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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. You also need to share how this roof is to be held up structurally (I doubt that the roof will be sheets of glass only). Share a photo of something similar or draw a sketch of how this "beast" is to look please. DJP
  2. How you name rooms and other spaces closed by walls directly effect the "Living Area" display, name any closed space and miss-label it and you then get an inaccurate display. The room names and how they directly effect Living Area is fully covered in your Reference Manual, found under the "Help" menu, take a look. DJP
  3. One could do a 3D model just of plumbing pipes using 3D molding poly-lines but gee whiz, what a task for so little gain. I once had a custom home client who wanted to see all the plumbing lines, hot, cold and drainage for his home and I did it but it took me a long tedious time to do that several versions ago. NO ONE ON EARTH REQUIRES FULLY 3D SCHEMATICS OF PLUMBING FOR ANY STRUCTURE ANYWHERE, ANY HOW. I agree with Francois above that 2D CAD should suffice and is a lot easier to think with and do. DJP
  4. I would also add that what you have done, at a glance is not workable. I have done lots of stairs but not exactly what you are now trying to do. You need to reduce the number of treads between winders so they geometrically fit together more symmetrically. You have set yourself a difficult task but I believe it is doable. Laying out with CAD as Eric has suggested will tend to show you what they should look like to use as a guide to edit the actual stair objects. This will have to be precisely done in order to control the winders. I think if I were to attempt this, I would NOT use the automatic winders but just make all of my winders manually and manually set their heights (I can control what I do manually but auto-winders are not precisely controllable). DJP
  5. I agree with you but also agree with Dermot. You should make a "Feature Request" or perhaps "Bug Report" to get this handled as soon as is possible. DJP
  6. I work with Home Designer Software users as a helper and a teacher. I charge $75.00 US per hour. At need we can work together online, live using my Zoom Meeting service. Other information about me can be obtained at my website, address below. I have helped others in England on several projects. DJP
  7. Call and speak with Tech Support, it may be that your application procedure is not exactly right. I kinda agree with Robert but I have also been able to make that work as well, and it IS exacting to do. DJP
  8. The only way I know of that might work is to save all of your "Old Plans" using the original version they were created in using the "File - Back Up entire Plan" tool when you are finished with the plan along with all "Associated texture files" so that when you reopen the file in later versions all of its material textures would then (and Only then) be there to re-associate in the the new version. Texture associations are name and physical location sensitive in Chief and older version locations and names may no longer exist in present time on your PC or Mac, thus the error messages. Symbols are also a similar circumstance and must simply replace the old symbols, no longer supported must be deleted and replaced with up to date ones in the current application. I have plans that I created in Version 4 (not x4), I also have versions 7 through 22 (X!2) on my PC so I know what I am talking about, sorry. DJP
  9. Actually this is a rather common problem that new users often make (I guess you are just luckier than most). What happens is that during the editing and creating process, one accidentally usually, places a segment of wall, CAD Line etc, quite a distance from the main structure. Especially overview cameras are pre-programmed to "include" all visible objects when creating an overview view, so any and all visible objects placed a distance from the main structure create a view that "includes" the structure and any other visible objects along with the main structure which often then gives one a "Blank Screen" thereafter. That is caused by the extreme viewpoint necessary to include all visible objects in the camera view.. The remedy is to find the errant object using "Marque-Select" searches around the house or main structure to find and delete the errant object and thus return expected behavior to those camera views that are so pre-programmed. Take a look and I bet that you WILL find some unintended object somewhere in your plan view (just do not delete anything that is supposed to be there). The above IS the most common cause for your specific complaint. DJP
  10. If you wish to have a very small, specific section, use the back-clip cross section camera. Where you left click, creates the camera "viewpoint" and where you release the mouse determines how much of the model is then displayed per instance. That gives you greater graphic control. DJP
  11. Information for understanding what they mean Windows Apple - Mac DJP
  12. If you want different colors then use the materials specification dialog to alter its tint. DJP
  13. You will need to manually draw an "Attic Wall" marked "Roof cuts bottom" precisely where the vault and ceiling planes meet to fill that gap on the "Attic Level" ( I have never had to do this myself before), I guess you could also just create a custom "poly-line solid" object to fill the gap between the vault and ceiling planes. I think the poly-line solid idea is the easiest one to do. Attic walls can be a little twitchy in custom situations. DJP
  14. Obviously you built framing and then changed your mind and edited the roof without building framing a new after you changed the roof. Just order framing to be built again and then all will be well. The software only does what you tell it to do when you tell it. DJP
  15. What settings are you using in the "Build Roof" dialog "Overhang"? I am not getting the results you are getting in my X12. DJP
  16. I and many others here can help you with CD creation. I have an account with "Zoom" meetings where we can work together to create your documents in Chief and if you like, even video the sessions for your later use, let me know please. My contact information is below in my "Signature" DJP
  17. This is not common Chief Premier behavior, so my first advice is to check your PC or Mac for virus, malware, out of date software drivers and how long has it been since you physically cleaned the interior of your computer? Perhaps it is running too hot? You may have your hard drives too full to properly support optimal performance. How much RAM do you have in your computer, is it enough for good performance? Take a look and then act. DJP
  18. As Eric cryptically indicated search for data about custom "Molding polylines". DJP
  19. Steve, I know Dan and others decry wall polyline shaping but I tend to like "WHAT WORKS!!!", if someone else finds another workable way, I am interested but not otherwise. I gave up on Chief's "automaticities" years ago DJP
  20. They have a couple of persons that make symbols and that is all they do, not "resources" just additional "hats" on their organization board like any other company. DJP
  21. Nestor, I unchecked the attic walls from pony walls to just exterior attic walls, and then edited the polylines to fit the space, inside and out. I believe it was the ponywall setting that made this overly hard. DJP Nestor.zip