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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. make the Deck Railing walls "invisible" in the Wall DBX if you dont want to see the railing , you cant delete the posts ,they are part of the railing and if you delete them , you delete the deck....
  2. Kbird1


    I am finding the same issue somedays but I now think it is connected to whether I signout/logout or not , if I log out instead of just closing the browser I have to sign in again next time , whether IE/Chrome has my Username and Password or not. been trying to figure this out too but this is the only thing I have noticed so far , perhaps others will have more suggestions M.
  3. Ken is Kenoeightspot , I thought ? my guess. But I think we have come up with two different things/ways here.... Gene is right no way a cabinet builder is gonna use CA for cabinet in a production environment , they jusst take my images and measurements and put it into whatever software they use to get all there stuff as Gene detailed. I don't think eCabinets even costs does it if you are in the industry and using there systems ? M. edit.....Just tried Ken's way , works great.... even lets you copy and paste the 1st one to make the 3rd or 4th sink ..if you are so inclined, I guess the OP may miss this great tip since he sounded a bit pissed off ,hopefully he will check the thread.....
  4. I guess I missed it too? wasn't sure how Ken did it....... thought sinks had to be placed IN cabinets..... another trick to load in the old computer bank
  5. JC.... i'd be happy with that CJ ... your MB does Raid so it wont be a problem to add another 80GB SSD to the existing one so C:\ will look like 160GB to Windows, any good Tech will be able to do it, they have come down in price lately so you can also add a new 240GB or whatever size and Clone the 80 to the new drive and use the 80GB for backups and such as D:\ or E:\. ,just make sure to deactivate CA BEFORE cloning as it may lock you out as I learnt when i cloned a 60GB to a 120GB a while back. You maybe able to get a 2nd 550 Ti pretty cheaply now and the performance is gonna be pretty compareable to one of the latest but maybe not greatest cards which always cost an arm and a leg to get the last 10% performace out of them which is why i usually have a card 1 generation behind ...well 2 or more nowdays which is why i went SLI.... but I build/Upgrade my own machines .....so PM me if you want more advice , happy to help if I can.
  6. Well there's the proof , now where's the " How To " ? pls...... I don't thik the OP wanted to straddle cabinets by the way , he just couldn't get 2 sinks in the particular cabinet he wanted/chose from the Library. We do double sinks in almost every bathroom we do now days , I guess CA aint quite up with the times M.
  7. Assuming you mean as per image attached.....? it would make the top drawer useless / make it a fake drawer with a panel only due to the sink.....but do-able if that is what the client wants... I'll log in tomorrow and tell you how..... ok ok I use the CTRL Key > move.... easier if you turn snap grids off too... If you use a single cabinet you can only put the single sink , and i dont think a custom countertop changes that.... I'm still not sure how dropping 3 cabinets instead of 1 in place makes the final view look any different though for rolowe's clients, am I missing something? M.
  8. Hi CJ --- SLI is where you run 2 identical Nvidia Cards linked , (but your motherboard needs to support it), you usually end up with about a 60-80% increase in throughput but I am unsure if the RayTracer Engine can benefit from it , someone would need to talk to their Tech Support about it. Just noticed you Hardware Specs CJ ...... nice Rig , that MBoard can actually do Quad SLI (4 cards) ..... http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P8P67_PRO/ While Chief may not do SLI ,Nvidia does give you the option now of "activate all cards", on multiple monitors or you can set it to maximise 3D ,where it uses both cards to drive the one monitor the fastest it can which is the usual setting for gaming. I haven't done any testing yet with it . Although SLI works with OpenGL it may not work with the Ray Tracing Engine seems a bit strange since CA recommends using Gaming video cards for CA and not the CAD workstation cards like the Quadro you can get ....if you have deep pockets. I'm not sure CJ, if you are asking about the final image quality? or if you are asking if SLI would get you faster to the Final View? if the RayTracer is using the CPU not the GPU(s) (Graphics Processing Unit) , then going SLI may not help unless the setting above helps , if you are running multiple monitors like I do you can set them to use 1 card each which many help to increase draw speed etc on standard camera views. Once again I am not sure why CA isn't leveraging the abilities of todays GPU's especially for rendering if the aren't... other than they may need to write a whole new 3D engine for that to happen. M.
  9. Check out Perry's settings in the Nvidia Drivers Thread when you get your card , hadn't occurred to me that software rendering is on by default too.... M. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/321-nvidia-driver-settings/
  10. Thx Perry would never have occurred to me to turn of the software rendering option in the renderer dbx since Hardware texturing is enabled, I assumed that Software setting was referring to anitaliasing or something else so had turned them both up somewhat unsurprisingly my 3D views seem to load faster now .Was wondering why my 470 GTX was slow in CA but just fine in games etc, which is why i asked in the 1st place....Shadows are a killer though so maybe I'll need SLI after all for Final views.
  11. Yep, 3 seperate cabinets is the way I always do it , its usually how the cabinet guy would build it here anyway especially if the center section is a set of Drawers ,way easier to ship and install.
  12. Thanks Perry appreciate it , I'm sure other Nvidia users can use it as well , I haven't seen these posted before , pity CA hasn't let Nvidia have a profile for this, but maybe it's deep in the manual and I just aint found it? M.
  13. thanks perry , just the screen grab i needed could you do me a favour and do another screen grab with the settings scroll bar rolled fully up so I can see what you did after "clamp" thx again . M.
  14. I did a Forum search out of curiosity to see what settings,if any, people are using for their Nvidia Cards. Anyone using SLI ? any point? Not sure we need to do anything these days or if CA sets it automatically and the Nvidia drivers just use the "Application Setting"
  15. I messed around with the texture posted by DJP above and the chiefsiding.pat file and made a new 8" center material but you can change the size in the material definitions note the the size you input will need to be larger than real size to get it to measure (tape tool) correctly in elevations etc , eg for this 8" center board I have the size at 9 1/2". note that due to the texture is is not "real" 3D but the best I have tried/seen so far. change the .zip file extension to .calibz (can't post calibz's) and install as normal ,it should show in My Library as Board and Batten 8" M. ***Updated File plus added New Pattern file used to update the Materials B&B Siding.calibz My B&B Patterns.zip Since Making This Library , another way of doing this was discovered , have a look at the thread and the new library is here: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/5383-is-there-a-way-to-trimextend-psolids-in-elevation-view/page-2#entry47072
  16. These are the 2 patterns I am messing with No#167 is the 8" as I need it, the problem is there is no texture for the Patterns CA made,the one posted by DJP up further in the thread works ok though , just no 3D shadows etc. You can apply the Patterns using the Materials Definition tool but you have to change the scale to 0.1 from 1.0 as the pattern at least for #167 is wrong (it's massive) You can actually make your own B&Bsiding.pat file in notepad and save it in the Patterns folder and play with those numbers you saw in the Chief file for spacings etc and apply the Pattern as above. M.
  17. Did anyone check out the B&B as mentioned by Jintu in post no#2 ? I don't have them but maybe in X4 or X5? saw it mentioned on HomeTalk too now for HDPro 2014 I found a board and batten siding option. Download the CertainTeed 2013 catalog. Then, in your library, look under Manufacturer Catalogs - CertainTeed - Siding - Vinyl Siding Polymer Shakes - Vertical Siding - Board & Batten Single 8". Several color options are available
  18. I didn't spend too long there but some are direct downloads and others thru a FB face page yes but on FB pages i just clicked the set i wanted then i just right clicked on the particular image i wanted and chose "save picture". Also if you scroll to the very bottom of one of the texture libraries there is instructions on how to download ...a different way than above. M.
  19. great calculator , sounds like yours is as old as mine ...... perhaps the Windows software will let you print the tape instead? they have a free trial version ,so worth a look perhaps http://www.calculated.com/4/prd286/Construction-Master-Pro-Software-for-Windows.html update.........decided to download the trial myself and there is an option to "print expanded tape" under the File heading......
  20. "Arthur" posted this link over at the HomeTalk Forum and I wasn't familiar with it so thought I'd post the link here too for others http://www.sketchuptexture.com/ M.
  21. Hi thanks Glenn ....cos I didnt think of doing it that way how is sydney today ? my brother lives there..... I think Kirk was confused since he gave us a board and batten wainscotting/room panelling , I just wanted a siding material ...chose it , click done....
  22. Hi thanks for the time Kirk , guess you were posting as I was above , I/we are talking about Exterior Board and Batten siding rather than a wainscotting type material here as you can see in my images above. M.
  23. Hi Kirk , most common here is the 1x8 board with 1x2 Batten over the joint ( 1x10/12 tends to dry out and split too much) but having those options in a Siding would be great. I assume the Patterns in the chiefsiding.pat file are scaled incorrectly? as I needed to use 0.1 not 1.0 to get it to look ok. If it was a Siding rather than a tool like for Quions , I assume it would "see" windows , doors etc automatically right and stop the battens appropriately right? note that the board sizes above are their nominal size and are typically 7 1/2" x3/4" thick and 1 1/2" x 3/4" thick in my case so the 2" size batten looks a little "fat" at 2" The png David posted works but yes it would be nicer if the battens had depth and therefore shadows etc this is a project i did last summer , this client has asked me to do the design/build for their new garage/studio too , so it would be nice to have better looking images to help "sell" the project .....
  24. the Texture DJP posted above (thx,D) is as good as I have found so far to give me the look of Cedar 1x8 and the 1x2 Batten once I change the colour etc and using the #167 pattern set to 0.1 Rusty has been on the old forum since last Oct and hasn't joined this new one so if someone else has his pic/texture pls post it here. Thanks. M.