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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Rob , they just released a new Themador Library last week..
  2. Thx Allan , good to know that one is pretty versatile M.
  3. have not had this issue my self , just crashes while in the Lib. but it might be best to call TS , the files are probably still there and need to be relinked or something , but they should also be aware of this issue......
  4. Kbird1

    Save Plan

    you have opened an Archive Copy of the plan as Lew and Graeme said , So do a Save As to you Normal Yemma Project Folder as Yemma Plan.plan and it then should let you save as normal . I don't think CA will allow you to overwrite an Archive File , and SOP should be to do a Save As immediately if you need to Open an Archive File at anytime so you still have the Archive unchanged if you need it again. M.
  5. yes Airgap or Open-No Material works, though O.N.M is better I think , it can be used the other way around too , ie to force post off the deck in fascia mount situations too.
  6. you can't boot on a new motherboard , with the old install of Win7 , at least YMMV as Win7 will need to install new drivers and possibly fail. Just download the Win7 ISO for your version and use the current CD KEY you have..... if activation fails, phone in and explain you had a computer crash and just installed on a new motherboard and HD, ie you only have 1 install on that CD key. Don't forget to backup all your files to an external 1st. or even the new HD when it arrives 1st. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-recovery
  7. just confirming what Alan sees , no black here on another Nvidia Card either... Try turning off options one by one in the Prefs. Render Tab and see what happens Shadows, MSAA etc that should pinpoint the Cause hopefully. Also Make sure you check direct with ATI for Drivers , don't assume Microsoft Update or the Manufacturer of you Comp. ( HP) has the latest on their Site , saw a similar issue a few weeks ago and it was solved by a Driver from the ATI Site.
  8. A 250GB SSD for the os and programs You already have the os on your old comp. Use it if retiring old comp. Win 10 is free next week. Some will suggest more ram and perhaps the 970 or 980 video card too. Have the 970 myself ,and wish CA took more advantage of it but I hope that changes in newer versions of CA.
  9. plans wont attach if they are open in Chief when you try to attach them as Chief locks the file when it opens it.
  10. Kbird1

    Save Plan

    perhaps the wrong icon (blue not red) or the Hotkey is setup incorrectly ..........same thing if you use the File>Save menu?
  11. with doors don't turn off interior casing , as it also effects the Frame for some reason , eg around garage doors.
  12. Not sure I exactly understand what you want to do ,but you seem to have it setup right you just haven't pulled the roof plane back to the Handrails to expose the decking..... , you do need to turn the floor back on in each Balconey Room to show the decking too. 1 balcony also had a p-solid in it, I had to drag to the side , perhaps used as the floor but hidden under the roof plane too
  13. This issue is much more prevalent in X6/X7 , and there is a KB article that may help , try the suggestion under "To accommodate large Terrains" where you alter the clipping distance to 300" ....this has worked for me... http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00107/troubleshooting-why-materials-appear-to-flicker-when-a-camera-view-is-rotated.html
  14. looks like you forgot to "attach" the plan Bruce once you hit Ok after locating it. M.
  15. I think I have seen posts on Older ATI Cards having issues with Shadows .....don't quote me but I think the suggestion was to turn off Legacy Shadows. Hopefully Perry will see you post today , I think it was him I saw post about this.... M.
  16. Thanks Facer , isn't the Tree fern on the right already in the Chief Library? it looks familiar... also the Site above is not working properly with IE11 (no scrollbars), and it also redirected me to a PC Support page/Chat the 1st time I tried going to the Site , , I have emailed them to let them know... M.
  17. User CJSPUD (Curt) is in Idaho , he may be able to help you , if not I likely can https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/user/191-cjspud/ send him a private message M.
  18. from you description of the exterior Room , it sounds like you may have a broken wall connection somewhere , check each level..... for weird stuff like this , it is always better to post the plan so others can look at it for you... M.
  19. I may have misunderstood but I think he wanted a 8" stemwall and conc. 4" slab floor with thickenings under the load bearing walls eg at the Laundry and around the front Entry. Think you did a mono slab right P. ?
  20. Check the knowledgebase there is an article on "flickering" , for some it helps to set the clipping distance too 300" instead of the default which I think is 24 or 48"
  21. The mixing is likely part of the issue ,you may have to do some of it manually , but because you have played with all the room settings, trying to fix stuff nothing is at default, so rooms wont take any settings from the Plan's defaults, I had to go to each room and mess with floor settings to get it to work as far as I got it. The footing on the laundry wall was easily added on the wall's foundation tab , but I can't get it to show the chamfer. You had the carport and front porch labelled Porch in the room def. which is why I think you don't have a foundation there as Porch Rooms auto get a 4"Slab only. M. shangri las copy_MH.plan
  22. Floor finishes are still there right at the bottom, did you scroll down far enough? Wall finishes would be under Wall defaults> materials though, not in the Room defaults
  23. There was this thread a while back on a similar issue which might help: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/5560-half-wall-above-door-opening/
  24. I don't think CA can do raked risers Rich, another thing to add to the CA Stair makeover List I think. M.