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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Select the dimensions you would like to be in front and Cut/Paste Hold Position (Control+X followed by Control+Alt+V).
  2. Good morning Scott, Here's a quick crappy video... By the way, 2 other quick notes before I turn my computer off for the day... 1. I'm not sure why you didn't have any framing when you opened the plan. It was there when I opened it back up. Weird. 2. I also posted another plan for you back in post #44 that had auto framing turned on. Maybe have a play with that one too if you want. The layers are upside down in that one too by the way so I'm going to go back and fix it. Sorry, I wasn't really paying too close attention to that. I was really just trying to show the ability to change joist direction.
  3. Yep. Draw one yourself or get one from the manufacturer. The cross section detail is going to depend on the specific product being used...otherwise I suspect it won't really be very useful.
  4. When I said "material" I was referring to the framing material dimensions (2x6 ceiling framing).
  5. Advanced search still doesn't work, and I'm not talking about a specific part of it. I'm talking about the whole thing. It doesn't seem to work AT ALL.
  6. Yes, I am aware. See if you can make the joist direction arrow match your dropped ceiling material though.
  7. Slightly different order but same basic process. I just built my framing first and then placed the joist direction lines. You placed your joist direction lines and then built framing. The biggest difference is that I had auto framing turned on. Whether it was intentional or not though, you bring up a very good point. If auto framing is turned off and we build one then the other, we no longer need to place the second joist direction in a different room... Multi-directional framing.plan
  8. Agreed. Except that being able to control the 2 planes separately may actually be the bug. I'm afraid to report it in case they fix the wrong "bug".
  9. I thought I already showed that except that they weren't at an off angle. How's this... Diagonal floor joists.plan Yes, I just used 2 joists direction arrows. Check out the plan. Its a little tricky sometimes and it may not always work because I think it requires both joist direction lines be placed over different rooms (even if it's just a very small area)... P.S. It seems to work best if you define the larger main floor first. Just make sure to place the joist direction line outside of the dropped ceiling room. Place the joist direction line for the dropped ceiling area second. After initial placement you can the readjust as necessary.
  10. I haven't found this to be the case. What I have found impossible to control though is the label of the joist direction line...
  11. Yes you can. Just set it as a room divider or another wall type set to be nothing but a gap.
  12. Yep. Been discussed ad nauseam but in a very small nutshell... Revit...more expensive for full version, way overkill and much slower for average residential projects. More powerful though if you are doing a lot of commercial or complex/highly "modern"/free form residential. Sketchup...cheaper, maybe slightly easier to use for some things, but requires a crapload of plugins and add-ons to do what Chief can do OOB. Also slower IMO when comparing completed 3D models and 2D output apples to apples. AutoCAD...Really a 2D CAD app even though there's a 3D version. Kinda spendy for what you get but it still seems to be the standard for a lot of drafting shops. I think this is slowly dying though and unless you're already heavily invested in it or working for a company that requires it, I see no reason to start down that road. A lot of us use one or more of the above in addition to Chief to either supplement capabilities or for different projects. Chief is a good program though and I personally think its probably the best software out there for average to mid range higher end residential. Especially for smaller shops. And although a lot of guys use multiple software platforms, I think Chief really can do just about all of it.
  13. You bet! Actually on closer inspection, I think that particular one is actually exactly the same as "Flux Architect" least the upper case letters anyway..
  14. I don't think you'll find any way to get that SHX font outside using AutoCAD. These aren't exactly the same and they dont have the same sketchy multi-line quality but here are another couple alternatives to Chief Blueprint, Flux, and Graphite Light... And here's one more that's kinda interesting but its all caps only...
  15. Without seeing the plan, it's hard to tell fro sure, but if you can't get it figured out otherwise, try changing the overall height of one of the stair sections by maybe just 1/16" so that the 2 sections are no longer identical. They have to be identical in order to automatically wrap.
  16. Hey Mike. Here's a quick video with a few tips that may help you out.... and here's another one I made a while back that also has some decent tips in it...
  17. I'm not sure I really follow with a lot of what you said Mark, but regarding this statement... "Got incorrect result when width<9' and included 3/4” (1.75 read F3xx; 3.75 read F5xx; until 9”) Tried a bunch of stuff, read about rational, value.ceil, value.floor (have to re-read all that a few times, don't get it exactly but finally figured out they did not refer to the default room Eventually changed (value.ceil +1) to (value.floor +1) and everything works fine. I don't understand ?" value.ceil is simply rounding your value up to the nearest whole number and converting it to an integer. value.floor is simply rounding your value down to the nearest whole number and converting it to an integer.
  18. 3 ways... 1. Use macros created by Joe, myself, or others. 2. Create your own custom macros 3. Just create your desired text box in plan and send it to layout using a very small layout window. You just have to make sure your text box in plan is in a nice and stable position.
  19. I can't seems to figure out the difference between these 2 Ruby object attributes... visible_length and perimter Do any of you happen to know what the difference is...if there even IS a difference?
  20. I think most people have entirely missed the point of this thread. Here is the original post... I think the goal was to encourage OUR direct participation in the form of trying to influence these various manufacturers by directing them to Chief, not to simply suggest which manufacturers we want.
  21. Sounds like you either need to change this setting... or adjust that orange color so that its a little darker than what you have i...till it crosses the threshold from "white" territory into "black" territory.