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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Yes, I do remote training. When it comes to training, I think the most important thing to teach is how to work with ANNO, LAYER AND REF SETS and how to set up the SAM/TEMPLATE method. I believe whoever I teach will get the most bang for their buck if this is taught first. If I have teach someone how to draw a wall or a roof, which I can, is really stuff that someone who is truly interested in learning how to use CA can learn on their own...... to a certain point. I recently read that someone (I think it was Terry), was having a difficult time drawing a wall..... jeez.... Perry, you and I know that when we started using CA 11 years ago, we learned how to draw a wall in about 2.2 seconds...... I took a lot of remote tutoring from at least 5 very experienced users...... and I do not think they were able to teach me something where I said... "eureka!!! I get it". If they had taught me ANNO, LAYER AND REF SETS and how to set up the SAM/TEMPLATE method...... I might of said "eureka!!! I get it". I know we all have to start somewhere, however I have a feeling that most new users think they only need 2 hours of training...... it ain't gunna happen. The ANNO, LAYER AND REF SETS and how to set up the SAM/TEMPLATE method is the most important info anybody can learn. We do workshops every month or two, and we all know how little we actually learn, however what we learn in these workshops are very important bricks in the wall. There is just too much to learn that to believe the learning process takes 1 or 2 days is not realistic. For you guys that play Bridge, you know what I mean, It it a lifetime learning process. I love it when some DIYer says..... "I have done a the hard work, I just need somebody to put it together so I can pull permits". I bet there has never been a DIYer who has produced a preliminary set of plans that does not need to be reworked from the ground up..... and I am not even taking into account any possible redesign considerations. Excuse me while i step down from my soap box......... oops..... I tripped again getting down from the soap box.
  2. Here is a tip, do not count on one on one training in the same location. It will not work. You might think it will work, but I guarantee it will not work EFFICIENTLY. My suggestion would be to find someone who will do remote (i.e. ON LINE TRAINING). CA can do this for you and there are also users who will do it with you. Do not count on one on one training in the same location.... if you do not believe me, ask if anyone has successfully completed one on one training in the same location/room. One final tip, 20 hours of one on one training will not be enough. It is an on going learning experience. I think 16 hours of training would get you up and running with the basic "how to get started", but the best place to learn is monitoring this site...... an option would be to utilize CHIEFTUTOR.COM. or CA's tutoring. In-person training will not work efficiently.
  3. I noticed the bed too, very nice.
  4. I do not agree with this statement.... I think........
  5. I think you are correct and JC is mistaken.
  6. That is interesting. Is that a bug? I never use "group similar objects", makes it easier to identify duplicates...... besides...... I think each door should have a unique label ...... it seems like a 2668 door whether hinged left or right somehow gets grouped as a duplicate door even though the swing is different.
  7. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ceS_jkKjIgo I post this at the risk of offending someone.
  8. You would be a real knucklehead if you do not accept The Great Glenn Woodward's offer.
  9. Here is my info... hey wait a second, your 'puter is better than mine. Model Name: iMac Model Identifier: iMac14,2 Processor Name: Intel Core i7 Processor Speed: 3.5 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 4 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 8 MB Memory: 16 GB Boot ROM Version: IM142.0118.B13 SMC Version (system): 2.15f7 Serial Number (system):* Hardware UUID: 833D271F-7E8C-5F8F-B489-5B408BA31431 I am not having problems.... I don't think I am. Who did you talk to over there at CA? BTW, if I know what I am talking about, and I probably don't, but I have a NVIDIA card and you have an ATI. Haven't I heard there are issues with ATI cards?
  10. No problem here I had one crash moving a wall. I kept Sierra on my computer too much trouble to go back to El Capitan.
  11. Maybe when I spend some more time exploring bump maps, we can get together and share ideas.
  12. ditto, Cannot imagine using X1...... the version I started with...... was it me or was it the program? I have a feeling it was both that was causing the problem.
  13. Perry, would you mind posting a small plan with the grass and bump map you are using? Thanks
  14. That is the reason. If you do not like that, disconnect the railing at the perimeter, do the shift-a, and then reconnect.
  15. for some reason, I do not have permission to view attachment. Anybody else having this issue?
  16. Thinking about this some more, I am not sure if either situation is behaving as I would expect..... DJP might have a point when I think he suggested dropping the roof plane down...... I am not sure..... I have not tested this enough...... but a good question......
  17. Such an interesting question. If I had to guess, you built your roof planes with TRUSSES checked. IOW, you built a truss roof system and not conventional roof system. See my pic, the roof on the left is a TRUSS ROOF SYSTEM and the one on the right is CONVENTIONAL FRAME ROOF. If you look at my ROOF STRUCTURE DETAILS DBX you will understand what the structure is for both roofs. If you post your plan, I would be interested in finding out how you defined your roof structure.
  18. Oops, I guess it is not okay to post crappy renderings here. No problem Jintu.
  19. I completely agree with you. I do not have the time nor do my clients want to pay extra money for "perfect" renderings. In the past I would spend a lot of time creating the "perfect" ray trace renderings..... lots of time and lots of money. I now provide "crappy" renderings for my clients and they love them. I spend 4 seconds per rendering, I prepare as many as 25 renderings for my clients and they love them. I appreciate any tips on how to accomplish this. So please, post your "crappy" renderings on this site..... but only if it is okay with Jintu.
  20. I think some of us describe renderings as "crappy" if the rendering was rendered entirely within CA and if they took less than 3 minutes to create. I think it is valuable to be able to compare different renderings so we can compare if it is worth the time to create a "perfect" rendering. Jintu, is it okay if we post "crappy" renderings on this site or should we post them elsewhere?