state. The bay window tool is rather inflexible and cannot emulate a true bay window unit that you would buy and install in a hole in the wall. What you probably should do is see if you can find a suitable bay window unit at 3D warehouse and then place it in a wall opening you create in Chief (a wall opening is just a resized doorway with casing and sill turned off to create a wall hole). DJP
  4. The choice is yours, some may offer "rules and conventions" but as designer of your own home, the choice is yours. 8' doors are more expensive than 6' 8" doors but as I say, it is your project. DJP
  5. The deck must be draw in a hole in the roof or an area where the roof surrounds but does not intrude on the deck space. If the deck is to be stepped then you divide the deck space so by its dialogs it can be controlled as to its floor height. DJP
  6. Harry, For a plan file created in Version 10, all materials will have to be reassociated and assigned for instance in X8 for the render to then come out right on top of the usual light and material property adjustments. I am merely pointing out that sharing the file is just a starting point to a product. If you thought otherwise, I am sorry but I would assume that getting a good Ray Trace will take at least an hour just to set up. The best Ray Tracer I know of is Jintu E.P. Montego (website: http://www.jintudesigns.com/ ) DJP
  7. Version 10 only adds .alb files to the library Browser, it will not accept what most modern Library File formats, that's the facts Jack. DJP
  8. When I upgrade, I plan to get an NVIDIA 1070, at $400.00 that is the best performance boost for the money. DJP
  9. No not slow for me with my old PC. DJP
  10. No, not that I know of, sounds like a cracker jack suggestion though. I have never had this come up as an issue but if I did need to I would turn off the default stair object hand railing on the indicated side and replace it with a railing made from a 3D molding poly line, yes that is a work around but you did ask. DJP
  11. With such a completed roof system, I would expect the roof generator to fail but get most of it right. I would then expect to manually straighten out what it got wrong. DJP
  12. Aunttieem,If you want help, I charge $75.00 per hour for personalized help, you can contact me as you like. I am not, for free going to straighten out your mess, let me know. DJP
  13. No, it is always improper presettings that causes short falls in Chief. The first thing to do is to determine if your settings are correct for the situation at hand. Chief is a 3D mechanical device and only does what it is told to do or what it is erroneously told to do. Be assured that you are getting what you ordered and to fix it, you have to get the settings right. The way to really learn Chief is to carefully go through the "Users Guide" and "Reference Manual" stopping after a paragraph, open your software and verifying your understanding before you study more. To do less is just irresponsible, take the time to really learn your tools. DJP
  14. I commonly use about ten passes, the key to good images is adjusting your lights and how materials reflect light, that takes time to figure but several short pass renderings and adjusting what you see in each render. When you get things adjusted only then would you do a long number of passes, it takes what it takes for quality. DJP
  15. As with a lot of things in Chief there is more than one way to arrive at a result. another way is to create a blank floor above the top floor. Then draw four walls of the intended cupola, define its floor height and ceiling height, draw its roof planes and install vents or windows, this method also works. DJP
  16. No, you toggle up to the attic level and then manually draw your missing wall using the reference display to help you draw it in the right location. DJP
  17. How to create a mansard roof is described in your software in the "Build Roof Dialog - Roof Styles Tab", take a look. DJP
  18. I guess you are speaking of not getting the desired number of columns by way of the railing dialog. Just set Newels to 1/16" and place columns manually directly from the Library Browser. DJP
  19. I just noticed that you said that you have a GeForce GT 230M video card, that (forgive me) is an antique piece of C__p, since you have a laptop there is nothing you can do about that in your current machine but you need to come into the 21st Century hardware and software wise, upgrade to X8 and get a new laptop or desktop that what made recently. DJP
  20. I think this video will help you: http://djpdesigns.com/roof-dialog.html and this one: http://djpdesigns.com/more-roof-dialog.html DJP
  21. I downloaded your file and made a You Tube video of me fumbling around with it, I hope my efforts help you: https://youtu.be/mpC5Y-RKHZA DJP
  22. Easy is a subjective word and concept. Your photos look like custom slabs and poly-line solids with custom materials on them or pavers. DJP
  23. Here is me trying to help on You Tube: https://youtu.be/BdnCfQtH1wo DJP