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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. One suggestion before drawing any walls etc is to set up the known Defaults 1st , eg the ceiling height , ceiling structure ,whether there is a Ceiling or the space is Vaulted ( as in this case ), Roof Slope and Structure, Foundation details, etc ..... at least enough for the basic Structure . I noticed your Roof planes aren't joined properly at the Ridge (Peak) but this roof builds pretty well on auto , if all the walls are given their correct directives in the roof Tab 1st ...ie gable, high shed, etc. , then you can fix the roof over the bumpout simply by manually by pulling that section down , and added the reverse slope at the ridge for the overhangs either side. If you have a hole appear in the ceiling like that, try the Wall's...... Stop at ceiling or go through ceiling settings ...one or the other usually fixes it. I also did as Eric did at the Stairwell....ie set as Solid Rail and changed the Top Rail to a Cap..........pretty narrow stair at only 3'.... here's your revised Plan so you can see what I did, I have saved a couple of Camera Views for you too... Loudon_MHD_Plan.plan M.
  2. I am not sure where you are seeing this information unless you mean in the Wall's DBX when you open it ? as there is no "Edit" > "Preferences" -> "Number Style" I can see ( or remember) Or do you mean in a Layout ....not a Plan? Mick.
  3. My Construction Master Pro is great , I just can't make myself pay another $30 for the windows version and the Android version too, when I have it... M.
  4. I am not a MAC person but I thought Nvidia had supported Mac OS for years , (does Apple Support Nvidia I don't know,) but Nvidia has drivers for download, they are harder to find though..... http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/117854/en-us there is also sites like tommymac and 9to5 Mac mentioning it https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/nvidia-releases-alternate-graphics-drivers-for-macos-high-sierra-10-13-0-378-10-10-10-15.225522/ https://9to5mac.com/2017/09/27/nvidia-pascal-drivers-high-sierra/ perhaps you should be calling Tech Support if possible and have them help if needed... as there are many here running CA on MACs with no issues... it would help to if you filled in your Forum Signature with your System Specs so others can offer more help and advice .....see my signature for a quick how to do it.... M.
  5. Nice technique Mark , thanks again , FF actually let me save the Video too , so I'll actually be able to review it when I want to use the Library , so much appreciated , the Video made it look very easy.....now you've done all the hard work making the library of course
  6. FireFox wouldn't load it here but once I install VLC-64bit , it added an extension to FF and it now opens fine. ( perhaps I did something wrong 1st time around? ) thanks for the Update and Files Mark ..... M.
  7. Thanks , I usually have VLC installed but don't at the moment..... M.
  8. The Roof planes over the one story section are cutting thru the Upper story Wall, pull them back out of the wall , you may need to open the Roof Panel's DBX and check "no special snapping" to do this as that upper wall is broken into 3 sections and should really be one , that can be fixed easily by dragging either the top or bottom section of wall over the other pieces so it becomes one wall again. You will likely have to "fix" the 3D view to get all the siding the correct colour , as Eric said your default is blue siding not the champagne. Pictures can be easily add to a post with the (Windows) Snipping Tool in Accessories , I have it added to my taskbar for quick access, just drag out a selection around the issues and save the capture to your desktop and then drag the capture into the light grey area in the reply box
  9. Hi Mark , thanks for the library....how did you make the Movie , my computer says it doesn't know what a .webm file is.... PS ...do you have a link to your other "kit" ?
  10. I have turned Driver Updates off from Windows Update for now using this tutorial......I used the .reg file to do it.... and have the one to reenable too if needed , this needs redoing if there is a major cumulative update to Win10. https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/15989-turn-off-device-driver-automatic-installation-windows-10-a.html
  11. if you are trying to place windows without framing close to each other , go into the Window Defaults ( in defaults not the window itself) and on the general Tab adjust the window Minimum separation to say 1/16th so you can bump them together without CA trying to put framing between them.
  12. select them both in the attic , hit copy , go down a level and right click ( empty area of plan) >paste>hold position then go back up and delete off the attic level
  13. Good thought Mike...... post the plan perhaps ..... stops the guessing...
  14. Are the copied ones still on the Window Layer ? should be but...... Or perhaps the other window has just not refreshed itself yet ?
  15. Are you using the Full Camera or the Floor Camera ? Another thought is that you don't have Show all Floors enabled in3D ...... I assume you have built a Roof and foundation.....
  16. this has been asked for many times in the last few years , so hopefully in the next version it will be there......in the mean time , you can also make a symbol and use it over a Half Wall ...works okay for a few Areas but is a bit more time consuming if you have a lot to do ....
  17. have not seen this myself...... but perhaps the SpaceBar isn't working properly to deselect the Text Box? --- a worn out spacebar? that I have had, on two Microsoft natural keyboards
  18. Thanks for the info ...I was just looking at their website to confirm as I thought 48" was pretty standard..... I just noticed CA's texture size is wrong on their Material , it should be 96 x 64 , ( 4x16" ) not 96 x 96 to show properly in a Standard view Patterns are for vector views Textures are for 3D standard views
  19. Actually I have that too and a separate feet- inch calculator too, as Handyman is almost has toooo much stuff built in and too many menus..... so I find it easier/faster to access standalone apps... M.
  20. Ahhh yes that makes it a bit harder there are PCIe M2 Riser Cards though if you want both in the system... ohhhh maybe its a laptop? no specs in your signature sorry...
  21. those are BIG ICF Blocks ....8 feet long? double check the material measurements ( 18x96? ) you input again if not....
  22. you only need to plug the HDD in and copy the folder over , don't need the whole computer
  23. If you had custom Toolbars on the old computer , you should be able to move the Toolbar Folder to the new Box. If fact you should be able to copy the complete Data folder to the new Computer now CA is installed on the new Box and it should now start , just like the old box. This article has more info on doing just that.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00001/migrating-chief-architect-to-a-new-computer.html Mick.
  24. Put the Parging on so you don't have to show it just joking.... that as Eric mentioned above is where you need to adjust the Material properties and it's vertical and horizontal alignments. open the material check the defaults in this case 16x48 , close the dbx Open the Plan Materials again , select the Insulation Block and click Click Copy and rename it to xxxx-18 ( so you don't lose the Original material) and change the sizes as needed ...ie to 18 x 36 in my case below ( change the size on the Texture Tab too to 72" x72" ( so still 4 blocks high x 2 wide) On the Texture and Pattern Tabs are also where you can move the "lines" up or down , left and right by using positive and negative measurements in the x and y axis boxes. ( or vertical/horizontal alignment boxes) move the lines like this then you should see the difference like this