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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. This is easily done but in terms of sharing with the client it gets a little more complicated. Do you own any Chief Architect or Home Designer software presently? How do you intend to share the 3D results with your client? Are you computer "savvy" meaning can you operate any Chief or Home Designer applications with certainty in order to share the 3D data with your client? What is your plan to implement this? DJP
  2. I checked and Home Designer Pro is the only current Home Designer title that still has the ability to import .dxf files. Architectural used to have this ability several versions ago but they (Home Designer) has removed that ability in present versions. I can easily do this for you using Pro or Chief and then return the .plan file to you for you to develop a 3D model from the imported 2D file. I do not work for Chief Architect Inc so I do not know why they removed that specific ability but in fact they have done so. DJP
  3. Converting a .dwg file to .dxf (which HD Architectural can import) is easy and quick to do. All I need is a copy of your existing .dwg file from your Architect. Impossible to do within Architectural, easy to do in Chief Architect Premier. Communicate to me if you like. DJP
  4. Also there are clicks to help eliminate one's own ignorance of how the software works and there are command clicks that are originated with end user certainty. These two click categories are for different purposes. The study ones tend to reduce the overall number over Time. I think a better way to think of the subject of "Clicks" is explained above and are NOT the same things, their purposes are different. DJP
  5. It is dependant on the DPI quality of the original PDF you are using. You might try converting the PDF page to an image format and then use that on your layout. Without knowing exactly what you used and how one can only guess. DJP
  6. Read some of these articles on making "Tileable Textures": https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHMO_enUS578US578&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=making+tileable+textures&* DJP
  7. See : http://www.jintudesigns.com/ he is the best! DJP
  8. I suppose if one did one's own printing using color pages would be an option but most of my clients work for a living and would not spend the money for Arch D or E sized color pages. The difference between black and white versus color at the print shop is astronomical per page, so this aesthetic argument is rather lost on me. My clients want things built and not enshrined or glorified. DJP
  9. You can also bypass the above by using the Material Eyedropper tool. DJP
  10. Take a look at the Build Roof Dialog - Materials Tab. Those settings work on as yet to be built roof planes, on roof planes that exist then one would have to change each gutter-material setting in each Roof Specification Dialog - Materials Tab - Gutter DJP
  11. I agree with Lew in that if you use the word "Photometric" then you must also provide a definition for how you intend for use to understand your question ( http://www.dictionary.com/browse/photometric ). I did a Google Search for the term and the results were not very enlightening to me (All my plans by the general definition are or can be "Photometric" if you make them so ). Please be a little more forthcoming as to the exactness of your question please. I always charge by the hour for my services, you probably should too. IMHO all plans should be clear and concise graphic communications of one's project. Failing that goal, they are not worth a penny more that how well they communicate the intended work. DJP
  12. Anyone who has and uses Chief Premier can help you, Premier can export to any version of AutoCAD in .dwg format. Send a copy of your .plan file and what specific views you need and want. DJP
  13. Barb Preston's way is workable but I prefer to use "Boiler Plate" type details that I use repeatedly to be "Added to the Library" command found in the "Edit Toolbar" when selecting a true CAD Detail (all 2D objects). You can also "Save to Library" 3D objects if they are customized enough where doing so might save a few clicks in the future. The problem with having a "CAD Detail Plan" as Barb suggests is that it can become so packed with details to a point where the .plan file can become sluggish to deal with. Using a Custom named folder in the "User's Library" in the Library Browser is a more efficient way to organize and use such things. DJP
  14. You might also check that there is no gap between the two wall poly-lines to reduce the instances of unwanted lines but when sent to layout your best bet is adding (when found to be missing ) or eliminating such lines is the "Edit Layout" tool. It terms eliminating such lines before sending to layout, your choices are limited but with the use of the edit layout line tool you can make vector view objects near perfect. DJP
  15. I would tend to handle boiler "plate" stuff like what you have in your zip file by adding it to a "Users Library Folder" in the Library Browser. In your present form the 2D CAD stuff in one .plan file does open and handle slowly. The way Chief is programmed what you have would be better handled in the LB and not junk up every .plan file I opened. Each .plan file just needs to have that necessary data I need to keep it and me efficient. DJP
  16. Yes, study your reference manual sections on "Framing" and "Framing Defaults". Then practice applying that specific data to your construction problem. Once you get it as close as is possible using auto-generated framing tools you manually adjust that result to precisely what you want. DJP
  17. The most valuable competence is that which you earn for yourself as I said above. I need not feel compelled to do these sorts of things for others. If he would post a copy of his plan file I would be happy to look at it but without that, as you suggested one could only then guess at what the OP knows or does not know and Life is way too short for that kind of wasted time and communication. Posters need to keep in mind that the rest of us are living our own and our families lives and it is incumbent upon forum posters to be clear with their questions and problems when they ask for help so the helpers do not then have to guess at their exact meaning and significance. DJP
  18. With Chief's manual framing tools there is no "if", rather there is ,like Yoda says "Do or Do Not, there is no try". Once you learn this lesson you just see what needs doing and then do it with the tools at hand. That said you need to develop your own competence by first study and then practice based upon what you learned via study. There is no short cut to excellence. Just applied self-training and the intention of succeed. DJP
  19. I can open it in AutoCAD True View (see attached images taken from AutoCAD True View 2014) but not in X8 due to the way it was exported from AutoCAD (see image 1.jpg) because of the "SHX" missing files which your AutoCAD guy failed to also export DJP
  20. All versions of AutoCAD in terms of .dxf or .dwg imports are supported. What is not supported is .dwg files with "Xrefs" in them. That may be your problem. Make sure the .dwg is exported directly from "Model Space" within AutoCAD and not "Paper Space" (paper space is similar to our .layout files and is scaled to a target paper size and not at real world scale as in a plan file) DJP
  21. No way to tell just from language what is occurring. Your best bet for Help is going to be Tech Support during their Office Hours. One could guess that your video card might and PC hardware might be at fault but that is merely a guess based only upon what you have written. If you were to share a copy of your .plan file then others could take a look and report back. It is probably a large, in terms of megabytes, .plan file so it may need to be compressed or made available to others for evaluation by others using "One Drive, Google Drive or Dropbox" file sharing services if too large to post here as a .zip file attachment. DJP
  22. I agree with Glenn on this. As afore suggested use two plan files (as built and remodel). Demo walls can be shown as a 2D CAD export from the as built plan placed on a custom layer named "Demo Walls". 2D CAD will not interfere with your 3D model which is predicated on using 3D walls. DJP
  23. Not "may" Tech or Customer Support are you ONLY terminals for help with this matter. DJP
  24. In "Edit - Default Settings - Dimensions" also check "Secondary Format" to see if you accidentally checked that "on". If that does not help then Call Tech Support on Monday please for help. DJP