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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. I've personally done that type of thing by building a roof for the lower layers and then building another higher roof on top of that one for the upper layers. Can be done fairly quickly using Copy/Paste In Place and/or Transform/Replicate.
  2. They are all a bit of a hassle and there is a lot of manual work no matter what you do, but bear in mind that there are several different methods a person can use to deal with the little patch area created by the rectangular window hole including... -Simply patching with polyline solids -Using a symbol that is NOT set as a window, using material regions to cut holes in the wall, and manually editing framing. -Using polyline solids for the exterior wall layers. -Using multiple thinner walls and using material regions to cut holes in the walls used for your finish layers. - Maybe using a no room definition wall for the patch. ...the list could probably go on. I'll try to make a video if I can find a little spare time.
  3. Just about to head out the door, but in brief... No, a window symbol is not a collection of 3D solids (although it can be), a symbol in Chief is more or less the equivalent of what I understand Revit families to be. The way as person would create a window symbol in this particular instance (what I would do anyway): 1. Place the window in a wall (probably easiest to do in a blank plan). 2. Use the Delete Surface tool to delete everything except the window (probably easiest to do in an elevation view which produces less surfaces to deal with). 3. Tools>Symbol>Convert to Symbol 4. Check Add To Library and Under Symbol Category select Window. If you realize additional surfaces need to be deleted, just place the window in a blank plan and delete additional surfaces as necessary (could be done in an elevation view or a perspective view). That should at least get you started.
  4. Yep. I thing they've probably been feeling the need to compensate since, oh I don't know, around January 3, 1959
  5. I'm sorry, I have to admit that I didn't watch the video I just opened the plan, so you may have explained just fine. Anyway, I see what you're saying now. Delete everything, draw 4 walls and that setting is automatically checked for some reason. Draw 4 more walls off to the side though and they build correctly. I agree, the plan has become corrupted one way or another. EDIT: After reading Glenn's explanation a little later in the thread I realize that "corrupted" is not the right word. The plan has just become affected by your previous room settings (i.e. the room settings stick even after the room has been deleted). Read Glenn's explanation for why this behavior exists. The sticky settings make good sense to me now that I understand the reasoning.
  6. To clarify what Joey is saying, that label size is controlled via the layer settings. Specifically, the Roofs, Labels layer...
  7. Larry, your defaults are fine. The problem is that the 1st floor room is set to Monolithic Slab Foundation. You must have checked that by accident at some point. And in my opinion, the fact that the room settings can override the foundation settings is a very good thing. It allows for us to use auto foundations and have different foundation types in different areas. Not non-intuitive at all IMO.
  8. I would just make one using an image.
  9. There's actually a lot more weird things than that going on with that plan. I noticed that setting as well, but the thing is you can get the attic walls to build correctly even with that setting. I don't recall the exact situation where this happened, but in addition to the faulty attic walls, the persistent attic walls, and the behaviors you, Jerry, and some of the others mentioned, I had dbx's that were responding incorrectly as well. Did you try building a normal structure with normal wall settings and then auto building the roof? Also, try copying and pasting that plan to a blank plan and visa versa. Very strange things indeed. Oh ya, in my experiments, one other thing that fixed the roofs for me in at least one instance (don't remember if it was the existing roof or the one I added)...using Edit Area and rotating the plan.
  10. Look in the Project Browser>CAD Details and I believe you'll probably find what you're looking for.
  11. Sorry Perry, I think you're wrong and that you're giving bad advice this time. You're claiming something is fixed when its not and therefore the underlying issue will never get addressed. The last thing I want is bugs hanging around because a user is told that the problem is in the settings when its not. Granted his settings may not be right, but they're not the cause of this particular issue. Not sure you actually read my earlier response or not, but all you essentially have to do is open and close the attic wall dbx and the problem goes away as well. Also note what happens with auto roofs and what happens with attic walls when you delete the roof. Regardless of how it can be fixed, I believe there is definitely something wrong with that plan and it should be sent in to tech support.
  12. Do you look at the pic I posted? That was an auto roof in your supposedly fixed plan. I'm usually the guy claiming its user error and that there's no problem when done properly but I'm pretty certain you are mistaken and that this plan is buggy.
  13. All design flaws and general construction critiques aside, it only takes a matter of seconds to seemingly "fix" the issue at hand but the plan is still broken. Even in your fixed plan look what happens when you build a wood structure off to the side and automatically build the roof... Please send your plan in to tech support Mark.
  14. No offense, but as a builder and designer I would strongly recommend you reconsider that roof design entirely.
  15. I thought you were in pretty good hands here so I wasn't chiming in, but curiosity got the better of me after I read Larry's response so I decided to take a look at your plan. I actually spent quite a bit of time with it and I can't seem to figure out why its misbehaving either. Its very strange and I think you should report it to tech support. I can tell you this...All I have to do to fix the attic walls is open them (easiest to just go to attic floor and group select in plan view), click okay, and then click yes at the prompt and all is well. One other interesting side note that might help tech support figure out what's going on. If you delete the roof, there are still some very persisitent attic walls that stick around for some reason. They're nearly impossible to delete. Seems very buggy to me.
  16. How could it get any quicker? Its just a window with the proper settings.
  17. This thread is probably worth a look... This is one area where Chief could definitely use some work. Its all doable but this particular task is a bit of a pain no matter how you look at it.
  18. Edit>Default Settings>Dimension>Temporary Dimensions... Select "Locate Wall Surface" and "Locate Both Wall Sides"
  19. I use Snagit. And I actually didn't realize we were talking about resizing text until your second to last post I thought we were just talking about resizing the schedule box side to side. Anyway, having said that, you are correct. The schedule can be blocked, resized, and exploded. It just needs to be done with the corner edit handle (I missed that part the first time). It also works using the dbx so long as the size factors are equal. Thanks for the pointers Jere and Chop.
  20. Oh no, can't get text to resize like that. Chief doesn't work that way. Even using the block and resize technique it isn't working. Notice that the schedule is no longer live and that you can't explode the block to get it live again without returning to its original size (Size factors of 1.00 and 1.00).
  21. Chief has had problems with displaying horizon lines like that for a long time. Report it to tech support, the more of us that report it as a problem, the more likely it is to get fixed.
  22. There must be. Not sure what it is though. I hadn't really played with it much...just in passing, but I tested again and realized I don't even have to hold down the control key to get no jumping using the 2 outside handles. Strange.
  23. That's strange. Works just fine for me. Note that I said it only works when "using one of the 2 outside handles" .
  24. Check out the videos Chopsaw mentioned for some ideas, but in brief you can... -Customize toolbars -Customize toolbar configurations -Customize hotkeys All 3 have their own unique benefits.
  25. At least 2 ways you can do this... 1. Block the item, open it, and on the General tab check "Treat As One Object" and under "Include In Schedule" check "Cabinet". Make sure your cabinet schedule is set to include Other under the heading "Objects To Include". 2. Place the object into a blank plan, Export 3D model. Then Import 3D Symbol and select Cabinet from the list of categories.