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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Hi Kevin , thanks for the write-up I am sure it will help others , I also have a thread here I update with known good Drivers for Chief if you or others need to check on what maybe a better Driver is you are having Issues here: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16205-nvidia-drivers-updated/ Are you aware of DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller)? it is free and made by Wagnardsoft ( I advise only downloading from their Site) and it not only uninstalls both Nvidia and AMD GPU Drivers completely, but also Intel's now, along with Audio Drivers as well. It's been around for many years, and is the defacto Uninstaller for weird display Driver issues, so you can get a "Fresh Start". DDU Ver. was just released earlier this week .............. https://www.wagnardsoft.com/content/Display-Driver-Uninstaller-DDU-V18059-Released DDU Tutorial: https://www.wagnardsoft.com/content/DDU-Guide-Tutorial DDU Downloads come out of their Forum here : https://www.wagnardsoft.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4224 Mick.
  2. the Windows Photo App should open a .jfif, it's a jpeg or similar...... this is it.......
  3. You need a 1000 Series Card at a minimum now, the 600-700 series are not supported. However a cheaper 3000 Series card like a 3060 will suffice, though a 3070Ti or higher would be better especially long-term. Off course if the boss will go for a whole new system with a 3070Ti or 3080 all the better I'd think. If all those CAD details can be exported/saved to DWG or DXF out of CADVANC99, Chief can import them for example into a "Details Plan" and be sent to Layout from there. Mick.
  4. Just hit me again on 527.37........ chief was lagging in the Library , I noticed PBR View was being used in the Preview and turned it off, and several minutes later it CTD ( crashed to desktop ) and disappeared with no save possible, and so I've lost about 10mins work since the last Auto- Backup. And as previously it is in a Plan started in an earlier Version ( Canvas uses X12 ) , not sure if it related , but seems a common theme for me. M.
  5. This is an unusual look AFAIK, and would make your pages even narrower ... However you can move it all no problem , everything is on the Page 0 - it's all just CAD and text boxes and populates to every page, So Don't put anything on page 0 (zero) you don't want on EVERY page. P.S. you could also ask your local Jurisdiction , what other Page Sizes they accept, some accept Arch E for instance for large Projects. M.
  6. A hashtag works in Chief....... #================================================= # # MACRO EDITED/CREATED BY MICK @ MHD # #================================================= # All Code "found" on the CA Forums and altered to suit as needed # Credits to Eric (Solver), Michael (AlaskanSon) and Joe_Carrick #================================================= # #================================================= #Initalise Macro referenced ? obj= referenced : obj=owner result = ""
  7. My thinking too...so thanks, better put than by me I think.... M.
  8. Sad, but true but it doesn't make it right in everyone's eyes..... really how much would it of hurt Chief going forward to let people like Charlie, Lew and several others I am now aware of, Transfer their Licenses before a known deadline ( eg before X15 release) and gain years of SSA Monies from the new Client and continued goodwill and recommendations for Chief from happy (ex)Clients, the likelihood now is they will get neither. Unfortunately Life must go on and that's what they are counting on.... here comes the next headline ..... M.
  9. Yes, it has ALWAYS been subject to (CA's) Approval, nothing changed there and it has never been an Issue till now, for Anyone to Transfer a License to Anyone Else, as noted earlier in the Thread, one of Ryan's and one of My Client's did a Deal with no problem after I saw Ryan make an Offer for his Client on the Offers Forum. I am the 1st to admit, I don't check the Eula every new version, ( Chief has never sent out a new one or advised End Users of any Changes that I am aware of? , so why would I ? My bad? I don't think so, that's called Transparency ) And since Chief doesn't date them or even label them per version, (legal?) I don't know which Version/Date I was looking at earlier today, so in all likelihood Scott, Mark and you are all right ...to a point .... I am not sure when they added the slippery "Chief Architect reserves the right to modify or discontinue its policy of license transfers at any time and for any reason." ....... or changed the rest of the EULA without telling us. M.
  10. Saving into a Client's Folder is just fine as Chopsaw mentioned, normally I do a full Zipped backup before I start a new revision though ie R.1 to R.2 , in case something is lost or corrupted or some of your work "disappears" as you accidently turned auto (*something) back on without thinking..... M.
  11. Funny, I got down-voted for suggesting that above..... You still haven't said if this is an old plan brought forward from X11 or X12 for instance? that is when I used to have random Crashes. M.
  12. That's what he did , he just accidently called it "Selling" here on the Forum...... a Transfer is selling your license, this he understands.... and he was told he couldn't do it. M.
  13. They changed the EULA on Nov.29th as well to severely restrict all transfers, i.e. to only within the same company etc..... Just compare the current available EULA and an older one for yourself.... almost ALL the language around Transfers is now gone, a whole page as mentioned above is now a paragraph. M.
  14. Yes, nice move Chief, you've removed a whole page from the EULA without telling anyone as well ...... wow.... Both can be found easily still if anyone else wants to compare them.... M.
  15. Yes please do..... but it's not like they haven't had the opportunity already though is it ? it seems now they have lost another of my clients who was hoping to buy into Premier via a Transfer , but he won't pay full price or go Subscription so..... M.
  16. I'd suggest calling Chief and getting the Info direct , but it seems that Chief is now not allowing License Transfer any longer ( since Nov.29th ) , and SSA is not transferrable anyway , ( never was) so their may not be any point paying, if you no longer require it ?, though we should see X15 in the next 6 mths hopefully, so if you plan to dabble in the future maybe it is. Phone Sales / Customer Service / Training: 208-292-3400 Call Sales on Skype: chief.architect.sales Technical Support: Contact Support Fax: 208-292-3420 M.
  17. 1st thing to do immediately, every time you start a new project, is to save the file with the project name..... especially in older Versions like X12 as it activates the built in auto-save and auto archive function for that Plan. If an Un-saved plan crashes or the power goes out etc ...you WILL lose everything.... and have to start again M.
  18. Me either , and I'm not even thinking of "cashing out" , I just think it's wrong , and sets a bad precedent for the future, I am not sure why others don't see this or think it's okay, one of the Reasons for buying in originally and dropping $3K was that if needed/desired, I could Sell (Transfer) the License to someone else. M.
  19. The caveat being you have the hardware to run it, specifically a GPU with RTX capabilities like the Nvidia 2000 or 3000 Series. ( and making sure chief uses it if on a Laptop ) https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03140/forcing-chief-architect-programs-to-use-a-specific-graphics-card-in-windows-10-11.html Good catch on the CAD Ken, Chief has always been slow when it come to CAD , thousands and thousands of CAD lines really slow things down. M.
  20. It sounds like you have left your defaults lights set to 20, change it to 200 , there is no limit any longer in modern versions of chief. ( old limit was 8 with OPGL ) M.
  21. They don't make it obvious in the KB Article, but if you click on the Green Text it is a link to the X8 Viewer Download.... it can open old plans and then re-save them as an X8 Version plan.
  22. Chief is $3295 when not on Sale , not $2395....... ( currently 10% off ) Yes it's always been in the same Range as using your Credit Card ie 20% - 22% , started at 18 months to get a Perpetual License and has slowly gone up as the price of Chief has, to 22 months. But with no Perpetual license at the end of a Rental now , I agree the price should be halved. M.
  23. Looks to me like chief is creating an automatic Cricket, as water would hit the back of that wall, but you can turn off Auto Roof Build and Take over the Roof work manually, but you don't want to turn of Auto until all areas possible look correct as turning auto back on at some point can destroy the manual work done. Different version can have different methods , so best to add a signature so you don't need to mention the version every time.....this will show you how. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 These are some links on doing Roofs Manually..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00441/creating-hip-and-gable-roofs-manually.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/25/drawing-roofs-manually.html?playlist=95 M.
  24. I agree it can be done this way in Chief but honestly for something like this, a few solids multi-copied and turned into a symbol is probably just as fast especially if the Manufacturer has specs or even dwgs online to look at. M.
  25. There has always been a "forgiveness period" , I thought it was 30 days officialy, but have seen 90 mentioned before , however what it is now I don't know , as it seems the policy on Transferring Licenses has changed with this announcement too. M.