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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Yes .......DON"T use the Straight Driveway or Road/Sidewalk etc ... Use the Polyline Road/Sidewalk/Driveway .........so you can edit it just like any other closed Polyline....... Mick.
  2. Hi, 1.) you have turned on Show All in the ALDO's Settings..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/34632-active-layer-display-optionlayer-display-off/?do=findComment&comment=269374 2.) Turn on the Demo Wall Layer in the 3D Window's ALDO ( every view has it's own ALDO ) 3.) please do Forum Sig. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 Mick
  3. If the Textures aren't Custom ? ( if they are....Do a Full Plan Backup on old computer ......File>Backup Entire Plan> make Zipfile>Transfer Zipfile to new computer ) If only using Chief Materials then Chief should have them all on the Alienware by Default IF / Assuming you have installed the Core Content Libraries and any/all Bonus Libraries on the New Computer. Mick.
  4. Not always a bad idea , but it is a good idea to set the Snaps to the same as your Dimension setting eg 1/2" in this case , so walls don't snap to strange positions.
  5. I think what you want is the Camera name Correct ? hence I thought %view.xxxxx% may work , which is what the Layout Box Name uses as it's Label so an invisible arrow ( visible below) to the Layout box from the Marker and %label% or %automatic_label% should work.
  6. Creating the .3DS , seems like the easy part once you have the model setup, at least it looks fine to me in TurboCAD as a .3DS Model ( export 3D view with 8.3 truncated names ) but Chief doesn't export the plants and you wouldn't need the Terrain perhaps? OUCH ! Mick.
  7. You're funny Guy Mark * ................but thanks for proving my Point..... * Neal - Mark is one of the resident Cabinet Gurus
  8. did you try %view.name%? or is it %view_name% I use the Layout Label for that...... so not sure
  9. This thread is just Mark and I show our years in Chief ....AND thinking a little "out of the Box" when it comes to Chief's tools. you just need to hang out around here more ....... wait till you see what you can make out of a Base Cabinet I can post the plan if needed ? I just thought you may learn more by playing around a bit with a straight Deck Railing.... Mick.
  10. That seemed important in the OP , I had, like you thought a Custom Panel would work nicely too. And like you , I try to do most everything in Chief if I can ... If I needed more accurate Materials / 3D Appearance I might try adding in the Ponywall like Ryan suggested too . Mick.
  11. You will need that Icon Often, especially in Elevation Views as CA seems to "forget" where you last saved the View..... M.
  12. Modify a Railing Wall as needed........ Turn off/delete the Room and it's Materials ( floor/ceiling/Roof) .... ---- actually I ended up making a Raised Flowerbed Room Type and turned off all those options there instead, for one Click application and you can add the Gate Hinges and Hardware to the Components List if needed too. ( *making the walls No Room Definition should work too ) ---- and the Materials List (ML) is close enough I think It appears to made from pre-made 3' and 5" Panels ? ( to my eye so..... ) I didn't make a Gate or add the Hardware Wire below. and with a bit of additional Work
  13. Only if you are at the Original Computer AND the Images haven't gone missing there too? ( eg an accidental folder deletion or Folder moved ) , which doesn't help if you are at Home vs the Office or on the other side of the Country ...or even Planet..... Like Lew I'd prefer this Was a Preference , so the User can leave it Default ( have checkbox set on ) ie. As Is or we can Check a Box to ALWAYS Save in Plan/Layout , with an additional Checkbox for adding the Image to a Folder inside the Textures Folder ( as CA does with new Material Textures now ) so it can never be lost. ( Optional ) M.
  14. Have you used the Fill Window Icon on the RH side ( or F6 see above ) and if that doesn't work perhaps the Print > Center Sheet tool Mick.
  15. Joe's method above should work ? ............ I can't explain why all the names are wrong in the WD Library though --- a 4 pane 8' door is actually 16' wide ???? * In X14.....actually it seems the WD Doors resize to 9' ok normally , no symbol work needed, but perhaps that will depend on the Door chosen?
  16. Thanks, Larry , it works similar to the Roof Groups setting but is sometimes hit and miss..... Personally I am not afraid to try things like that, as there is always the UNDO Button ( set to 50 min.) ( or I do a Save As Plan to try things on) M.
  17. Material Eye Dropper off the desired color , spray on ones to be changed is likely the easiest......... ( but not recommended for all applications - see below ) https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31850-paint-can-tool-material-painter-best-practices/?tab=comments#comment-250698 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00793/using-the-different-material-painter-modes.html M.
  18. Are you saying that changing the Walltype Definition does not work? at least for No#2 ? M.
  19. Task has a Power Strip I think may work for this without the blocking , a Client had me spec them for an Island recently..... APT Series Angle Powerstrip. PDF : APT Angled Electrical Strip.pdf
  20. Okay had a few minutes to look at this and it seems to work okay with the right settings for me........ ( in X14 at least ) ie the Addition set at -7" as mentioned in the OP ( was at 1.75") and the Pour/Framing group set to 2 ( mentioned above ) in the Addition Room DBX also.
  21. By Default Railings (walls) have this setting ON , so Auto Exterior dimensions do not find them , I am not sure if there are other use cases or not? M.
  22. and there is the step I missed Thanks............ and for the SP too. M.
  23. No, I just thought it maybe worth a try even so..... as CA's Settings sometimes act in unexpected ways.... * see below it does work at least in this case.
  24. Also what I do so the Layout can never "lose" the Image if for example a Folder is moved or deleted etc or I open it on my Laptop vs Desktop. M.
  25. Not after a quick play I had after posting above, but perhaps Mark has some more symbol magic