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Everything posted by robdyck

  1. Is anyone else experiencing ridiculously slow response times in X14? Specifically when using a plan created in X13. Just thought I'd check with others before sending all my plans in to TS. By comparison, the OOB template plan in X14 is crazy fast.
  2. Your plan file is empty. No data there at all.
  3. I usually just switch to the background color instead of white. It won't show up when printed so it works as a mask. However if I wanted white, I'd probably add a polyline to my library called 'mask'. It would add as a molding profile so you'd actually need to use 'show in browser' then right clickt to place the profile. Or you could add it as a cad block, then explode it once placed in your plan. Better yet, you could add several mask fill types to your library and then just type in mask and they'll be there at the top ready to click and fill. For Example, Mask, Foundation Mask, Elevation Mask, Roof
  4. You can't use a 'solid' railing type because then the cap jumps to the top section. Instead, use Rail Style > Panels with no newels or Top/Bottom Rails.
  5. Paste "SHO WAL BRA" into the library browser and see what comes up. It's a Bonus library.
  6. They should still exist, they just may be quite a distance away from the building. Have you zoomed out far enough to confirm they are gone? You should be able to locate notes in elevations by using the 'find in plan' tool from the schedule.
  7. And, depending on what you have in your plan, and where those elevation cameras are located, it may be necessary to quickly move the elevation cameras further away from the building. Then, reposition them if necessary after the reversal is completed.
  8. I've sent a report to TS. I'll provide them with as many plan files as they want / need. This could end up being very costly to my time. Didn't we deal with the same thing from X12 to X13 or was it X11 to X12? I remembered constantly aligning text boxes because the inherent sizing parameter was different from one version to the next.
  9. You can make this type of framing member using a truss, then editing the truss polyline in section view, and editing the framing member in the truss detail. However, I'd follow Joey's advice! Much faster.
  10. I was just going to report this! It seems as though almost all my text boxes change size in X14. In layout, I only have a few but they were set with 0" margins top and bottom, and in X14 Chief has added a 1/16" margin to the top. The snippet below shows an example from an elevation view and a cad detail. These were all aligned and now have to be resized for every plan. Time consuming!
  11. Personally I think Chief does it backwards. I keep several items named by the drawing type first. They of course organize with the SVP's. Site, Text / Site, CAD / Site, Dimensions / Site, Footprints etc. Roof, CAD / Roof, Dimensions / Roof, Text etc. Chief also had most templates and text styles organized oddly. I organize my templates by scale factor. So if a plan gets too big for the paper at 1/4" scale,it's no work at all for me to change it to 3/16" or 1/8" scale. I also name all my text style by the font, size, characteristics. WTH am I going to do with "cabinet text style" if cabinets are displayed in different drawings at more than one scale factor? I see they have cleaned this up a bit in X14. Wonder where they got the idea for that? For example: Arial 4" / Arial 4" Bold / Arial 8" / Arial 8" Bold / Arial 25", etc.
  12. I've included framing schedules for rake walls and I simply have some notes to the schedule that mention that the length for beveled components is to the center. I framed for over 20 years and this wouldn't have bothered me for a couple of reasons. Once one knows the difference from the center to the long point, then it's a pretty simple adjustment on the fly. For those lacking the grey matter for that adjustment, there will be bigger problems to solve. Chance are there will be some small adjustments needed anyhow, so the exact numbers may only be good for material takeoff. That being said, If I were framing the walls that I draw, I wouldn't need to double check anything on site, I'd just start cutting.
  13. Select the attic walls, then select Build Framing For Selected Object(s)
  14. Wall structure , balloon through ceiling.
  15. If they are framed, and if you have not changed, and then turned off the display of the layer of the wall framing, they will show in that view.
  16. So why can't you? Do you have attic walls framed?
  17. The attic wall or the attic wall framing?
  18. Here's an example of a walkout basement using the 3D Framing layer set. Easy peasy.
  19. I don't want to try to influence your methods but wall framing details should be separated by the floor they sit on. But if you must show a framing elevation view, then simply take a back clipped elevation camera view and use a custom layer set. Make a copy of the layer set that you use for 3d framing views and then adjust it as you see fit. Note that in X13 you will not be able to snap to framing members in this type of view. Another option would be to stack / align the separate wall detail drawings on the layout page.
  20. You can't using pony walls. You have a couple of options. Build just the concrete fdn walls on their own floor. On the same floor, Use 2 separate walls overlapping each other. One of which will need to be "No Room Definition. Make a copy of the plan file just for this purpose, and redefine the upper portion of the wall so each layer is an air gap.
  21. It's the roof plan. Just switch to manual editing to clean up the roof planes at that corner.
  22. As for tips, I should point out that I only include that addition when using a board-type of fascia or shadow board. For aluminum fascia, I don't bother to add 1/16", I leave it at an even number, like 18" or 24" for example.
  23. However you can simply add the thickness of finish fascia &/or shadow boards to the default overhangs and then it'll at least build correctly. If you dimension roof planes in plan view, then you'll need to devise a workaround to dimension to the subfascia. I use a point marker in plan view to dimension the overhang correctly.