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Everything posted by TeaTime
Make sure your framing layers are checked to generate Framing
Point to Point Resize / Retain Aspect Ratio Check-Box is missing
TeaTime replied to Kellmoo's topic in General Q & A
didn't exist back then - have to do separate horizontal and vertical resizes. -
Huh, as far as I know that should work the same - make sure "Evaluate" is checked and Context is "Owner" ?
It has no number because it's not linked to that schedule, likewise with the Volume column. If you select the Note there's an Edit button on the bottom toolbar to "Create Note Schedule from Note" - that'll make one that inherently includes that Note type. That schedule should have a Volume column to include (so long as you added one to the selected note)
Sure enough - that break between two roof planes won't allow the dormer any higher. This gets more complicated but you'll need to manually cut those two roof planes. Select and Explode that dormer, you can re-use it's roof planes, but the Hole it made needs to go. Dormers are on Floor A, hole is on Floor 1. You'll need to manually break and shape out an area from both planes. It's gonna get complicated though because having two pitches means it can't be a straight V shape, it'll have to be broken into a pentagonal shape. Something like
Yeah, technically all schedules are the same. A "note schedule" is just set to include notes by default. Custom Schedules are just not set to include anything automatically so you can do whatever you want with em.
Sorry correction -- its not the same for both because Callouts can't be in a Schedule which is why Rob said he uses Notes. Use Notes. Place a note in a room, open the Note, add a "Volume" field and set it's field value to %room.volume% Place a Note Schedule and add the Volume column
Yes sry it was Rob that mentioned Notes. But same thing for both--really anything that can be in a Schedule will have Object Information where you can create custom fields for.
Schedule columns are based on the information the can gather from the objects the schedule is set to include. If the Schedule only includes Notes, then only Note information can be gathered and displayed. Open a Note spec and you'll see Object Information has a Custom Fields section.
Then it's hitting something else - it's hard to tell in that screenshot if there's two roof planes in that space? Dormers can't span across two planes. If there is, then that's the problem. If you attach the .plan file itself then we can see it and not play whack-a-mole on a forum all day
Of course. All roof heights are a product of width and height. in the dormer dialog, on the Walls panel you can set the width of that front wall, and on the Roof panel you can set the pitch.
No worries. Yeah that message means that it just doesn't fit. Though it's usually something like this But even then, a dormer totally CAN fit within that space, if it's shorter/smaller. Open it and decrease the wall height - that's how you'll achieve that style of dormer anyway.
A few questions regarding the dormer tools - are you using Auto Dormer or Auto Floating Dormer? What's the error? There are several possible so just knowing that it's generating "an error" unfortunately doesn't tell anyone much - need the details. Again, need details. what's happening when you do? They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but whoever said that wasn't talking about Chief Architect -- post the plan and we can see what's happening. instead of guessing. What I'd probably suggest is to use an Auto Floating dormer, even if it errors you can open the Dormer box that appears and modify wall height, pitch, etc. So if it's erroring because it doesn't fit, then you can shrink it down - but they normally shrink to fit. Just need more details to know why it's failing.
Now the real question is who replied first? Gotta know who won!
The little touch buttons in the lower left go in and out as well. This looks like classic "z fighting" to me, chief often has issues when two surfaces are right ontop of one another. I'm actually less surprised that it's happening and more shocked it hadn't been happening all along. But if it was fine in X15 before this last update, then maybe something they fixed ended up breaking this - you should probably send it to support.
That view doesn't look like PBR. I'd guess video drivers need updating or rolled back.
Side windows aren't toolbars, so Locking them has no affect on this whatsoever. As for the sizing, I assume there's something with the new Library Browser, but I can't say as I've encountered that myself (can't stand them stacked like that, myself)
Not at all. Tracing a PDF is a little more useful than just printing it and using that as reference. DWG/DXF is literal CAD data that you can snap onto.
He nice work actually trying it!! I'll just be over here with my tea.
It's been a while but I feel I've encountered this too - I'm pretty sure it's a hard coded thing for some reason.
@Renerabbittyeah I was curious about Space vs Escape in two ways: why one vs the other, but also just why in general. I figure maybe he had his reasons, but I'd skip it, myself. re: not needing Home/Del - yes, indeed as long as your text is selected, just start typing. With that, Ctrl+A can be avoided too if your paranoid about something misfiring and selecting everything, Tab/Shift-Tab will change focus off and back to the Search field with everything selected.
Well that's darn strange. But hey at least you're not deleting everything anymore! I wonder if it's something to do with Library layout? Or just something weird with the Library in general - I've found just now that after I moved my Filter Results panel, I can no longer Tab to it. Restart Chief recently??
Ctrl+L is the same in Plan vs Layout so I can't imagine why it wouldn't work exactly the same. That's a pretty standard command string too, so it shouldn't be any different than just manually hitting those keys (unless there's some weird timing issue as a result of being on a Layout, somehow). Obviously if the Library is closed when running that, then naturally Ctrl+L x2 will open then close it then Ctrl+A/Del will nuke everything, but just simulating that process I'm not seeing any sign that the browser somehow isn't recognized as being already opened after switching to a Layout. One suggestion I'd give though: Ctrl+A/Del has a pretty high danger potential, as you've demonstrated if the macro misfires that's pretty catastrophic. I'd replace Ctrl+A, Delete with Home, Shift+End, Delete - unless you've customized them, Home and End shouldn't do anything outside of a text field. So at LEAST when it fails, you don't lose anything, you just don't get a search. Also out of curiosity why lead with Escape and not Spacebar?
Absolutely, open up the Customize Toolbar dialog and just click n drag 'em. You can drag them within a toolbar or onto new toolbars, just be careful because what you CAN'T do is drag a button off one toolbar and off to make a new toolbar. If you drop it somewhere else it just removes the button entirely.
Sure can - right-click it in your User Library and choose Edit CAD block. In the Detail page that opens, go to the CAD menu, CAD Blocks, Add Insertion Point.