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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. They didn't Officially, that's what Lew has been trying to tell you, he called them this week to get the Transfer Form after the Announcement and they said "we don't do that, never have" ............. which most people here know is not the truth of it at all...... just look at the Offers Forum for past "For Sale" Posts..... or this thread in the Sales Forum..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/33430-buying-used-license-on-chieftalk/?tab=comments#comment-282198 M.
  2. Are you sure ? as most recent Macs I have seen (of Clients) automatically backup the Documents Folder to iCloud by default.... Macs come with Dropbox now I think also? at least my client's had it and the Data Folder was being backed up to it as well. Chief has several KB articles about that and similar Issues with PCs..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03116/resolving-unexpected-behavior-on-a-mac-by-redirecting-the-data-folder.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03125/troubleshooting-error-messages-associated-with-the-program-s-data-folder.html#macOS M.
  3. Tad naïve to think the sudden change in CA policy, (of 30+ yrs?) didn't coincide with the Nov.29th Announcement of the new Subscription Model...... How would that be possible since Chief NO LONGER ALLOWS IT ? ..... M.
  4. I believe you'll actually find this is the other way around ..... i.e. Chief owns the Software and we have only Licensed it's use after buying in ( and paying SSA ). Personally I don't see what this has to do with it ? Has my (work) Truck made me money over the last 10yrs? who knows ? but I'd sure be unhappy if I got an email from Chevrolet next week saying I can no longer sell it because come Jan. they will be selling all future Vehicles by monthly or yearly Subscription only. M.
  5. Correct , unfortunately , but I think it is because Chief only allows for us ( or them) to make certain categories of symbols which all come with a Fixed Layer assignment. For stuff I use a lot for Generic layouts I have a STD (standard) Library of things like Appliances , set to use the Appliance Layer etc made as Joey mentioned. M.
  6. Perhaps talk to support , it maybe a MacOS issue maybe? 1st report I've seen I think of this though there was some issues in MacOS 10.5 , and currently their are issues with graphics on the PC side too with the current Nvidia Drivers. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/known-incompatibilities.html
  7. 522.25 was a bad driver for many ( all 522.xx actually) , did you try 526.86 ? or 526.96 ( both okay here on new plans anyway) I think before the 526.xx series I was using 516.94 from August. https://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us M.
  8. It does not effect me as I will be using CA for a few years yet, but I definitely don't agree with this new Policy if true, as it's always been possible and so is a bit of a slap in the Face to Long Time Users, especially those who have always paid there SSA. I also think Chief should of given all Existing Users 90Days (?) warning to get themselves Organized, finish Projects if needed, and if desired Sell both current (X14) and older licenses, under the current (old?) Policy. Though I'd have thought that there could even be a Tiered Transfer Cost depending on version or some similar scheme in the Future, along with a higher cost SSA perhaps going forward for the new licensees..... rather than the big middle finger to Loyal Users. Mick.
  9. I ran 527.37 GR Driver all today without any Issues but that was in "pure X14" Templates on a new project. So I'm not sure if Older Plans may be related to the issues for some, which was my own past experience. Have not tried 527.56 yet myself , but 526.86 was also good for me. M.
  10. That must of been a new change along with the New Subscription Announcement, as it was never the Policy previously, I guess no doubt to stop a sudden surge in Transfer Sales before the deadline..... but a bit short sighted IMHO. Yes, many did advertise there License with current SSA but it was never transferable, I let many know that myself, most had to drop their price by the cost of SSA is my guess, not being aware of that. Your X14 license is an upgraded License Lew, you've been here longer than me, so if you sold it you wouldn't be able to access your Museum/Restoration Plans any longer, as the license applies to ALL Version/Copies, you can't just sell X14 and keep X12 etc for use. ( having the HW Dongle for X9 maybe different? ) Mick.
  11. They have never allowed SSA Transfer with the License Transfer, but a Transfer of License has never been an Issue in the past ( $50 if you paid full price originally ) with the Official Transfer Form from Sales, however I have not seen any definitive answer as to whether this will still be possible after Jan. 9th 2023. So I guess it is possible that current CA PL's will be worth nothing as of next year, so shouldn't that mean all CA PL Holders get 3yrs? of SSA in lieu ? yeah I'm sure that's not likely..... Not a Fan of this decision either, so am happy I am paid up on SSA, another SW Package I have, sprung the Subscription Model on Users after their BF Sale as well, and the reaction of Users on their Forum and elsewhere is pretty much the same as here, that one I will be letting go as many others are too. Mick.
  12. Currently, as far as I know ( call and confirm) nothing has changed yet, so if you do your SSA or upgrade to X14 now ( no forum sig . so no idea what you are on) your Perpetual License will continue as per before *** as long as you pay SSA EVERY year after Jan. 9th 2023. * There has never been any gain for the End User NOT to purchase SSA every year, as it costs more to Upgrade to the latest version, than to pay the yearly SSA "Maintenance Fee" , and of course you don't benefit from any improvements either. M.
  13. Personally I find it Very Driver version dependent and have never found much difference in GR or Studio, since it the same code base. There are already reports of issues with this driver here on the Forum ( below ) however I am trying the GR version myself ( installed last night ) https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/37398-is-anyone-else-having-issues-with-a-graphics-card-warning/?tab=comments#comment-283266 Mick.
  14. I've been using Nvidia Driver 526.86 GR for the last few weeks with no issues, these Errors/crashes for me were usually in Old plans from X11/12 brought forward. I actually just installed 527.37 today, but I have not used Chief yet. There are supposed to be performance increases in some programs in versions above 522.xx, ( the 525.xx series was not good though for me), so I will keep an eye on this thread and report back if I go back to 526.86. Mick.
  15. Confirm with Sales, with a phone call, but the way I read the FAQ nothing changes for him, and he gets a perpetual License on completing his Rent to own Contract, which means he receives a Perpetual license and continues on with the current SSA Option ( $595) like many of us. ( he could also buy out the rent to own now I guess, though I'm not sure if there is any advantage, though it guarantees a perpetual license before Jan.9th). Mick.
  16. The FAQ is here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/licensing/*** *** Chief has changed the link above to lead to the Upgrade Page now M.
  17. Are you not following this thread Doug? https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/37322-chief-architect-software-licensing-changes-beginning-january-10-2023/ there is also a FAQ here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/licensing/ M.
  18. Do a search of the Symbols Forum......... might have been Joe Carrick who posted it .... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/forum/9-symbols-and-content/ @Joe_Carrick M.
  19. There was a roll-up metal garage door posted in the Symbols Forum at one point. M.
  20. One thing to consider if going 2018 to 2023 is that it may not run on older computers, so look closely at the Hardware requirements and perhaps add you hardware specs to your Forum Signature ( see Ryan's and mine for examples) so others can give you the correct information. M.
  21. Go up a Floor or Down a Floor ....my guess is they are not on Level 1 in Plan View which is the norm. Mick.
  22. The FAQ says that Additional licenses will be $1295/yr after Jan.10th. whether new OR on existing SSA perpetual Licences ( though it sounds like the SSA PL additional copy is still yearly Sub. not Perpetual )
  23. Hard to tell from the pic , you haven't just assigned the wrong material to it have you ? ...looks like siding to me in pic... another thought - have you rebuilt the framing ? otherwise as Rob said you might need to post the plan. M.
  24. Oh I don't disagree Gene, it's a pretty common/normal practice, I was just pointing out what I think is happening, which it seems Jacob has confirmed now, but perhaps we could have a "Do not Auto mull Casing check box" , *or other defaults so the auto-mull doesn't use the mulling defaults which we can't access. M.
  25. I think the Mulling programming is working as expected, and you see what is expected from a "Factory-ganged" window Unit, the Issue it seems is that, that same programming is affecting the Casing when two window Casings "touch", and Chief does what I'd call an "auto-mull" using the same Programming (code) as if we had asked for a ganged Unit rather that casing them separately and need so the overlaps don't disappear. M.