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Everything posted by johnny

  1. johnny


    Thanks for help on the first 2. Odd, I never set the rafter depth differently. Thanks for that catch though, as I kept thinking it was a connection issue and couldn't find it. Got me to the point of at least getting what I needed out tonight - I just didn't show the other side in any of my presentation pics (its just preliminary work).
  2. johnny


    So im working on a project where I am designing exterior concepts - however, for some reason I am running into glitches (surface) I can't fix or explain. I've tried to rebuild walls and roofs, check my "connections" and everything I typically do to find problems and these issues remain. Thought I would see if any experts out there could explain some of these. Thanks! Lot 12b.plan
  3. All you have to do is: 1. Customize the label per door. 2. Delete the schedule category "size" 3. Change the schedule title of label to "size".
  4. I dont get it - why not then just edit the label and use that column to describe the door? Maybe I am missing something.
  5. Amen....can I get a hallelujah? Its little things like watching a CA demonstration of what was supposed to be making a CD ready drawing and the lady makes something that not only wouldn't qualify as CD ready but actually is completely messed up. I shook my head when I saw that the other day and realized that is 1/2 the problem - CA does such an awesome job at the eye candy stuff the CD process hasn't improved much.
  6. I have to say, I hear what people are saying about using straight text for keynotes, but i've made so many errors when you go change or add notes - going back and re-sequencing them. That is a true hassle as well. x8 was a great release, but its somewhat inexcusable (i say that joking-semi-serious) we didn't get 1 or 2 general notes schedule ability. I can see that giving us 100% custom schedules may take some time, but giving us copies of existing notes for general purposes would be very easy - again, Michael is showing it can be done now with some effort. What we REALLY need in the future is the ability to set an object or poly label to a call out - and have a note/label that gets reported to the schedule. That would be cool.
  7. So working with cabinet tools now - i have to say here is where Chief really shines - and I was wanting to place a "filler" cabinet. Searching on the forums I found an old thread that said making a cabinet section was the best way to do that. Its from a much older version of CA, but is that still the method?
  8. So if I draw a series of interior dimensions, and then want to align them along the same line (if I didn't pull them across that way to start obviously) I can only "eyeball" the alignment - they dont snap. However, when I draw a completely manual dimension, they do seem to have snap points to align more easily. Tomorrow I will try a video to explain better.
  9. I can't quite get a handle on dimensions inside CA. Manual dimensions seem to be able to snap sometimes, but when I draw interior dimensions those dont seem to have snap ability to align. I've looked for a setting but dont see one.
  10. Unless I am misunderstanding what you wanted, there shouldn't be any way that you can create an as-built 3D model on one floor and your proposed 3D changes on another - that just wont work. Unless you just wanted 2D work...
  11. I have to agree. Its one thing if we are talking about something the App doesn't do and we can find a way around it, but its another thing if the App clearly can handled something and there isn't any good reason the workaround is required. Michael demonstrates well that Chief has all the note/schedule abilities it needs - but someone at Chief just needs to give us the ability to make user defined notes without any work-around.
  12. As Alaska said PDF - but keep in mind you should probably print to PDF from Layout if you didn't fully realize that.
  13. We have a nice (Arch E) large format HP in our office I think we've used 2-3 times in the last year. I worry about the print head drying out from lack of use. Our staple has been an Epson wide format (17x22) 8 color(?) printer that does all our presentation work. I love it. We used to have a KIP CD set printer but decided to let clients pay for their own printing at Kinkos or other "blue-print" shop. Space and time-saver.
  14. Is anyone using macro's to track CAD details and subsequent call-outs in layout? I've noticed that cross sections/elevations can actually input the layout sheet into their callouts - so I am curious if that can be done for CAD details?
  15. Check under your defaults, dimensions, story pole you will see what you need.
  16. Yep, thanks Glenn - and thanks for the skype on this issue. You're 100% right its a new feature.
  17. Where do we report bugs we find?
  18. I watched David's video, and he did the best he could with the information he had. However, the key is the large hip that needs to have a valley into the gable. You can do this with Chief, but your model needs to be further along before anyone can substantially help you. To me, it appears you have a "bastard" hip condition in that the side hip pitch is much greater than the "span" hip condition. The gable appears closer to the "span" pitch, which causes the separation that becomes another run and valley back into your gable. There is subtle complexity there which is going to be tricky, but can all be done with CA. The window in the hip will be an issue to work through, but you can do it.
  19. I opened the file and started to try and help but you dont have enough modeled for anyone to truly help unless someone just makes up the data. Fundamentally I would break out the roofs into main sections and then correct/cleanup the file from there. Place the main body extreme hip in (which you dont have in that file yet, only 1 side - kinda) and then just connect the front gable as if it was a separate roof altogether. You will have roofs intersecting and crossing over each-other to start, but you can then use that info to clean up the file to the point the roof plans. If after doing that you still can't get it then post that file for the help you need. I just dont think you have enough info on what you have done to quickly help.
  20. You will need to clean the entire area up and get rid of the broken walls. This might help - I didn't do the entire archway but you can see where this leads as you can turn off the casing etc. Basically you were trying to shape the walls into an arch, but if you use a doorway it will be clean and easy to control.
  21. You need to check-out ceiling planes and id place a doorway with arch in the attic wall that matches the window arch.
  22. u got it - ur good. Odd walls can change to that without manually setting them, but i know now - thanks.
  23. I've run into this a few time now when I am working through a rough floor plan/elevation concept - where I somehow "break" the wall connections I can't get back - so the floor platform doesn't regenerate. Is there a way to re-connect the walls in a way that it makes the floor platform? force the platform re-build? I've attached the rough plan I am working on now - and its the 2nd floor you will see the perimeter walls are connected but I dont have the floor platform I need. Lot 12.plan
  24. johnny


    Yeah, this is a good video too for a more complex issue. However, the fact we have to go through these steps is a bit much for a simple move command. We should have snaps in all views of nearly all objects - since a user can turn it off on the fly if they want. Chief has snaps but they just need to make it available throughout the app. One step further, they should even have snaps for blocked items.
  25. johnny


    Ill try that - thanks.