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Everything posted by jcaffee

  1. Really impressive on the CA shot. Is that X7 or X8 Beta? jon
  2. Tech help systems have evolved from those yabba-dabba-doo days of yore, where a printed manual was the users only resource for info. Fast forward to the 21st Century; contextual help systems are all the rage! Right-click/touch any part of the user interface and/or work file, and as if by magic, the user is presented with text and pictures of how that element is s'posed to work. So, the fact that the answers exist in a dated format just reinforces gaps in the overall development of CA. A PDF file? Really? How is that leveraging the power of a computer to ensure endusers are delivered relevant information in a rapid manner. It's time to shift those 1997 gears into 2017 for X9. Now I'm stressed and need to go take another freakin' Nitrostat. jon
  3. I use Joe's second method, psolid for water and Terrain Feature(s) for bottom composition. I think the folks at CA missed the hydrodynamics part of their physics class. jon
  4. Scroll. It's not getting "cut off", it's just not visible. Scroll to see the rest. jon
  5. Yeah, they're original to an 1880s house. I ended up modeling w/mulled fixed. jon
  6. Has anybody made a triple hung window symbol they'd be willing to share? See attached. jon
  7. https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search.html?q=Drinking+Fountain&rsi=sbis&backendClass=entity
  8. That is not a budget. For instance, I am replacing laptop hardware this year, and I have a firm budget of $5K for total hardware costs. I then get the best specs available on the day I order within that $5K budget. So Terry, what's your budget? jon
  9. Chris, yes, I do almost everything on a laptop now--almost. So, the more umph I can muster, without burning down the house, the better. jon
  10. On this Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for Scott Harris' Kiosk video in the SSA video library that instructed me on properly modeling a multi-tiered roof. Attached is a ten-plane pentagonal "onion" roof. And folks wonder about the value of SSA. jon
  11. I'm on month 54 of a 36-month tech lifecycle with an Asus G74SX. It is getting replaced with the Dec 3rd release of the Asus G752VY-DH78K. jon
  12. I thought it was only zetta3 in the "kit~&" variant? jon
  13. DJP just did a new video for HD users, but it works in CA... https://youtu.be/wQ9Yy4Nile4 jon
  14. Use the soffit tool. There's video somewhere. jon
  15. My mistake. You need to create short foundation wall segments (about three panels on a steep grade) separate from the fence, then break and drag the new foundation walls. jon Step Fence with Foundation.plan
  16. If I remember, I did "break~n~drag" in elevation view. It's been a couple or three years, but I will try to find the plan and post it later, as I'm landscaping--again. jon
  17. Have you tried breaks in your fence/wall? jon
  18. Having a checkbox to "Skirt Terrain in View" in elevations/cross-sections, would be very handy. Otherwise, just blacking out foundations is very easily accomplished. jon
  19. Nice job Alan and Ross! Here's a bit of dockside tranquility out of CAX7... jon
  20. They're trying to lure me out into the open with the promise of professional networking and cheap drinks--fat chance. Seriously though, professional networking is not a bad thing. jon
  21. I believe the default toolbar configuration places the menu on the bottom of the User Interface. jon