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Everything posted by johnny

  1. There are some buggy things going on with p/solids and solids. However, I agree with Michael there is a much better way to do what you are doing. If you follow his advice on this you won't ever do it the other way again.
  2. If you plan to model the cornice the same way you build it, then you may want to draw up a section first to work out all your connections. There are many different ways you can build a wood cornice in your examples. However, if want to model it visually for presentation purposes first... id personally use molding 3d poly-lines and do a build-up. Later you could come back and do 2D details or remodel sections to get your working drawings done. In fact, you may want to get an engineer or architect to review your work before completing the structure.
  3. That element of the building is called a Cornice. As such, its not so much part of the roof, though in the example you show it does feel like an extension thereof. I'd build it with solids and 3d molding profiles.
  4. Id love to see a vid on how you do it manually. This is more the route I would like to take as well.
  5. Im curious "how manual" you get..?
  6. You can also select wall, open dbx (specification), select "structure" tab, and check "balloon through ceiling above". For the condition you show in the pic its actually how most would frame that wall anyways.
  7. Pretty good solver. What do you mean "not very stable"?...just curious.
  8. OK Glenn - I just sent you the file if you want to try and auto-roof this design. To me an auto-roof setup would be very difficult, but perhaps I am wrong. Here are some pics.
  9. You'd almost think there should be an option (checkbox) to not have the trusses produce a tail....doing a "scab-on" detail is actually common.
  10. I see there is an offset option for the newel-posts but not for the rail? Do I need to come back and draw the rail sections in individually, or is there a way to offset the rail like the newels? I've done a search on this topic in google and couldnt find an answer but seems odd we wouldn't be able to move the rail like the newel (to keep them aligned). I didnt bother with the plan since i'm just looking for a feature/setting not so much help with plan. Thanks in advance.
  11. What about setting your roof planes to no overhang, build your trusses, lock, and then put the overhang back to where you want? ...or there is a tool "truss base" that i've seen used in ways that could get you where you need. There is most certainly a better way I am sure, but just suggesting ways I might go around that.
  12. There must be some nuance I am missing to my use of manual dimensions. Many times I draw my dimension in and it doesn't "connect" or associate the object i've dimensioned. What am I doing wrong?
  13. Will try this too - and I know about the auto roofs. When I am done with this plan, and if you have a moment perhaps you can show me how I could have done it with auto-roofs. The plan looks simple now since I am in the preliminary stages...but its actually an Anglo-Caribbean design with some interesting rooflines.
  14. Not a bad idea - i'll try that...thanks! The roof I have shown so far is a fraction of the work i have yet to do on that house, but that baseline build first may be what i need.
  15. Yes, you're right. I posted the wrong version of the house sorry - I meant to post v3....however, the problem is still the same even when I change that roof pitch back to 3.5. The issue is that when I build a roof plane over a balcony with the same room spec info as the adjoining room, the roof plane is set to different baselines and fascia heights.
  16. Why is it when I draw a roof plane over a balcony, that has the same structure heights as a floor, the baselines end up different?...and then if I manually enter the baseline I want it changes the fascia. I need to be able to lock 2 items to get the roof plan to correctly model in this location it seems - but I am sure there must be some easy explanation. Thanks in advance. Small Lot Conceptv2.plan
  17. and if you click the "tack" icon you can keep making copies based upon your drag.
  18. I thought that was funny since link or location should be on the marvin tab in Chief' website. Having to download and install a library from Chief only to have a symbol tell you to go somewhere else is odd.
  19. I went and downloaded from Marvin - and inserted a few windows without the problem you are having. Just FYI so it may be on your system. Unless you want me to check a specific window for you on my system.
  20. What happens to be is even dumber (more dumb). I download the "library" and get a symbol that tells me to go somewhere else and download.
  21. A 3d molding would work well for a cornice. If that building is representative of your "fist project" as others said that might be a large first step. Chief can do that all just fine, its just not a beginner project.
  22. I think the only thing Chief would need to do in order to drastically improve their multi-unit modeling ability is blocking of walls/windows/doors with instancing. Considering how many changes are made from concept to final CD doing everything in CA would be a lot more work....but no question it could be done.