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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Apologies for not getting back to this sooner, busy week and I wanted to do a bit of testing here, to try and figure it out, so I used EDIT AREA to paste the Mudroom into a new Plan ( attached if anyone want's to Play ) and it is related to Base Cabinets as Dermot mentioned * , it however does NOT only apply to Base Cabinets Below the Countertop as was also my assumption , if the Custom Countertop is "touched" , ie top, sides, etc, by a Base Cabinet, it will "jump" to highest Base Cabinet , it does not appear to update the DBX heights though which would of let me realize what was happening earlier, it actually seems to set the bottom height as the top height in the case of the height change. ( seen in the 2 DBX images above ) In my particular case, like many others here, I use Base Cabinets for Partitions etc as Partitions will not accept material Changes from Style Palettes, and I had forgotten that my Library of Partitions and End Panels are really Base Cabinets for this reason. As you can see in the Images below, it was fairly clear what was going on once I used the Base Cabinet Defaults to set the Base Cabinets to Tangerine , just moving different elements around like the middle Partition , soon showed the top being touch caused the issue as did the Countertop touching the End Panels , though this didn't happen 100% of the time. ( Watch the snapping perhaps? ) at least not on further testing this morning. The Fix is simple enough, I was just curious why it "seemed to happen at random" , so thanks for the replies. Mick. Base Cabinet Test.plan
  2. Thanks for the confirmations , I knew I wasn't the only one experiencing this , but thought they had been working on a fix since it started in Beta , so I had not reported it since we got the Full Release. I have not experienced any crashes with this issue , but when you spent a lot of time, sending a large project to Layout it is decidedly annoying..... and a waste of time... You did better than me Susan , I couldn't get a screengrab , so had to do the short video.... Mick.
  3. I thought this was a common Issue , which started with X13, but I was told yesterday T.S. is not aware of it , though I am certain others have mentioned it here on the Forums, so I thought I'd get a consensus here before reporting it, as at this point I don't believe it is my system or Videocard ( RTX 3080 ) Yesterday's report , was that it is happening on a 1080 and TS has suggested he get a new Videocard.... This is a link to a short Video I made today while Sending to Layout and Saving Elevation Views https://www.screencast.com/t/OR12Yci6 Mick.
  4. Doing some layout today so made this short video for you to checkout what happens on my 3080.... Feel free to send Taylor the Link too. https://www.screencast.com/t/OR12Yci6 Mick.
  5. Ahhh... this happens even on my 3080 and is mentioned in another thread , I am surprised T.S. is not aware of this Issue..... you don't need a new card then cos it won't help with that. Mick
  6. Maybe worth looking locally 2nd hand in that case , bound to be Gamers Upgrading if you are lucky. EVGA will allow Warranty transfers to 2nd owners.... Mick.
  7. CA has always recommended the Nvidia Gaming Cards like the GTX and now RTX 2000 or 3000 Series , as CA does not take advantage of the extra Hardware in Pro. Cards like the Quadro's or now newer A-Series. However other Software can and will ...if you run the likes of Blender, or Eng. Programs etc. etc Check out the List of Programs supported by by Nvidia's Studio Drivers (vs Game Ready) for more examples. Mick.
  8. I am a bit surprised to hear that he thought a 1080 was not sufficient for x13 , especially if you don't plan/need to use the RTRT Views, as my 1070Ti seemed to have no issues with X12. ( I have a 3080 now ) Mick.
  9. That went right over my head then ...but No one is a Wall and the other is a Full with bottom pulled off the Floor..... Thanks for trying Rob , starting to suspect it is me , though I do remember someone else saying something similar.... Mick
  10. Yes all 5 cabinets the countertop covers are Base Cabinets, maybe it is just the sequence I am doing things in ? or some other way I work, as I can't reproduce it , so have not submitted a Case as yet , as I have a feeling it is something I am doing as it is not happening all the time or just in one plan. Mick
  11. Anyone else seeing the weirdness with the Custom Countertops, but I haven't been able to reliably reproduce the issue as yet, but when I drag it out to the full length it has a habit of snapping to the nearest object above ie. the Ceiling or and upper cabinet if there is one. (Pic.1) It seems sometimes the "Get height and thickness from Cabinet" toggles do not work properly (Pic.2) and you need to untoggle them both and set it manually . (Pic.3)
  12. NVIDIA Game Ready WHQL driver 496.49 version and SD driver 472.39 version released. These are Modern Drivers (DCH) for newer system and support Win 11 as well. GEFORCE GAME READY DRIVER (GR) Version: 496.49 WHQL Release Date: 2021.10.26 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 Language: English (US) File Size: 831.22 MB DCH Laptop GR: https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/183365/en-us DCH Laptop Studio (SD) https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/183368/en-us DCH Desktop GR https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/183364/en-us -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Older Standard Type Drivers for older Systems STD GR 472.12 https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/180555/en-us STD SD 472.39 https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/183367/en-us Mick.
  13. Unfortunately it appears Dermot is right about the critical feature called "Extended formats TypedUAVLoad" not being supported on the K5000, and if ( No Forum Sig. - see mine ) it is a laptop? it mostly likely is not upgradeable , be sure to check though. Mick.
  14. just FYI , that issue is not just you and happens even on my 3080 system, and 2070 Laptop ( see Sig), and I am aware of several others, with the same Issue, where the screen goes black/flashes for a sec. during the Send to Layout process. Not sure if it is Astral or the current Nvidia Drivers but has been pretty consistent in X13 so far. ( no crashes though from this, still see the odd crash in Older plans while turning a 3D camera though. ) M.
  15. Some Images of what you are after is always helpful.... ie is it a bifold that Opens from above counter height to act as a pass through etc... M.
  16. Did you search the Forum ? 'cos I believe there is at least 1 thread on the forum about Sheds, in which I may have even posted a example Plan for a Shed on Skids with T1-11 siding... Mick. ** found it easier than I thought
  17. Unless they are in a Pair or there is no other possibility, I prefer to to stay 30" or bigger if I can. Personally if there is room I put in 34" but some ManuF. class them as special order for some reason, while a 32" or 36" is not. M.
  18. You can change the size of the texture I included above to see if it helps...... eg. double it's size , you can also turn off Retain aspect ratio, and rotate it ( on 45 now )
  19. I only used 4 copies of the image and only flipped them vert. and horz. , you could easily do many more say 12 or 16 and also rotate etc to make it more Random, but it does depend a lot on the original Image.
  20. There are all sorts of Wall Brackets ( Knee Braces) in the Library eg. search Ranch , which I use for generic symbols but making you own is not hard either, then you can just set a General Framing member , sized as a Beam as need on top of them, and then draw a Roofplane instead of the short rafters seen below. Chief has a 4 post lift ( and others) in the Garage Accessories Bonus Library..... maybe good enough? Can't help ya with Blender, sorry Rene is the goto guy here for Blender as a long time user of it... @Renerabbitt
  21. Yes you can turn any Image you find online of a Material into a Material for Chief , Chief repeats the pattern however so you want to make at least 4 copies of the Image in Paint for example flipping them Horz. and vertically so the will repeat more seamlessly...of course if you are a Photoshop or PixPlant User this process (seamless textures ) is even easier. I wouldn't say I am a texture Guru , this is just your image above, copied 4 times and rotate in Paint as mentioned above and then turned in a Material applied as a 1/16th floor finish. You can play with the Material's Properties to adjust the Reflection level , depending on the material Class you can adjust the Reflection or the Roughness ..the lower the roughness the higher the shine. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/38/creating-custom-materials-and-colors.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/83/advanced-materials.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10210/material-properties-how-to-import-set-the-pattern-visualize-in-3d.html?playlist=170 Chief Material : Black Swirl Epoxy.calibz Mick
  22. CS is right , they save to the Library without issues , Chief's Straight Glass Pony Wall is exactly that. If you save/draw ( you can then delete again) them back into your Template Plan, they should also be available on the WallTypes Dropdown for every job. M.
  23. Haven't tried it myself , I don't use Filters, but I thought I had seen that as a possibility reported on the Forum before? Or maybe it was ONLY the User Library was Showing , I'm thinking about ? , after messing with Filters... M.