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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Hi , not sure where I got this or if it will work but attached is the Volute I have. Apologies to the original author but I can't credit you with it's creation as I don't remember. The forum doesn't allow calibz files to be posted so I changed the extension to .zip so change it back and import as usual. Volute.zip
  2. Win7 on the 275 was crashing on the Nvidia Driver too and then "restarting" which lead me to think the latest drivers are too much for these older cards. It took a while to figure out it was the Nvidia Driver not allowing me to restart from Hibernation , so I had to reset all the time or disable hibernate but it maybe a combo of the Cards and my Gigabyte X58-UD3R , just thought I'd mention it as a lot of guys here have Nvidia Cards ,it seems to come and go depending on the Nvidia Driver version. M.
  3. 335.23 is the latest WHQL Driver actually, it was installed by NV Experience , its the one I just uninstalled.... Nvidia does release Card specific Drivers n the case of 314.09 it was for the release of the 780 titan only but with the Modded vdisp.inf file it will install on other Cards as well. I also have an older GTX 275 so I googled around and 314.09 came up as the best for it at Guru3D so I'm using it without probs now. this is the US Eng. Driver.... http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/geforce_314_09_whql_driver_download.html you also need the modded INF in post #4 of this thread http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=375202 extract the driver to C:\nvidia and replace the INF with the one downloaded and run install as normal if you AREN"T using the English US Drivers get the International Drivers modded INF later in the thread instead to go with your Intl. Driver. M.
  4. I usually do custom glass showers this way .........and don't worry the client with details like hinges and handles till later... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/469-shower-door-shorter-than-opening-method/#entry3202 M.
  5. not sure if it is an issue for others as it might be my Gigabyte X58 Board , but my computer stopped coming out of hibernate with these drivers 334.335 perhaps earlier?, I have downgraded to 314.09 , A Titan Driver, but using a modified INF so it works with other Nvidia cards and all is well again , and things "seem" nice and smooth for me anyway as far as 3D is concerned once I set up 3D with Perry's settings again. I am using SLI'd EVGA GTX 470's still by the way. M.
  6. I didn't delve as deeply as you , I assumed the CCA licencing was like GPL ... aka freeware, as long as you don't charge others for it you are free to use it.... not sure how it works in this case as it's not like you are "gaining directly" from the use of any texture but I'm no Lawyer M.
  7. and the same small plan opened in X5 by a friend got this..... and its still not right....there isn't any framing for the floor-ceiling or the 2" wall studs.... but I gave up on the Materials list a few years ago so perhaps I'm doing something wrong now... M.
  8. Another long post that wouldn't post cos it timed out...luckily I copied it so could do this again.... Unfortunately Dan you have far bigger problems with materials calculations than this small example ,it can't be relied on by any trade or Contractor for anything ,anywhere near what is needed in the real world, as a Contractor I had hoped to use this feature to make my bids faster and easier but it is a complete waste of time in most of cases, looks like it improved slightly in X6 ,according to the materials list calcuations for a 10x10 CMU house for me I have 38 lin.ft of wall ,but need 286 blocks , you would use 10' sheets of drywall vs 8' , never seen 3/4 Drywall which I assume is for the ceiling , not sure why it is called sheetrock and the walls Drywall or why it only allows for 1/4 of the walls to be painted? same as the CMU calc. I guess, but no allowance for 3 coats either if you were actually ordering materials... you can't base that room with 34 l.ft of base either, unless the was a 4'wide door in there somewhere? ie it is just better not to even look at the Materials list, you need a good Q.S. to to look at all those systems for sure...
  9. +1 on Perry's comment's The 7' maybe a fire regulation vs a PL/zoning one , in that fire crews need access , here standard city lots are 33' wide so you are allowed a 22' garage which leaves 2' off the PL one side and 9' off the other PL for access. M.
  10. yep 15' is minimum for single garage and 22' for a double ,as a usable size, difference here is they allow 2' off the PL ( with fire proofing) or 4' if not.... M.
  11. hi Martin where did you get the Colorbond materials and colours from ? can you share them here? or are they downloadable? Thanks Mick.
  12. Of course the stepup might cost you another $300-500 so maybe not ..... Nice spot you got there M.
  13. I am/was actually just using the arrow keys....... not dragging in plan view just staying in the 3D view .... not good? M.
  14. ask in the Q&A forum , this one is for sales, best to give as much detail as possible plus the version you are using too... M.
  15. Some of the locations can be changed in Preferences>General>Folders a lot of stuff is stored in My Documents>CA Data Folder... so just set the location for the My Documents folder in the Folders Properties , I use an SSD for C:\ so locate all my "Libraries" on a Data drive, in the case of My Docs it is on D:\ you can also move all your Pics, music ,videos etc like this to free up space on C:\ ,when you hit apply , it will ask you if you want to move all the files to the new location , ok that and it is all done automatically. To get the Folder locations to show up in the properties DBX make sure you are in your USER folder>My Docs>RC>Properties>Location Tab ( RC= right click) M
  16. did you try going inside to toggle it and come back out as I did? seemed to work for me but only that way ... M.
  17. Yes , i'd be happier too , to just have everything well lit until the Final view or some other point when I really needed it. M.
  18. Thanks Glen , was playing around as I thought perhaps it had something to do with whether I had a backdrop enabled or not but I discovered that it appears if I am inside in 3D I can toggle the lights and when I am outside it has no effect , if I go inside set the light off and go back outside it stays off......at least on this plan.....very weird. M.
  19. Doesn't the EVGA website allude to the fact you can upgrade free (if you qualify ) if you brought the card in the last 90 days Rich? worth checking out , they have had there StepUp program for years... http://www.evga.com/support/stepup/
  20. see the board and Batten thread in the symbols forum , might be on page 2 by now we were discussing this 10 days ago... edit... Certainteed has some stuff under Vinyl poly in their 2013 library too here is the other thread :https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/137-board-and-batten-siding-texture/ M.
  21. I am unsure why I can't turn off the default sun , yes I realise it is two different settings we were talking about, if i uncheck the default sun (used in current view) box , the box is automatically rechecked when i quit the dialog box. Is there another setting in Defaults or Preferences perhaps over-riding this setting? M.
  22. ...............Just turn off the Default Sun to get the effect that you want just playing on a practice play ..... it wont allow me to turn off the default sun ...under adjust lighting and if I toggle it on and off it might as well be night...... I had some issues like this last yr on a dbl bathroom reno , one bathroom lite properly the other looked like 1/2 the bulbs were out ..... M.
  23. never noticed the small triangles before , do you have wall breaks there perhaps? did you try deleting the opening and redoing it? did you use a "Doorway" or did you just Stop the walls either side when you made them? M.
  24. I use Cabinet Soffits to make the Shower Enclosures and change them to "Standard Glass" ,and 3/8" thick.... works well the door is a single panel so can be whatever height you desire.
  25. As Perry mentioned there is a Textures folder in the Chief Data Folder in My Documents , you can make you own folder there , to keep your stuff seperate from Chief's or make a new folder called My Materials in the Chief Data Folder in My Docs as I do instead. As Lew says though once it's imported/made you would "think" Chief had it and would save it automatically to it's own "Data" Folder......