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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I sent scott a request but I bet they are in the meting now. Anyone know the access #?
  2. Considering CA "customer" base includes DIY and other non-professionals id think there would be a better way to assess good additions to the application other than "proper procedure" in how a customer submits those ideas/requests. I realize your point to us is learn the proper method of submittal of those ideas, but id again stress having someone like an architect on staff could provide you with solid suggestions on the future of this app. I think the quality of the idea, and the experience/training/schooling/ability of the one making it, should superseded "technical procedure".
  3. lol....looks like an interesting movie. Without question there are some architects out there that are completely egocentric. Although for every 1 architect nightmare story I hear 20+ contractor nightmare stories.
  4. I think because some people misunderstand promoting good/efficient design with "over-complication". The reason i suggested that Chief Architect actually get an architect on staff is because I feel that perspective could be very useful to Chief.
  5. I agree with Michael. The actual log placement should be one of the last things to do. I wouldn't act like you are building a model from lincoln logs.
  6. I agree with Richard's method - and that is what I do for sheets I'm not preparing....but, id also say you dont need to have lines between the text either. I suppose if that is how you want it, but I personally turn those lines off anyways.
  7. Thanks Larry - appreciate the discussion. I think your assessment is probably very accurate for a lot of us...we come in wanting things to work a certain way and have to learn the "Chief" method. Every app has a learning curve to it, but I appreciate apps that let you approach the same issue from different directions. The most basic is 3d modeling and having a decent method to work in that mode allows projects to be finished even its not exactly the best way to complete something. The way Chief is now its either you know how to use a tool or you aren't getting the project done. I dont think thats good.
  8. I guess that makes sense for a product/company called Chief "Architect". Kinda like saying the last thing a home builder needs is a contractor.
  9. I can't help but think the reason people dont use shape/component modeling in their process is based largely on how bad Chief is at it currently. If someone could aptly use generic shapes right along side architectural elements/tools as easily as it is in other apps I couldn't help think this would quickly become a major part of their process. Another thing I want to be clear is that im not just talking about modeling shapes - rather the rapid ability to mimic architectural objects with shapes...and have them organized in a way to make modification easy post-creation.
  10. Lets just be honest. 3D shape tools, including snapping, rotating, grouping/instancing, and overall view restrictions....are awful.....just awful. Chief needs to understand this for changes to occur and any defense of those tools makes little sense to me. There are free web-based apps for children that are more dynamic and flexible than what Chief offers.
  11. I would never buy an Asus motherboard again, but overall I think Asus has one of the best offerings for what you're after.
  12. If you post the plan someone could probably solve the issue in a few seconds. ....
  13. I agree with that statement about "profession" in general.....but I think Chief doesn't need to be as challenging as it is sometimes. I think the folks at Chief have done a great job on so many things - but its the basic 10% items that are just killing us. Id love for x9 to be 90% clean-up of existing tools and processes. X8 was a solid release, but we need more focus on fundamental tools/problems.
  14. Scott - I agree with you 100%. Chief amazes me so completely in certain areas, but others I want to throw my entire computer out the window.... its barely holding on to the status "tough but worth it".
  15. Between Softplan and Chief you are making the correct decision.
  16. Has anyone tried to setup custom railings for this? Seems like "panels" would work fairly well.
  17. Actually, the render is adding dynamic lighting to your "color" choice. You can get the colors closer by learning how to select certain ranges and values with less saturation - but that is a whole lesson on its own.
  18. I didnt have time to do a vid, but if you notice your walls in those sections are broken at the top - as if you may have re-shaped them. You need to get your wall back to being unbroken at the tops and it will work.
  19. I agree with Michael here. Specific tools for this type of work will make the process much faster.
  20. I do wish we had a better way to manually select connections between walls/roofs etc. However, it is a quick fix in the current system: (by the way nice house design - is this a new construction or existing remodel of an English tutor?)
  21. Ill add too that some of the power users have saved my bacon a number of times, and are also one of the truly great things about Chief's offering.
  22. I tend to agree with the spirit of this thread, though I think a lot of the "power users" are trying to help. Chief is both the best and worst software i've ever used. Hands down its also the hardest software i've had to learn, and that is probably because Chief does so many things differently. As someone else said once 80-90% of a project is very easy in Chief but the last 10-20% basicly can be a nightmare. Even with its issues its currently the best software for residential home design - but Chief as a company needs to get an architect on staff to help round some issues out.