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Everything posted by jcaffee

  1. I know exactly what Perry is talking about. As things exist, you need to run a solid wall between the spaces and use a doorway if the drop gap is to be filled automatically. But, but, but--then you get doorway finishes in places you don't want them. When using an invisible wall/room divider to separate the drop spaces, then you're left with a visible gap between ceiling planes that you must fill manually. It's a time wasting PITA. jon
  2. Structural Ceilings and Drop Ceiling are two entirely different issues in CA. Structural ceiling are defined and reflected in the "Ceiling Structure" and "Rough Ceiling (E)" portion of the Structure dbx, respectively; while "Drop Ceilings are defined in "Ceiling Finish (J)" and Reflected in Finished Ceiling (F)" To illustrate... jon
  3. Well. I broke that quickly. Back to Win 7 for awhile. But, in all seriousness, that web browser is better than Chrome? What a camel. jon
  4. http://www.knoll.com/design-plan http://www.hermanmiller.com/ http://www.landscapeforms.com/en-us/Pages/default.aspx http://helenyardley.com/ A few more. jon
  5. I'm waiting for Joe to upgrade his Asus G74sx before I give it a try. jon
  6. http://cappellini.it/en http://www.cassina.com/en http://www.dauphin.com/home.html http://elanbydecca.com/index.php That should get you started. I find it best to import 3ds files into SketchUp to adjust color/material faces, then import into CA as an skp file. jon
  7. Use a Wall Material Region in Elevation view to apply the material, rather than the old "Break" method. More flexible. And, what Dennis said; select "Stretch to fit" on the Texture tab in the Material dbx. jon
  8. #rememberwindowsvista #whataboutBOB
  9. Google Translate strikes again.
  10. An aside; set Software Edge Smoothing to "0". Let the video card do the work. jon
  11. Host the file on DropBox, OneDrive, etc., and provide a public link. joon
  12. Most of the free, low-res textures on cgtextures.com are perfectly suitable for use within CA. I like the option for paid, higher resolution versions if I'm working on larger output formats. jon
  13. Trimble 3D Warehouse... https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/index.html jon
  14. Post the plan... even more so with wall material issues. jon
  15. The lights are misconfigured. On the wall mounted lights, adjust light source distance from base to "6" (it's set at "1"). For the ceiling mounted light (not the recessed) adjust to 63 (1 inch below the fixture) or 61 (1 inch inside the fixture). The "black pixels of Doom" are almost always a light fixture/light source issue. Crazy "fireflys" can result from this as well, but are typically caused by a bad material definition or insufficient hardware. Additionally, turn off any lights not used in a camera view. The ray trace will go faster and hunting bad lighting artifacts is easier. jon
  16. A couple Cubby Credenzas z/custom door & drawer fronts included. Thin & Thick framed variants of something modern-y jon JCC Cubby Credenzas.plan
  17. Try breaking your fence to coincide with radical terrain elevation changes. jon
  18. Not sure where you got '14 days', but CA validates every time the software is launched. Maybe if you keep it running for 14 days? jon
  19. The screen is a psolid 60x60x1/16 with the "Y" offset at 2 (to match the intended window frame). The screen material is the CA default set as 3x3 on the texture tab, as 3x3 gives that hazy "screen" look from a distance.
  20. Here's a screened sleeping pavilion using pony walls, jalousie windows and screens applied as "blinds". jon