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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Check the current matterport thread... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/24954-any-matterport-users/ M.
  2. icon with a T on it on right hand side toolbar , sounds like it is toggled off? M.
  3. I guess you don't have that library then if you still have the old (free) Library it installs and updates fine.... M.
  4. Personally not for me but you might want to put this on the Selling Forum and / or Chat Room instead of buried in a Thread. M.
  5. Thanks for the Heads Up Rich ! M.
  6. This is an easy way to make Materials from screen grab off the Internet, no special software needed........ You will need a different image that the one above though , since it is angled and the grout line can't be cropped out.
  7. I am not sure why you are having difficulties with this Plan and the AutoBuilt Roof planes, as all the RWD ( Roof Wall Directives) for Gables etc appear correct and Wall breaks are in too, only issue I found after deleting the current Roof Planes was the back wall of the house was not aligned along it's length. The only manual work needed is the fix at the shed roof/gable intersection , which involves several breaks and the join tool. ( I am not 100% sure Ceiling heights or pitches are correct looking at pic in your OP ) Mick.
  8. I'd suggest adding a pic to your post so others know what you are looking for since not everyone knows what an "Old Smokey" is, but may just be a regional name ? ( I see you are in Louisiana) M.
  9. This is not SOP for Chief and generally not recommended, but can be handy on occasions and is easily disabled with the Icon on the RH side of the program, ( black grid/red circle) or simply by holding the Ctrl Key ( which I use constantly ) temporarily. It can , as Glen mentioned be a good idea to change the Snap Distance from 1" Default ( Defaults>Plan>Snaps) to the same setting as the Current Dimension Accuracy, though I change it constantly during the Day depending on what I am working on as the Snap distance is also the Arrow Keys "bumping" distance.
  10. Looks like a pretty unique system you have there , and I'd hazard a guess that CA has never tested such a configuration either . M.
  11. That is odd. That's what I was thinking as I read it too..... even a couple of Games I have can't max the GPU ( 12GB) on Ultra settings.... ( 1 screen ) *I am running (3) x 1440p or 2K monitors currently M.
  12. I also use this method , with another "CAD Mask" blocking the view of the Foundation or hatching it depending on the Client. I believe we may have a new choice in the upcoming X14 as we will be able to use Reference View in Elevations too. *Rob's way should work just fine in any situation as Chief will update the Views in layout with any changes Automatically (retaining the white lines) M.
  13. Dedicated Layersets will work as will Saved Plans Views with a dedicated Layerset/ Dimension Default eg Permit 1 , Permit 2 assigned to the SPV you just need to be very conscious of what Layerset / SPV you are in when placing Dims to ensure they go to the correct Layer. M.
  14. It does sound like the Laptop screen is not well calibrated , so call Dell 1st as I'd have thought the AW laptops would have an .icc Color Profile or perhaps it just isn't enabled ?
  15. Glen has your answer/fix, it because the Dimensions will always be nothing less than 8 pixels, no matter the zoom level by default, set it to 0 to force them to remain the defined inch sizes M.
  16. Nobody said anything about the 3060 not working for RTRT , but it has the same performance as a 2070 according to Online Reviews ie. is slower than the better models ..... that is all and as always when buying computer components get the best your budget allows at the time, to ensure better longevity / future proofing. In my own testing between my Laptop (2070S) and Desktop (3080ti) the desktop is *almost* twice as fast on the same scene/camera, however I'd say the 3070Ti is probably the sweet spot for many looking at budget and CA Performance since it is only $50 more than the 3070 , though the OP is looking at Prebuilts in this case. https://www.evga.com/articles/01557/nvidia-restocked-reloaded/ M.
  17. Try X14 , i think I read/saw of some note Changes in the new Version , should be in your Digital Locker if your SSA is Current thru June. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/playlists/173/what-s-new.html?playlist=139 M.
  18. No , you turn that plan into a Template. M.
  19. Then you better provide a pic cos no one here has a clue what you need apparently........ * now included above , along with some editing of text..... M.
  20. Close .......... It moves the Terrain down so the Subfloor is still at absolute 0" AND 12" above the TP...... M.
  21. Actually not the same Solution it turns out, as I had I told you to turn off ALL the Shading in the View , not just that Material's.... I didn't change the material definition Shading, I didn't need too as I had said to turn it All off for Each camera View......... at least that's what worked here and printed to PDF fine as well.
  22. Hmmm I said to do exactly what Rob said to Do ???????? actually a different "Shading" solution Material vs View..... Strange cos I emailed you at 7:30 last night and resent when i saw this post... per the screen grab above....... M.
  23. didn't check ya Email? Vector View Shading seems to be the culprit ...is at Zero and unchecked? as it looked okay here........ maybe it a combo of other things I did then? will send plan back. M.
  24. Really depends on your Budget..... But I'd consider a 3070 instead of the 3060 ---- or a 3070ti or 3080 if your budget will handle it. A 1TB NVME drive instead of 512GB ( twice the size ) ...could go 2TB as well ...budget again.... and a secondary 2TB SSD for Storage and Running backups etc too as I don't see one listed. (or a 2TB HDD to save a bit of money) Something is not quite right as the Intel Z690 uses Intel CPUs and you have a Ryzen CPU listed which is from AMD. M.
  25. sounds like you want Lattice not trellis and it is a Chief material............ Lattice