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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I believe I have heard before from a Client that Interiors does NOT include the CAD Library ( no cabinet glass reflection Lines either ) and had forgotten that earlier but you can create one from an Electrical Schedule ....... Group Similar objects if you have place more than 1 of each item in a Plan , then convert the Schedule to Text and then Block it and save to your library. Assuming of course that Interiors has the above Options Comparison : x14-Premier vs Interiors-feature-matrix.pdf
  2. Then I guess you are not using Chief Architect or Interiors ? but one of the Home Designer Products which is why we ask you to fill in your Forum Signature so we can tell. If I am right you should be over Here : https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/
  3. It's in the Library under Arch. > CAD Blocks > Notes and legends *If you have Interiors , see my post near the Bottom too...
  4. I think it is will depend on whether the Int. Designer needs to actually work on the Chief 3D Model or just View it, a Cost effective solution maybe for the ID to rent Chief ($199) or Home Designer Pro ($59) monthly or even purchase HD Pro ($600) as a more cost effective solution vs totally redrawing the Project in their own software. I am not sure you'd have much luck enforcing a License once the Plan is overseas and it wouldn't be a cheap process either. M.
  5. If you are worried just supply the PDF , the INT Designer can Trace the PDF in their SW to Create the 3D , I import and Trace ARCH. PDFs for Clients and create the 3D in Chief many times a year doing AS-Builts etc, so I'd assume other Software can do similar. I am not sure how well a 3D DWG from Chief Works when exported, have not been asked for that as all my clients use Chief. A 2D DWG export would give them Floor plans only to "trace" which can be a bit easier than tracing a PDF. Mick.
  6. I was simply expressing what I "wish for" nothing else .......... as in .....
  7. * I didn't say it wasn't but it not what I meant or wished for above...... ie I didn't mean the THE ML list but in the ( List of ) Materials .... in 3D > Materials > Plan Materials is where I meant.... I even mention it.... * wow a down-vote for pointing out what I meant............ M.
  8. You maybe right , that's why I wanted to see the Test Plan ......I think the Wall Def. may have an issue since blanks are displaying....? not seen that before... I have 1 client who likes to use Colored Fills on the Main Layer , but with Chief now using the Grey on Grey Scheme by default it wouldn't be so useful or even with colored Fills if printed to Black and White in which case Hatching is likely better.
  9. July 28th, 2022 Drivers NVIDIA Studio Driver 516.93 version. These are Modern Drivers (DCH) for newer systems and support Win 11 as well. GEFORCE GAME READY DRIVER Version: 516.93/ WHQL Release Date: 2022.7.28 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 Language: English (US) ALL Drivers Listed BELOW are of the DCH Type , if you need the Standard Driver Type..... Please visit : https://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us DCH Desktop Studio (SD) 516.93 version https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/191054/en-us/ DCH Laptop Studio (SD) 516.93 version https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/191055/en-us/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Security Driver Update for unsupported 600+700 Series Cards released May 17th 2022 See several posts above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mick.
  10. Sounds like you may need to do a Re-Frame on the Project if Dims are still finding the framing at the Chief Default of 109".... you can set the framing to Automatic so this doesn't happen , just make sure Framing Labels are NOT on as this can really slow Chief down. Mick
  11. Not so much Ghost Items as hidden in things like Defaults for Stairs, (Auto) Dormers, Room Definitions, Wall Niches , etc etc.... but it can be an issue for sure, it's a pity that the Plan's Materials List , doesn't have the Find in Plan Option..... I use the bright color technique too.... 3D > Materials > Plan Materials * Note there are 30-40 Materials in Every Plan by Default. Mick.
  12. See this thread.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/35543-finger-hole/?tab=comments#comment-274255 and this one.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662
  13. Not too hard to make a Door and subtract a cylinder in my case to make the hole, if they are Bypass you will need two symbols with one offset the thickness of the Door eg 1/4" in the Y Origin of the symbol so it looks right in 3D Mick.
  14. If the Pattern is heavy on CAD lines it can slow Chief down depending on Size etc....... a few of us have a freezing issue but I am not sure from your description if the same thing. Let me find the Post...... this thread... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/35265-x14-freezing-or-stalling/?do=findComment&comment=273530 So you can do your Forum Sig. gives us a bit more info and what version you are using so you don't need to type it in each time....
  15. The Cabinet Door isn't all that hard ......... general technique is here........... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5532/creating-a-custom-cabinet-door.html?playlist=87 Old video but I dont think things have changed much..... M.
  16. You may need a short length of each wall type in your Template Plan , off to the side for example, so they are always in the Auto Wall Schedule. Mick.
  17. what Eric said................ M.
  18. Not quite sure what you mean ? you can set a MAXIMUM spacing of 96" but not an exact spacing ....at least not easily automatically ... you might get close if the Deck is built on 96" modules. If you need exact placement let the Railing build Auto without Newel Posts , then add your own Posts from the Framing > Post Menu. Mick.
  19. Ahhh Okay .... chief doesn't have one in the Library but it is quick and easy to make from a 3D solid with the siding applied , and the Solid saved to the Library as a Millwork symbol.................... here is the Plan I did it in, with the Symbol to save to your Library. MHD_Siding Railing Panel.plan PS please do your forum signature thanks, https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 Mick.
  20. A Solid Railing Type will let you use a walltype with Siding rather than using a Panel Railing Type. M.
  21. Hi, There are numerous place to get premade CAD Hatch Patterns Online like CADHatch.com as Chief can use any AutoCAD Patterns onceimported via the Import Menu in Chief. CADHatch even have a free Excel Spread Sheet to help you make your own here : https://www.cadhatch.com/hatch-pattern-generator There is also a (paid) Program called HatchKit available if you need a lot of custom Hatch patterns. https://hatchkit.com.au/ Mick.
  22. Crafty Idea Alan Thanks..............
  23. Only answer from me sorry, you will need to contact Tech Support for a better answer, as most people aren't even being asked to update the view to Layout now like in earlier Versions - most believe it is the way it is implemented now in X14 and not so much as "Bug". M.
  24. Quite true , but that is the way it is now........ I suspect it was done or seen as a way to increase performance issues in Chief. M.