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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Yeah Michael, I know..... But that requires so much more messing around that you soon get bogged down in details.
  2. Michael, I know you are "in love" with the "switches/toggles" but IMO using the line_weight or any other "graphic" attribute is a kludge that will only complicate things. I did that a couple of years ago with "Roof Planes" to create a table showing the areas and pitch of every Roof Plane in a project. It works, but if just 2 Roof Planes are assigned the same line_weight the data in the table will be incorrect. I've also used the line_style for other cases but that can only work with Chief's built-in Line Styles because the name and attribute don't match. In addition, none of the current attributes or Global Variables provide for differences based on the Layer Set.
  3. This is true of all objects that have Labels. It would be really nice if the Labels could be assigned to other layers. AFAIK, the only way to do it currently - even with custom macros - is to use a "referenced" macro (text with leader line).
  4. Jeff, The meaning of the word "Architect" is "Master Builder". But for some reason today it's frowned on for an Architect to be a Contractor.
  5. I hope so - only time will tell. There a lot of things I've asked for but I have no idea when they might decide to work on Ruby.
  6. BT, Try this: 1. Create a PSolid 2. Marque Select and Block it (Architectural Block) 3. Assign the macros to the Block Label 4. Change the Layer of the Block 5. Add to the User Library and name the Library Object. Now whenever you place that Library Object on a Plan and that Layer is displayed the macro will execute.
  7. It would be even better if there was a LayerSetName available to Ruby. Then the Room Macro could just check that to determine what to display. We wouldn't need the extra macros on the Plan to determine what to show.
  8. The problem with this is that Labels are on separate Layers from the Object and you can't change the Label's Layer. What's really needed is something like this: Main Test Macro if $RequirementsShow == true result = "TOTAL SF - " + owner.internal_area.to_s + "\n" result += "VENT REQD - " + (owner.internal_area * 0.04).round(0).to_s + "\n" result += "DLO REQD - " + (owner.internal_area * 0.08 ).round(0).to_s + "\n" result += "FINISH: " + owner.floor_finish_name + "\n" else result = "" end result It needs to be placed in the Room Label. You will need two other objects (with labels) located on the specific layers to set the $RequirementsShow variable. There's no guarantee which macro will execute first, so to get it to work you may need to refresh the display (pan/zoom). Architectural Blocks have Labels and the Labels will only be displayed if the Block Layer is displayed.
  9. The Chief Architect Premier software will create drawings of almost any size you could want. The Home Designer Pro software is limited. There is a big difference between those two. You should go into the Chief Architect site and review the capabilities.
  10. Check to make sure you Video Card is still in control. I have from time to time seen Windows Update reset the GPU to the on-board graphics.
  11. Did you build "Wall Framing"? You need to do that on each Floor.
  12. Simple answer is to just use a Rich Text Box placed on a unique layer. Better yet, change the Label of the Layout Box when you send the Plan to Layout. There are ways to use macros to get the Floor Number and adjust it based on the Level. I could provide you with a couple of macros to do it.
  13. Sometimes when the OS is updated - the Graphics is set to the OnBoard Chipset. I don't know if this is true with the MAC, but it happens with Windows PCs. When that happens I just go into the NVIDIA Control Panel and reset it to use the NVIDIA GPU. Maybe that's what's happened to some of you MAC users when the OS was upgraded.
  14. Terrain Specification - Building Pad
  15. The Terrain elevation is the key. Create it on Level 2 and set the elevation to about -8.5'
  16. Hanna, You will need to define a Terrain Perimeter and set the Elevation in order to get the Foundation to build properly.You will need to manually create the Foundation under the extended areas at the First Floor. You also need to set the Foundation Type correctly and change the Basement Exterior Wall Type to Concrete or CMU. Other wise I don't see a problem.
  17. Click on "More Reply Options", Browse to your Plan (Make sure it's not open), Open, then "Attach This File".
  18. The only way we're going to be able to help is if you post the plan. BTW, what version are you using?
  19. Some of us put the Foundation on Level 0, Basement on Level 1, First Floor on Level 2, Second Floor on Level 3, etc. This is my preference for a finished Basement situation - especially for a Walk-Out Others use Level 0 for the Foundation and the Basement, First Floor on Level 1, Second Floor on Level 2. I think that can complicate things.
  20. I think those are always just 1 pixel.
  21. You should ask questions in the Q&A Forum. This Forum is where people post their Tips on how to do something that might not be obvious. But to answer your question: It's not going to be easy. You will need to create a series of 2D Molding Profiles & 3D Molding Symbols and add them to a Molding Polyline. You will also need some additional Symbols for the ends and for the "Lintels" over the windows. All of the above would probably be easiest to create in SketchUp but they could be created in Chief using a variety of Solids and PSolids.
  22. In the NVIDIA Control Panel select Configure Surround, PhysX PhysX Settings Auto Select (recommended)
  23. It's in the Wall Definition. "Foundation to this Line" set to the sheathing.
  24. There's no way to do this currently. What exactly is "Toned"? You can however edit the "Comments" field in the "Components" dbx and that will appear in the Schedule. Note that if you subsequently edit the Cabinet the Comment will be removed and you'll have to enter it again.