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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Okay, I am on X9 and mine does not look like Jenna's....... I think I am starting to get a complex.
  2. so..... there is not a default for this? I would like to be able to take a camera shot and Jenna's ambient occlusion, here bump map, her.... errrrr.... what ever else she was talking about was there. I do not want to take a camera shot and then need to open up the camera dvx. I think Jenna's dvx is different from ours, maybe she is already working on X10........ hey Jenna, what's going on Sista?
  3. Bill, you do not have AMBIENT OCLUTION in your dvx..... se my pic, Jenna has it....
  4. Where is JENNA'S full camera DBX? Thanks. I am not sure where I have been, but I sure wish Jenna would go into more detail.
  5. If you use a single note page, I get it..... but.... for me...... I put the electrical legend on two pages, first floor and second floor I put the wall legend on all floor plans, if I need to add a wall type, it will change the legend at all locations I put the framing notes on several pages, the upper framing and the lower framing you get the idea, not a deal breaker, but something to think about and I suppose the a big deal would be the fact that all of my notes are tied to the PLAN FILE and not tied to the LAYOUT FILE. Both methods will work, we just need to realize the pluses and minuses of each system.
  6. Steve, this was a great question, I think we are talking about 3 methods: SAM NOTES IN LAYOUT LIBRARY METHOD With the SAM and the NOTES in layout, the notes are there from plan to plan. With the LIBRARY METHOD you must bring the notes in everytime...... so I don't like the LIBRARY METHOD. That leaves the SAM and the NOTES IN LAYOUT METHOD. I use the SAM and it works, Perry uses the NOTES IN LAYOUT and I assume it works........ I wish there was someone who has used both methods and was able to explain the pluses and minuses of each system. I might give the NOES IN LAYOUT METHOD a go..... just so I can see if there is an advantage. One thing to keep in mind is it must be easy to quickly update the notes.... as I think about it, I think both methods would work..... advantage to the notes in layout would be there was less info in plan (smaller file), ...... oooppssss, I think I might of figured out an advantage of the SAM........ suppose you wanted the WALL LEGEND on several sheets, with the SAM you are using the same CAD DETAIL for each view in layout, therefore if you change one, you would change all of them. If you use the NOTES IN LAYOUT, I think each note would be unique, so if you used A PARTICULAR NOTE on several pages, I believe they would all be unique (not good), with the SAM, if you put the same note on several sheets, the are all the same (not unique), therefore if you change one, you have changed it on all sheets........ WOW, I think I figured out why the SAM is better than the NOTES IN LAYOUT METHOD........ the ball is in Perry's court,.
  7. that's a good guess, I never use the floor camera, I am not sure why someone would use the floor camera.
  8. Why don't you post the plan and you will get an answer in about 37 seconds.
  9. I downloaded these but I could not find them. Why is it so hard to find this stuff. Wait, I just found them. These were created by the Great David Michael, I think it would be a good idea to credit David Michael for these. Brian did a good job of explaining how to use these and yes CA could do a better job of incorporating these into there standard door options.
  10. You do not understand how to do this. I have done multiple vids on this. Do a search for MRLS VIDEOS BY DSH. Review the vids or someone else might pipe in and give you some input. But your request is very legitimate..... however a warning, CA does not give you the ability to have multiple ref sets for a particular plan sent to layout. You are on the right track.
  11. Thanks for bringing this up. I agree with you, I do not understand why the wall is also dimensioned. I suppose I have just lived with it, but it should not be the case. Would you mind reporting it?
  12. Brian, this is a great question and topic you have brought up. Using fills and transparencies as Perry has suggested is a possibility. Also, when CA gives us the ability to assign a "LEVEL" for everything in plan may help in what you want to do. Also, being able to control whether the fill is on in some views and not others (as you suggested) is a great idea. For us old-timers, this has been a thorn in our side. In the old days I would probably do a video on the possibilities, but I do not have much time these days. A very good topic you brought up. If I am not mistaken, there are other programs that deal with this issue very well. I am not sure if it is possible to deal with this in CA effectively for all possible scenarios.
  13. This is a great point and has been discussed before. So Let's talk about it again. If you delete it from computer #1, it is deleted from all computers... correct? Okay, if I delete it from computer #1 on Monday, it is gone from all computers.... but... but ... but.... on Tuesday I realize I deleted a file that is now gone from drop box and all computers... so how do I get it back? If I have paid a little extra for something that DROPBOX offers which I believe is called PACK RAT, can't I contact DROP BOX and restore files that were on the drop box on the previous Saturday.
  14. pretty dumb of me...... I do not see it, GIA, would you mind posting a screen shot..... Larry, my MAC works like GIA's, thanks Joe for the macro, however I use the label in layout and I do not want to see the 1,386 character path.... it's never been a problem since I claim I know I am doing...... usually I know what I am doing....
  15. obviously I did something wrong. No worries,
  16. Richard, it is Interesting you should say this. There was one time that something happened.... on on particular job....... I was so upset I kicked a hole in the wall and then ignored it and somehow things worked out. I am not sure if I was able to attribute the problem to the SAM. I would not be surprised if my latest plans origination was from a plan I worked on 8 years ago..... the original SAM template. I know CA says not to do it, but I did and I have and I continue to use it. One day I may start from scratch.
  17. That is the down and dirty solution... it works. I model my terrain to fit the building,,,,,,, a little bit more work, but when you get the methods down, easy peasy. Note in the attached pics, I have modeled the terrain as it will be built. Note the dirt you see WITHIN the building perimeter. Not super important, but I like to model the terrain as it will be build in lieu of taking the shortcuts...... both methods work, pick your poison.
  18. Can you believe it, he offered me supper, not dinner. My Mom is English, we eat supper at her house, everywhere else in the USA we eat dinner. I hope you are FRENCH/Canadian, if so, I would be that supper would be awesome. I hope to take you up on your offer sometime in the future. Here is my take on the SAM: PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 This is stuff I originally did about 9 years ago, but it still holds up.
  19. I just watched Larry's new video. If somebody did not follow Larry's method, let me know and I will give you my take.
  20. I do not think Larry did a good job with his video, I know what is going on and I was confused with his video. If you could follow it, super, I will try to do a video of my version of the TEMPLATE/SAM method before I leave the office today.
  21. I think if it is "live" it wants to update constantly which slows things down. If you have a hot key, you can hit the hotkey and in 43 seconds all elevations & sections etc. are updated.
  22. I completely agree. 1 template or SAM.
  23. I do not use this feature because of the limitation...... which was my point in the beginning. I do not like it to be view specific. Why can't it be line specific? Why can't I have a line length be in feet and inches and another line in decimal feet? It's really not a huge deal for me, there are bigger catfish to fry.