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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. One to add to the List to "Change Please" for the UGM
  2. Ok I was hoping someone knew where the Wall layer text box got it's info from (or why it's even there).... thx for the heads up on the Wall labelling macro , one less thing I don't need to redo manually in the PB. M.
  3. Me too P. I worked in a plan in X6 a few days ago and certain things are just "snappier" but then I really need to upgrade my MB and CPU from a i7-950
  4. Much appreciated Graeme I converted those to approx.inches ,which is -26 1/2" and -7" , under depth, and that worked great, just be sure to set the stretch planes before resizing as it doesn't work retroactively it seems. Mick.
  5. Ouch Kodyak ...you talking about the Forums here? you don't spend enough time here if that is the case , you can ask anything ,anytime of day and almost always get a great answer as Scott pointed out above. Maybe you need to participate more ? just MHO M.
  6. Thx P. will have too look harder as I haven't found it yet.
  7. Maybe I missed a step but I was renaming views in the PB but have now inserted a variation on Joe's marco above Wall %wall_id% - FLR %floor_number% so I get Wall No# - FLR# as the new view name in the PB , is there no way to make the view name, the Default Text instead of the Wall Layer # Text which I don't care about , does anyone? Or do you have to insert the View name as Glenn suggested on each view manually? where is it pulling this info from? can we change it?
  8. I don't think Scottismo is planning on printing condocs but even now i send to 11x17 at 1/2 scale as my own printer can do them , if i need full size i simply print that PDF at 200%, same trick has always worked for Pro too. A number of people including a few Architects who use Pro have been Trying to get CA to relent on the One page Layout , it is it's major downfall , and let at least 5 pages, but once again for Scottismo, not an issue at this point. With only one layout page per plan it means doing a save as of the plan for every view otherwise... a major issue in Cali . and here where condocs can easily go 15-20 pages. M. Can you turn off spell correction on this forum? Its a pita.
  9. Of course if you need the Tax writeoff go the whole hog ...I agree with Scott , but you may find Pro is enough and that you don't need all the extras of CA if you don't ever plan to take the drawing out of your Draughtman's hands entirely. There is really no harm in getting Pro (same 30 day return policy) and using it , if you find it falls short of what you need , you can upgrade immediately, or 2 years from now but just a word of Warning, if you buy Pro, you will always Want CA Full I can vouch for that...... I love using it , even though it can get frustrating at times for those of us without 15 yrs behind the "wheel" with it.
  10. Scott , for what you are talking about doing at the moment, Pro would work just Fine I believe , It's the same reasons I got it originally, since your Draughtsman is doing all the Detailing and ConDocs etc, Pro would work well for you since want the 3d Visualisation, which Pro can do , only difference is Pro does not do Ray Tracing (photo realistic "almost") it only does Standard Rendering but if you really needed that for a Client there are a number of people here who offer Ray Tracing as one of their Services , they would just use a copy of the Plan you made in Pro. I think Eric (another Pro User) covered it pretty well above , the free videos on YouTube and Scott's (dshall) videos on Chieftutor are great , some of the Other guys have YT channels too, like Larry (HumbleChief), and you usually pick up another tip or two along the way as well , so are they worth watching as you have time. You only gain going from Pro to Chief and anything learnt is the same in Chief .....it's ALL the other Tools, and ConDocs ,symbol making, etc in Chief that takes time to learn and there are Production/Time savers in Chief which if you made your living drawing you may want but at least at this point Pro would be a great place to start, then move on up if you find what you need. It might even work for your Draughtsman , since I am sure you are not his only Client who wants 3D Images. The ML in both Pro and CA is VERY Basic in that it only models EXACTLY what is in the 3d Model , as a Remodelling GC , I was disappointed in the ML and found I didn't trust it and had to do 1/2 "by hand" anyway, so I pretty much don't try to learn it's quirks any longer , though I was told that they are hoping to improve it over the course of the next 2-3 versions of CA by Scott Harris. (CA Insider) . M.
  11. It is not I , I have not had the pleasure of meeting Lew in person , but he used to help out on Hometalk when I 1st started with Pro , now I think of it maybe he had CA back then ? not Pro and was just helping out on HT as I do these days. Mick
  12. Hi , working on a Bathroom Reno today , and I am not sure if this is new Or I just haven't noticed it before , the Standard Tubs in the Library always need resizing as they aren't 5' long and most Tubs nowadays are Taller at 20-22" whereas in the past 15-17" was common, so I always have to stretch/resize them but after doing a Camera view, it took me a while to figure out that the upside down "L" on the end of the Bathtub was actually the Overflow, since I had made the bath 34" in deep from 30 and 22" Tall from 17", the issue is effecting the Drain too. I am assuming this is a stretch plan issue so am hoping someone knows the Trick to have the Drain and Overflow stay Centered and their original size. I tried Standard Bath 2 and 3 , with and without Faucets and the issue is the same. Thanks Mick.
  13. The strange thing ,at least to me was it is pulling temp dims off a layer which is turned off , and I couldn't explain that to Mark.
  14. Hi Scott , you could also consider Home Designer Pro , it's where Lew And I started 8-10 years ago , it's plenty capable for doing a lot of stuff Us Contractor's do and the Purchase Price ($495) is rebated against Chief's Cost when or if you Upgrade. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/products/home-designer-pro/ Lots of good help on Hometalk Forums too ( use same ID and PW) although Pro Users will find help here on CT too. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/forum/5-qa/
  15. did you check what I said in post 7 ? depending on you security settings Windows may have locked the file as it is an executable ie .exe file either that or Norton or something has locked it for the same reason as Dan said. M.
  16. The marble maybe set as "matte" in the material's properties ? with glass it may depend on how the light hits it and whether you use photons and caustics etc but I am no expert on Ray Tracing for sure . Posting the plan with your camera saved is probably the fastest way to a good answer.... some notes I made from here on the Forum from Jintu and others Raytrace Settings-Forum Notes.pdf M.
  17. right click on the file > properties> and make sure Win8.1 hasn't Locked the file , which it does if it comes from the internet and "thinks" it is an "unsafe" file type, ie it has an .exe extension, there will be a check box if it is locked . Not sure what the extension is but it is likely .exe or .msi , both of which are programs and they should just "run" they don't need another Program to run. have you done all your Win8 Windows updates? , the Windows Installer Program may need an update ? M.
  18. If you delete the Toolbar Folder in your DATA folder , CA will rebuild it next time you start CA too , a good reason to keep a backup of your toolbar configs too if you don't use the OOB ones. M.
  19. wasn't anything major as I said , for eg. your invisible wall was wrong side of the line and your full width was off by the thickness off the wall too I think, but it is all per you pic of your onsite Dims now , though I didn't put the skylight in this time. M.
  20. Thanks David, my post is here on the Symbols Forum, along with some other Metals further down in the Post too which you can turn into Materials if needed. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/2563-stainless-steel-and-other-metals-add-yours-please/ *** because Stainless has a "grain" , it may look better to use the Vert (ical) vs Horiz (ontal) version of the material or to rotate it 90° depending on what you are applying it to. M.
  21. the Authentication server was likely down again as it was about 3 weeks ago , they reset the time out from 5 minutes to 90secs after last time after numerous complaints, which explains the "wait" I think. (CA needs to authenticated once every two weeks if you didn't know to stay active for anti -piracy measures)
  22. where did you download it from? your Digital Locker at CA ? the file should just Run when you double click on it , however you want to be sure you trust the source of that file 100% before doing so , and have you CD Key ready. M.
  23. Did you try installing it ? you may need to set it's compatibility mode to Windows 7 or even XP , and perhaps set it to run as Administrator as well but worth a try. the other option is to do a Dual boot on your new computer and install x2 on the other OS Your new computer will get Win10 anyday too of course
  24. makes sense as an outdoor entertaining Area, from the name I thought it was a shelter for the MotorCoach. M.
  25. Hi B. you are actually on ChiefTalk (green Forum) instead of the Home Designer HomeTalk Forum (Blue) which is located here : https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ you can use the same User ID and password over there , but please fill in your Forum Profile signature so they know what HD Title you have as it will make a difference in your answer as only Pro has a Layout Sheet as you describe. see you over there...... M.