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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Matterport does not, has no ability to "import" into Chief other than manually. Basically what it does is to digitally measure visually and spatially what is scanned into it for later use by someone creating an "as built". Someone goes to the remodel location and scans each room to be duplicated, the scan is visual, digital ,accurate and 360 degree. Then the results are uploaded to the "cloud" where it can then be read and measured in a browser for input MANUALLY into Chief or other CAD programs. I have a Remodel firm in Dallas who uses Matterport for all of their projects and it worked well. It has NO capability to export or import any 3D file formats, it mainly saves time over measuring every remodel location. A minimally trained person can then be hired to set up and operate the Matterport machine that records the data on site to bring the as built measurements to drafts-persons to model by way of the Matterport cloud server.. DJP
  2. Here in Austin, I know there are several Chief'ers in Dallas-Fort Worth, perhaps they are busy working? DJP
  3. In an elevation camera, measure how low the pool symbol is relative to the floor level of the pool room. Then select the pool symbol using "Transform-Replicate - Move" and move it up in the "Z" axis the value you measured it needs to be. In the Pool symbol, change the "bottom relative to" box to "Absolute" so it stays put after the move. DJP
  4. Than import those textures as "Custom Materials" and you are then "Done!" DJP
  5. Thank you but a lot of my "Help" is also good advertising for a guy that needs to help others to survive. It is an attempt to promote that I can help you! It is also a lot more rewarding to help others rather than merely to help my bottom line. DJP
  6. I solved that in the video (not the splash screen), take a look please. DJP
  7. Of course but once saved in X12 it can, never, thereafter be opened in X5. DJP
  8. It should work, I still use my copy of "Paint Shop Pro" that was created before that then company sold itself to Corel! DJP
  9. You will need to make a copy of the original brink texture and then open that copy and alter it in Photoshop or Paint Shop pro etc to then appear exactly as you wish in Chief. When done, import into chief as a "Custom Material" and then apply it in your plan file. DJP
  10. No trouble on my Laptop or Desktop since Beta One, rock solid. Make sure all you devices are up to date and that your Hard drives are cleaned of junk and are defragmented. DJP
  11. Click here to access over 500 Help videos for Chief and Home Designer Users DJP
  12. What you did is what I would do but it may be the symbol that is poorly made where you cannot assign a different material to each piece of the "X", sorry, try another symbol or make your own is my advice. DJP
  13. You can cap the end of the wall with a soffit, like Hammer7 suggested. You can also cap the end with a custom slab or polyline solid as well. I sometimes just open "interior 4 walls dialog box-Wall types" and set the framing to drywall instead of "fur framing" which visually also works. DJP
  14. Don Hurst Architect (512) 507-6989 dhurst2@austin.rr.com The other two I mentioned, one uses X10 and the third one I have not spoken to in years, sorry. Maybe Don can refer you elsewhere as well. DJP
  15. There are a couple or three here in Austin, let me know if interested and I will share their contact data. DJP
  16. The only real difference between HD Pro and Chief Premier is their layout files are not compatible with each other (in HD Pro you create a layout file for each printed page - in Chief Premier the layout has up to 1,000 blank pages for use), so HD pro cannot open and read but one page of a single, Chief Premier produced "layout" file. It saves tons of time to do the plan layouts in Chief as opposed to HD Pro for this reason, so if you wish to read the plan file and layout files of printed pages, be prepared to pay a lot more for that usability (it takes longer to create 8 layout files as opposed to creating one as in Chief). That understood, I will be happy to help you. All I need to have is your plan file and you let me know how you want the "layout" sheets handled and the target print paper size as well as what municipality will be handling your permit submissions please. You may also need the participation of a local, State Licensed Structural Engineer to obtain a local permit (that depends upon what THEY require) DJP
  17. Then don't use the "Doll House camera"! YouTube video of my evaluation of your posted plan: DJP PJKirsha.zip
  18. A quick fix is to change the material of walls to "Drywall" instead of "Fur Framing" (I know this suggestion is not "Politically Correct" but never the less IT WORKS!!!). DJP
  19. I did open the plan and I whole-hardheartedly agree with Rene ( I tried making the invisible wall a railing wall, which sometimes works but not in this case). DJP
  20. 75.00 per hour, Twenty six years experience with Chief DJP
  21. I thoroughly agree with "Michael" above in that "Software" is not and never will be any kind of "Causative Factor". The end user is at "CAUSE" or he is not based upon his knowledge or ignorance of the tool he his currently using. The results are his responsibility alone based upon his own competence or the lack thereof. Software will never be a source of "Causation" it is people who are cause and not material objects like computers and other tools. I am aware that Chief Architect is not, never has been and probably will not be "PERFECT" but it certainly has been and will be "USEFUL" to those who wish to graphically portray to their clients and other building professionals now and in the future. DJP