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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I agree with this. Chief line weights out-of-the-box are way too thick all over. I go between 2-15 and seems to work well.
  2. Thanks for the vid. Micheal. I guess my comment is that even though you can work with solids "organically", its very hard to shape model in CA using primitive solids with precision. Faces dont have any dimensions, angles, I suppose you are left to use some amount of guess-work.
  3. Chief is VERY limited in how polysolids work in different views. You cannot even resize a polysolid in many instances. I want Chief to fix this badly....
  4. Although, so you know I made a poly-solid in elevation view, made (two) holes on both "sides" of it and it worked fine. I was curious myself.
  5. If its a hole then why does it matter what side? Can you show what you are trying to do?
  6. In Chief a "deck" is also a "room" - I know that can be confusing. Make sure your "room" elevations etc are correct. That could be your issue.
  7. I've just manually filled those in with slabs or poly-solids before. Not ideal but its quick. I could be wrong, but I think if you set your "basement" level as an actual level then that goes away.
  8. In the terrain dbx under "general" you can set your 1st floor (0') to any corresponding elevation height you have in the model. You will then probably need terrain elevation region or something to control specifically the building pad elevations. Unfortunately, Chief's terrain tools aren't very easy to control in my experience.
  9. Actually, even just pulling the main ridge back and then re-connect fixed the issue.
  10. Joists rarely end/start at room definitions so im not sure how Chief would handle that. From a practicality standpoint you'd have to have either a bearing wall or beam at every single transition - which Chief doesn't currently auto-place (and with good reason).
  11. MC - good question. You are right, a serious limitation to the shelve tool.
  12. Perhaps I am not following what you want....couldn't you create the joist as you normally (auto if you want) would and then select the few joists under a specific room and increase their widths as they sit? I just did a quick test and it worked....
  13. I'll try some of these ideas and report back - thank you guys for the responses.
  14. If you see my example of the same wall sections, notice all the extra lines that show through the window trim etc (which is a "cross section")....on the clip section its exactly correct. Is there a way to control this at all? All those extra lines in places they shouldn't be on the cross section is frustrating to deal with constantly.
  15. Here is a quick example. The first version is a "section line" (red arrows what lines shouldn't be there) and the second is a "back-clip". Is there a way to get the clean line-work the back-clip offers? This is just one 1/2 of a window section, and having all those extra lines to clean is a real PITA.
  16. The problem when I do that I no longer get the "clean" reverts to being just like a cross section...meaning a bunch of extra lines crossing over each other.
  17. When you are in 3D view can you see everything "on"....that is what I would double-check....perhaps when you go to the 3d view some of the layers are turning off?
  18. Not sure about anyone else, but I like different features between these two tools. I like the "back/clipped sections" for their clean line/fill production at the wall intersection but I would like to see items past the cut as we do in the "cross section". Does anyone know a way to get both?
  19. Does anyone have the problem when you hit undo it reverts to another annoset? If no one knows what I am talking about ill do a video to show this happening.
  20. johnny


    English - I wish this was a feature like in every other CAD/3D app....i find this a major pain.
  21. I could very well be incorrect, but you may need to lower your roof planes for the size rafter you have. Id select the roof planes and lower by the calculation correct to get your birds-mouth dimensions you want. Essentially your baselines need to be lower for that (2x8?) to seat correctly on the top plate. Someone is going to ask you post the there may be a better way to do what you want.
  22. There is a glitch that happens in layout with angle dimensions.