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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Lew is Right Bugs...... the Internet Verification Check has been happening for at least 6-8 yrs and happens in X9 too , I am not sure why you suddenly think this is "New" because they have discontinued the Hardware Lock. Graham did not state you could buy a Standalone Version of Chief...that is NOT possible due to Piracy Issues and people using more than 1 licensed Copy at a time. SSA is still the cheapest way to upgrade , unless you are lucky enough to catch the Annual Sale which is usually each Xmas. If you want 3D Software with no Internet access you would need to use the Architectural Home Designer Version, from the Home Line of Products. (Home Pro has the internet check too). though I don't think you'd like it's feature set. M.
  2. Thanks for the Update Sherry , appreciate it...
  3. yes it was a problem in X9 too for me , so figured I would ask and see if it was just me .... never heard of the QT Assistant before , so thanks , I did find the doc.qch file in the Manual folder but wasn't sure what they were. C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X10 (64 bit)\Manual\ I can change the QT Assistant Font but not the Help file itself's Font , which is what lead to all this.... I assumed it was a normal Help File... (.chm)
  4. If X10 is no longer Supporting Hardware Keys why does it ship OOB with the Hasp Drivers ready to be Installed ? or at least did for Beta 3.... would seem they are going back and forwards on this issue.... C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X10 (64 bit)\Drivers
  5. Actually I just got the Advanced System Font Changer too as it lets you adjust scrollbars and Icon spacings (desktop) etc too, works well so far , it pulls up the Old windows style Icon and Text sizing boxes in some cases , you then need to log out or do a restart to set the new sizes. I recommend saving the defaults 1st time you start it too , and once you have it all as you like it, save the settings to file (.reg) so you can reset them simply by double clicking the .reg or importing back into ASFC and rebooting as Win10 Cumulative Updates have a habit of resetting this kind of thing I have found. I just put a Report into the Beta team about the Font size in the Help file , might help if you do as well ...assuming you want it too... I thought the help file was a .chm too , do you have more info on that , cos those other links didn't help me either....thanks
  6. Hey thanks Mark , I will look into it since it seems 8 point is the default .... My windows Fonts are Fine I just use a .reg file from Ten Forums to set Menus, Icons etc to 12pt when needed , since M$ in their "Wisdom" removed the easy Win7 way to do it in Win10 FCU https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/70839-change-menus-text-size-windows-10-a.html https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/19768-change-icons-text-size-windows-10-a.html The Other reason for trying the Help File was that in the Past I have found that many of the Links in the PDF to other Pages don't work properly. M.
  7. it's a good thing you are in Florida ....otherwise I'd take that Cell phone away from you those phone pics take ages to load and just aren't as clear as the Windows Snipping Tool Ones.... a copy of the plan would help though.... but at a rough guess from the 2nd pic maybe your subfascia/fascia settings aren't right, is the Fascia set smaller than the subfascia ?
  8. I meant the Built in Help Menu ( F1 or Help buttons in Program) not the PDF's which I also have and usually use cos, the Text is too small in the Help file , But because I think the Text in the Help Menu (vs PDF) is crisper than the low res. PDF version, I was hoping it worked like Word / Wordpad and simply made it fit the same space size by adding extra Pages at larger text sizes. M.
  9. HI Graham , actually I meant a Firmware Upgrade each year for the USB HASP / Drive / Lock whatever you want to call it , I believe they now use one of the Sentinel HASP Products. https://sentinel.gemalto.com/software-monetization/sentinel-hasp/
  10. The Help Menu App that pops up allows its own Font etc to be adjusted but can the actual Help File Text Size be altered ? ie made larger , Size 12 , it appears to be Size 8 currently. I know I can zoom in on it but that causes you to have to scroll back and forwards or make the Window wider , so I'm hoping I've missed something..... M.
  11. Does Interiors have all the 3D solids tools? I know the "Home" Line doesn't so Soffits are your only option other than Shapes, though I thought everyone had Slabs? M.
  12. Ok thanks , what I missed I think in the Video was that you were Clicking the Wall Hatch Tool and then Dragging out the Wall Hatching ONLY , not a piece of the actual Wall..... * pulling an actual chuck of wall and inserting into another does take the wall hatching too but does change the wall type.....
  13. I would suggest posting an example Plan/Layout Dan , so people can test and offer you advice , otherwise all they are doing is guessing at your Settings.... good idea these days to indicate if using X9 or X10 Beta too in the .Plan M.
  14. I guess using the "cut and steal" method requires you to "cut and steal" from the same wall type Correct? or that short section will change the Wall Type for that section...or did I miss something in the Video. ? So making a Wall Legend with different walls (hatched) would be beneficial ? and then perhaps use copy>paste from the legend ? M.
  15. Thanks Guys , I do appreciate the advice given by all so far..... M.
  16. You and me Both, I am thinking it is time for a Clean install too, that is why I started this thread to try and get more info 1st :
  17. You would think in this day and age they could do a Firmware Update to the Drive for you and the Cost would be minimal , ie return postage if you have SSA and thus Premium Support . I can see them not wanting the files out in the wild , (so you could do it yourself) , but if you are willing to Fedex them them drive, ( cross-ship with CC ) then it should be a Service that is Offered rather than a money making Venture that once again "dings" good Clients. M.
  18. Oh wow, good news I guess though...... Out of curiosity , are any of the Folders in Preferences>folders referencing the DVD Drive ? Not sure why the library would immediately begin to enumerate other Drives when looking in the Library , rather than looking in the standard locations for files 1st, ( too aggressive pre-fetch? ) but I think it would be worth Reporting to T.S. , if nothing else to update their Database for future Users who call in, as a possible cause. M.
  19. That's how I did it the 1st time I checked and no difference here , with the Material Painter it might have been quicker actually, as it excludes alot of the library by default. M.
  20. Looks like TS will have to help you as I can't duplicate your pause here in X9 or X10 following Vid#2 You don't have your Chief Data folder in Dropbox or on a Network Server or something like that do you? M.
  21. You 1st file was okay I opened it , I simply selected the Roof hole and made it rectangular , it snapped to the inside of the Dormer Room, but may have destroyed the "Inside look" judging from Eric's comment.... M.
  22. I didn't check actually .... plan plan keeps having micro pauses here , not sure if my computer or the plan.... there are 4 wall A's though.... not sure what the Hip wall designation does ? seen any documentation?
  23. it is your Roof Holes causing it by the look Larry , I made the one on the right rectangular and it fixed it ..... you can see in the 1st Pic, the left Roof hole notches into the wall so is still broken in the 2nd pic the RH Dormer is good again ....
  24. 390.65 is working for me , the other driver that did work before that was 382.05 per my other post linked above.... 388.xx Series didn't , the issue seems worse on Laptops though. Please fill in your Forum Signature , see mine for how to do it , thx. M.