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  1. Tough crowd in here.... C'mon, it's not like there's a trailer house on top of my shed.....
  2. Ha, I thought so too at first. It is very solid, surprisingly. It was there when we bought the property. I'm probably going to add some posts/footings on the deck portion at some point. It'll be a few years before my kid cares about it, so it's mine until then! -D
  3. Thanks again, A little bit of tweaking left, but this is darn close! -D
  4. Hey thanks! That video is very helpful. What forum should I be in? -D
  5. Hi all, I have HDS 2014 and I'm trying to model the attached picture. I've tried obvious things, I would nearly conclude that this is likely beyond the scope of my product. In any case I would appreciate tips anyone has for me. Thanks! -D