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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I do this all the time for issues at all, and very easy at Ozgur suggests.
  2. I agree with everyone on current fix, but the OP has a point about a need for a faster way to get interior wall sections to mask correctly. The way Chief currently does interior wall elevations isn't how the industry typically shows those drawings.
  3. A small timber-frame"ish" production home at night with snow....
  4. Very simple to use the solid tool for this - very quick.
  5. I've had all sorts of issues with visual settings matching what layout shows. However, it all seems to print correctly - so if you make a PDF or send to printer the results match the settings.
  6. When working on a roof structure, should adding thickness result in the roof extending into the living area below? I am working a different elevation for a project already modeled differently expect I am changing the roof structure to something that is going to be much thicker. I suppose I could just raise all the roof plane "z" height, but I feel like I may be missing something having to do that.
  7. In Chief snapping is a bit hit and miss. Michael has shown some work-arounds which work in many situations.
  8. I've used them for a few instances myself but boy they could be so much more helpful with just a small amount of adjustment.
  9. I'm running into this issue often. Michael is right, but if Chief is watching this it would be very nice to have a box window tools that wasn't so I really like certain aspects of the box window tool. As Joey mentions, we should be able to add windows BUT also we should have the ability to copy and paste a copy of this element. It would be SUPER cool if we could save these elements to our Library.
  10. I've had many projects working from 9 beta to release version and not a single could be unrelated to the update even though I know it could appear that way to you. I've made that sort of mistake myself before.
  11. Thanks guys - appreciate the detail info Michael.
  12. Two issues i'm having with box windows id appricate any advice on. 1. Can I really not copy a box window i setup? I want to make a duplicate of the box window and "copy" doesn't work....? 2. I'm curious why on a box window the "front" of the box window attic wall siding isn't showing. I don't see an option for this, and I made triple sure my roof plane above wasn't cutting it. Thanks!
  13. I think you need to make the lower deck a "deck" but then the upper use "railings"....something along that line. Use the post to beam option as well for the supporting structure above.
  14. Actually Chief has a best practices method for this condition that doesn't have roof planes under eachother but rather uses a special ceiling plane. There is a video of this in the library. Using that hat method solves this problem.
  15. Thanks for the reply - I selected "inside" and it simply flipped the problem, but still the wall ends are not controllable at the wall framing layer. Its a bit of an odd problem...
  16. I like to use main layer only options on my floor plans, but why is it that on the end of a wall the selection handle isn't on the main wall layer? This makes things very challenging when trying to quickly align the end of a wall (main layer) with an adjacent wall line. Is there any way to select the main layer only at the end of a wall segment?...and not the finish? (which in my case isn't being displayed) Thanks!
  17. Im using X9 - but after I posted the comment I played around a bit more and realized I was selecting the material region on the lower end and un-checking "flatten pad" when I needed to select the larger terrain model and uncheck flatten pad. When I unchecked flatten pad for the main terrain perimeter it worked as Dermot shows. There is a good chance the OP is probably doing the same.
  18. Id honestly like to get to the bottom of this myself, since I open up the file and do the same thing Dermot said and it doesn't fix the terrain. I even tried the "rebuild" terrain option and that didn't work. How can we all be getting different results?
  19. You are in luck as x9 does this with 1 check box....I am not at my system now but will post later.
  20. Credit Glenn who had posted this in a different thread when Larry asked. ____ Try Defaults...Camera...General Camera...General panel, Perspective View Options...Reflections checkbox. Or in the Camera's Specification dbx on the Camera panel...General.