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Everything posted by justmejerry

  1. You referring to wall detail view or? Make sure layer is on in active layer display options.
  2. Post the plan for a good answer. Could be many things but we'd be guessing without seeing the plan.
  3. If you open the fixture dbx you can specify offset from ceiling. Just enter the distance to underside of solid from ceiling.
  4. Sometimes we want the software to do everything like the old school paper and pencil in all views but that just doesn't happen. There's always some editing in "custom" situations. If it could do everything how we perceive it should be done then I would have more time for fishing lol.
  5. I only drew up plan to see if moulding would work just as Eric did. I agree it doesn't look correct with the way Chief chooses to show mouldings in plan view. Why they show max area it occupies instead of profile is beyond me. I would just create a second exterior mouldings layer and use simple polyline to show the 45's and turn off original if this type of window was plan wide. The bucking wall method doesn't produce a 45 line either. I think it all depends on what original poster is using for wall structure.
  6. I am assuming you mean the bevel of the wall? Several possibilities if so from moldings to p solids.
  7. I was playing around with this a bit. I had some success using a 2 wall system and using mulled doors from Marvin catalogue with a doorway in wall directly in front of unit. Might be something to try. Post a plan to see what kind of walls you are using, it is workable just details in layers and thicknesses.
  8. No problem, thanks for attaching your plan, made it easy to find.
  9. Check your wall heights in structure dbx. When you have them all the same it works no problem. The main part of the house was off from your default and lanai was at default.
  10. Check your wall layers. As it says it cuts "finish" layers. If the outside layer is part of main layer it has nothing to cut.
  11. Maybe check your snap settings. Endpoint snaps on. Also check your wall layers to make sure main layer is correct
  12. How about a molding line? Just create your own profile for the cap.
  13. Johnny, you have nothing in the structure of the deck, add your joist size and decking.
  14. Richard just create a wall type and select whichever fill you would like.
  15. I agree Michaelgia. Any residential plan I have done has always had dimensions in mm without using the mm after number. Only area of rooms done in square metres to 2 decimal places with decimal not comma. We were taught never to use both for dimensions only one or the other, mm or m...with mm being the preferred or standard.
  16. If you create your terrain before any changes to it you would create a cad detail from view. Display whatever layers you want showing prior to this. In the CAD detail you can select all the lines and put them on new layer eg. existing terrain Once you have your new terrain figured out you would copy and paste all those using ctrl+alt+v to put it on plan. In the picture the terrain lines are different colour, however you would most likely want different line styles for printing.
  17. Cad detail from view on a separate layer should work.
  18. Ben if they call it an immigration tool, Trump will want to build a wall in Chief
  19. When I do metric plan it would be mm. M is usually only for area..2 decimal places. cm never used.
  20. Sean, I did a mock up and tried this and had no issues with the mouldings. Perhaps post the plan and we could see if we could re-create the same. Alternatively you could create a symbol of the house and should be no issues then.
  21. As Larry said check roof plane in defaults dbx as well as the framing dbx.
  22. Try changing Color Off is Color to Grayscale in Chief preferences maybe.