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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I think this stuff is so new, I doubt the cities have figured out how to deal with it. I have one in the works right now..... I am not sure how this will work out. I know my permit service was not aware of it until I let them know. It's all new..... BTW, if I owned a home on a street, I do not think I would want every house on the street to be able to add an ADU. The parking would be a problem. Luckily, I live in a condo and we cannot add on to our homes.
  2. Well, you are welcome, I am glad I was able to help.
  3. I do not use auto dormers either... waste of time for me. I build them all manually. I do not think there has ever been dormer I could not build. i have done multiple videos on how I build them.... if you can find them.... I did them a long time ago.... they might be on youtube, type in DORMER VIDEOS BY DSH and you might find them.... who knows though.... If you want me to show you how to do it, I will do a gotomeeting with you if you pay me for my time.
  4. Do you understand that there are a multitude of methods to build what you want. How do we know how you did it. Why don't you post the plan and you will get more answers than you want. I think I am getting grumpy in my old age. Just post the plan.
  5. I do not think you can have two terrains in one plan.
  6. I will give you a tip. If you post your plan, you will probably have 5 guys helping you with an answer. If you do not know how to post a plan, do a search, it has been explained many times.
  7. I think I have it figured out. At the risk of being a pooh pooh head, this is what I think. I just reviewed the video on the new stair features. It all looks super.... if you are a DIYer. This video is a great example of what I have seen for the last ten years. Really neat stuff if what you want fits in a prescribed box. I do not think I have ever relied on these "quick" tools. Maybe good for a quick presentation as I sit in front of a client. But these are not the kinds of stairs that I build 95% of the time. The question is, if we use these quick "tricks" how do we now modify/manipulate the features to create what we are going to build. As I and several others pointed out in another thread, our stairs typically but into a side wall that is roughly 6" above stair nosing and then we have a handrail on top of that. Just to be clear, for me what I just saw in the video are superficial features. I typically "get by" with the features we have now, I suppose I would like the ability for greater customization. I think I was quite clear in another post I made in regards to what would be most beneficial for me. "OUCH, who through that tomato? Ooof, that brick just broke my nose, Hey, stop shooting spit balls at me"
  8. Are you guys in the same or different universe than us?
  9. Group select all of your walls, open dvx, note that some are defined as non room def, uncheck that box and you will get some rooms.
  10. I suppose if I am at a site, and I know I want to take a picture for a spherical backdrop, I must learn from what direction I need to begin when taking a panoramic picture. IOW, do I need to realize my front of my house will be at the bottom of my page, therefore, I must begin taking a panoramic picture facing the direction the front of my house faces and then taking a 360 degree panoramic picture...... maybe I just answered my own question. Does anybody use panoramic backdrops and if so, how do you guys do it.
  11. Have you guys figured out how to add a SPHERICAL BACKDROP and then control where the beginning and end points of the spherical backdrop begins and ends relative to a given point on plan. Let me rephrase that, if you import a spherical backdrop, can you control where the left edge of backdrop is relative to a camera view. I first asked this question many many years ago. So the question is, can you do it?
  12. Here is a question.... Why can't we draw a straight set of stairs... and then put breaks in each side of stairs and shape it with arcs and splines... whilst the steps conform to the perimeter shape of stairs.... and why can't we define the minimum stair tread depth at a point a give distance from the edge (for curved stairs.. and then select a line segment of the stairs and define the rail configuration, whether it be open or whether it has a FRAMED PONY wall adjacent... and then why can't we define what kind of rail is on top of that segment and then why can't we define how many EQUIDISTANT stringers we have in that segment with the size of the stringers... I have never been able to have FULL CONTROL OF FLARED STAIRS..... I fake it.... this is stupid..... everybody complains about it, let's fix it... Here is a challenge to CA, put on a workshop and be able prepared to show how you can build a set of stairs based on your client's(me) requirements. We have to do this all of the time with our clients.... I understand CA is working hard trying to make the stair building process better, however I think they may be taking the wrong approach because we are still complaining. Final note, I do think it is a difficult task, but I bet those guys at CA can figure it out.
  13. Joey's stair is such a mess, I am not sure if I could recreate the mess he has. But I bet I could come up with my own mess. I agree with Joey, stairs are not easy to work with. However I will not abandon the program .... if I did, I would probably be jumping into another programs mess. I wish CA would post pictures of all the different stair configurations they can build, (without a huge workaround), and then show us how they did it via a video. Here is a question...... how many CA vids have you seen that show how to build the many different stair configurations? Let me be specific, see attached pic....... 95% of my stairs look like this..... a handrail on a short framed pony wall........ I can do this..... but it ain't easy. It would be super if CA wold do a video on how THEY WOULD TO IT, I have already done a video on how I do it (not easy). And here is the kicker..... if CA can build it, can they control the height of that pony wall above stair nosing easily? When we build these things what must be kept in mind is can we control all parameters of the build.
  14. I have seen the problem..... I think that was a post that I blew up on and said a bunch of nasty words. I had quoted somebody, changed my mind, could not get rid of posted text, I got mad, I quit CT, reopened, same problem, said a few more nasty words, and somehow figured out to get my point across. Yes, Larry, I have experienced your problem.
  15. Here it is again sans floor joists. Again, the walls with a finish on them are not on their native WALLS NORMAL LAYER, the second pic is where I put them back on their native layer. Not sure if I like this behavior.
  16. I am not sure if I helped or if I muddied up the situation.
  17. I apologize, you are correct, I should of said ORTHOGRAPHIC FLOOR OVERVIEW, not the FLOOR CAMERA, my bad...... I use hot keys so much, I forget what the different titles are. If you can not get it to work, let me know and I will do a quick video showing what I do. Easy Peasy. BTW, I like the way you are using different colors for the stud walls, nice. Here is a pic of what I am talking about...... however, if you look closely, some of my wall still have a finish on them...... and some do not....... hmmmmm... I wonder why.... look at the third pic, you can now see the studs t back wall.... I put this wall back on the DEFAULT WALL LAYER and suddenly the studs show up.... interesting . Point is I took a ORTHOGRAPHIC FLOOR OVERVIEW and then changed layers.
  18. If I am not to getting my releases mixed up, I think you will be very happy with a few other features. And to let the cat out of the bag, there are two independent macros by users who I am finding invaluable, especially for power users.
  19. Looks great. BTW, for that view, I take a floor camera shot AND THEN SWITCH TO FRAMING LAYER. I take that shot all the time . Never had to create new layers, I just had to make sure correct layers were on.
  20. The Alaskan comes up with another great answer. I am not sure if this is very important. What would you want the default material to be? When I create a psolid, there are any number of materials I might want to use. I say it ain't worth wasting any time on..... whatever your default material will be, 90% of time I bet you will change it.
  21. I have not tried rebooting, but I too have experienced coping something from one plan and trying to paste in another plan and it not working. I am not sure if it is a MAC issue, or a CA issue, or a DSH issue.
  22. Either make your stairs narrower or the stair opening wider.