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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Should be pretty easy. It's not exactly what you've shown but this is just a real quick example made just to show you that it's totally possible. I just built a standard roof and then added 3 ceiling planes (2 sloped and 1 flat). Not too difficult...
  2. You have a rouge roof plane. Hit Control + A and follow your selection box up about 1,000 ft.
  3. I would actually recommend you build a very basic niche... no trim, no finish, no nothing, And then use an actual cabinet and slide it into position. Not only is that exactly how you will be building it but it will also make it very easy to include it in your cabinet schedule.
  4. Hahahaha You get a point for that one.
  5. Not trying to make any kind of statement here, I'm just legitimately curious... Why would a person want to export anything as DXF? Is there a particular instance where it's the only option or a better option?
  6. Make heavy use of the Help Files when questions arise. You can usually find the answers you are looking for within a few minutes and as a bonus, you will usually learn something else new in the process as well. Pay for some professional training if you were having a tough time figuring things out. I've seen time and time again where people spends hours, even days trying to muddle through things that could have been easily cleared up in a few minutes in a one on one training session. After the above two things, I would recommend you watch some good training videos as the need arises. Last resort should be this forum. It's great, but it should not be your go to source in my opinion.
  7. I must be missing something. Is it really just User A and B or are there users C, D, etc. You only mention 2 users and 2 licenses but if that's truly the case, there would seem to be no point in switching licenses back and forth. Are you perhaps not telling the whole story?
  8. Depending on exactly what you are trying to show you can also simply put the garage door on its own layer and just turn the layer off.
  9. I'm sorry, but I think this thread is an exercise in futility. There is no one size fits all settings that are going to work for every situation or for every user and especially not for both. This has been discussed so many times over the years its ridiculous. The end result is pretty much always a thread with 500 posts and in the end, the only people who really learn anything from it are the people willing and able to put in both the time and effort to really understand what all the various settings control and to both learn and test various ray trace settings, lighting settings, lighting placement configurations, material settings, material usage, north pointer settings, sun angle settings, etc. etc... and various combinations thereof.
  10. I've never heard anybody use the term cornice molding with cabinets before. I assume you're referring to what we would usually call crown or cove molding around these parts. Is that common on the East Coast? Anyway, I'm not sure what your problem is without seeing the plan, but if I understand correctly, it is working just fine for me as well. Only thing I can guess is that perhaps the cabinet is backed up against some kind of interior wall...maybe where you have an opening?
  11. I'm not sure what the problem is. I opened in X7, hit Auto Exterior Dimensions and this is what I got... Seems to be working just fine to me. Dunno what ta tell ya.
  12. With me it's not necessarily about saving time and certainly not a lack of professionalism. Its about showing whatever is both necessary and useful to efficiently and accurately communicate the relevant information and to do so in such a way that places focus exactly where I want it...Sometime this necessitates leaving out certain walls or details, ESPECIALLY if they... A. Distract from the desired focal point. B. Actually cause an obstruction to the desired views. C. Would take an unreasonable amount of time or resources to model ACCURATELY. I'm a big proponent of drawing things accurately for the intended purpose or not drawing them at all.
  13. Edit>Default Settings>Plan>Snap Unit
  14. If it's the extra line in plan view that you're after, consider just giving your foundation walls 2 main layers... All live and auto except for the Auto Detail fills in the elevation view. There are 2 wall fills automatically generated due to the 2 main layers. I just selected them both and clicked polyline union.
  15. Gene, One thing to be aware of is that Chief no longer requires a pony wall to do this. This brick ledge can be automatic for for stemwall foundations now.
  16. Like the guys above said, it takes no time at all to draw a few exterior walls; however, I also recognize that there can be very good reason not to draw unnecessary walls as they can be misguiding if they're not accurate, distracting, and they can just get in the way. A couple things to think about... You don't actually have to enclose a room if you don't want to. Just draw the necessary walls and start dropping cabinets into the plan. Easy peasy. Set the height of the walls by changing the default ceiling height for your current floor or by resizing/reshaping in elevation view. If you want to show a floor and/or a ceiling but don't want all the other walls, use invisible walls for the ones you don't otherwise need. To get rid of the ceiling, just uncheck "Ceiling Over This Room" in the Room Structure tab. Hope that helps.
  17. Rob, It depends on WHAT you're using perspective crop mode for. I don't know of any way to make that setting "stick", however if you're using it for purposes of zooming in on things, you can set "Scene Clipping" numbers down to at or near zero under you General Camera Defaults... This will allow you to zoom in without walls or other surfaces getting cut back, and if you need to zoom with more accuracy, just hold down control while zooming in. If you're needing perspective crop mode for something other than that, sorry...can't help you.
  18. I'm still not back to the office yet Larry, but are you possibly sending your CAD details to layout as images?
  19. No, I wasn't talking about your use of a CAD detail for the site plan. I too think that is a totally legit method well worth considering for anybody. I'm a little surprised when people rip on it. Actually, what I was talking about was what Joe said… Copying the CAD and pasting onto the layout sheet. I'm going to have to check out what you are talking about when I get back to the office though. One of us is definitely missing something though.
  20. Thats a new one to me and prolee why I couldn't see the problem. I don't think I've ever done that. I didn't even know anyone did that.
  21. I must be misunderstanding something. Why can't you simply use one layer set for the first view and another layer set for the second?
  22. You bet. You can assign any hotkeys you want. Those are just one example.