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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. similar to this...but you will open a New Plan and Paste Hold the DD Plan into it https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02917/rotating-a-structure-or-plan-view.html for the future you should be able to meddle the Designers Defaults and Yours too in dedicated Defaults Sets for each of you linked to Saved Plan Views for Each of you. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01167/setting-up-a-custom-default-annotation-set.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03094/creating-custom-templates-from-existing-projects.html Mick
  2. Was going to be my next suggestion too, as I think you'd need to goto AZ to represent yourself in Court or have someone do it for you = $$$$ M.
  3. It was , fairly easily confirmed by opening plan with Notepad ( can take a while on a large plan) and scrolling down until you find some Human readable Text To upgrade this Plan to X13 you can also Import the Plan Defaults and Saved Plan Views from the X13 Template Plan..... ( you may also need to export the Default Sets and Layersets from the X13 Residential Template and then import them all done in about 5 mins ...once you know how, not sure if there is a Video on that?) Mick.
  4. Check if a Lien is still applicable as in a lot of places there is a stipulated Time Frame to initiate it from "substantial completion" eg 30 days/45 days etc. M.
  5. Not sure if this is a quirk or not but.... Move the Inner Brick layer to the Interior Side and make a 0" thickness Main layer ( Air Gap ) and then on the Footing you can do a MINUS Offset (50mm?) but again a quirk in that chief will raise the footing outside the Wall up to the height of the bottom of the Slab , not the bottom of the Brick ledge. End result is maskable etc in Cross sections easily enough though. Mick.
  6. You can also Screen Grab the other Image and paste into Chief OR use File>Import>Picture> (find your image) > OK M.
  7. I too use their Files to make Chief materials ( they include (AutoCad) Patterns too ) but no true Chief Libraries. (.calibz) so I use the Sketchup Textures. They just updated this info last month..... Mick.
  8. Feature Request made ........ if you'd like to add to it..... M.
  9. Oh wow..... would of thought that was a no-brainer ...... so never thought to make a feature request for it ...I assumed it was some limitation.... M.
  10. I am not sure why Chief can't export the Total Hours though , or export the Duration Hours in a format Excel understands without jumping through Hoops to get the Total...... ***** For those with multiple people on the Team make sure each User has filled in their Time Tracker Options in Preferences, i.e. I use initials. M.
  11. If only that worked.....never has in my experience , they do remove advertising posts when I report them though. M.
  12. If you put it like that I guess so normally in an elevation the solid will grab onto the wall the camera is pointed at ( and be 1" thick or your Default ), you then do any mods needed and then go back to plan to pull it the length of the room ( in this example). You can off course open the DBX and enter the room length if you know it , but that will cause you not to be able to edit it any longer. ( no guesses on how I know that ) M.
  13. I too use the As-Built > Proposed method for most Projects. If you don't have an old revision of the plan where you had only progressed to the Existing building ? ..... one option maybe to stop the existing part of the build reporting to the Materials list and Schedules by removing everything from the Objects Components List (see Objects' Tabs > Components and Schedule) stopping all Materials in those Walls, Rooms, Roof planes etc and Existing Doors and Windows reporting to Schedules or ML.
  14. It appears from this KB Article the Intel 4000 Chipset is no longer supported? though you are also using a 2yr old Driver..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03108/supported-intel-graphics-chipsets.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03151/message-you-are-using-a-video-card-that-does-not-meet-the-software-s-minimum-requirements.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03146/identifying-the-shader-model-of-your-graphics-card-in-windows.html M.
  15. just a reminder to hit F1 when you have a dialog box or object selected for Context sensitive help......... or to look at the KnowledgeBase ( KB) for short FAQs and tutorials https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00009/displaying-the-square-footage-of-a-room.html M.
  16. I don't think that is a supported method, but should work if Chief is open and a plan open......... Use the Library > Import Library Option, off the Menu Bar ( Top above Toolbars) I've never had an Issue and it allows you to select multiple Libraries at the same time.....which are imported one after another if needed. On a side note there are about 430 additional libraries currently............
  17. It has always been that way AFAIK?........ if you look at the end of the object you can edit it ( when you moved camera to right )....but if the camera cut line is "IN" the Object it is not....as shown in your 2nd Video when you need to pull the camera cut line outside the Object ( to the right ). This is likely why with a P.Solid Chief will always place the object 12" away from the camera cutline , unless you snap it onto the nearest wall etc. then it i likely further away. M.
  18. Sounds like one camera has the samples CAPPED and the other is not , new cameras will have this off by default unless changed in the defaults.
  19. Yes........ this is from your link last year...........
  20. Like Rene I wondered if that was STD, PBR or PBR - RTRT too , those look like the right settings but I am not sure that is the camera used in the Image above? M.
  21. They are also two totally different Raytrace Engines which is why they recommend setting lighting and Material definitions and properties for one or the other. M.
  22. Timber Frame Trusses are easier to do with Solids in Chief but the drawback has been no reporting to the ML or Schedule however I think they changed that in X14 didn't they? would have to look into it more..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10109/quick-tip-timber-frame-truss.html
  23. Hi Mark , it would appear none of the roof planes are joined properly in the Plan, eg. overlapping Valleys, etc. and the fascia's are not parallel to the walls etc, so you will typically see these small anomalies if you don't have a "Clean Model". In 3D a Ridge showing a ridge cap tells you visually you have a good join normally as they wont build otherwise, the "fishing rod" is another tell tale the ridge is not joined properly ( likely a piece of fascia or sheathing), my advice is to always start with Auto Roofs ( appears you went manual) which should get you 60-90% of the way there and then turn off Autobuild and make any corrections needed.