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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. good you got it figured out , just thought I say you don't need to use PDF's to post Images you can just use the Windows Snipping Tool in Windows Accessories ( pin it to your taskbar ) for this and Save the Image to your Desktop and drag it into the Light gray area of the Reply window. M.
  2. Great , glad you got it , sometimes Chief is too smart for it's own Boots
  3. I do it in X9, as some people are having issues after loading the .8 Update ,despite it supposedly only being a change to a single Menu Item for Rental Users, so I have not installed it and don't have the issues reported. There appears to be no Update log for .8 so I am not sure what else it actually does or if something got broken? M
  4. I had to cheat and take your quote from another post not sure why the @Chief_Content trick didn't (doesn't always) work all the time
  5. It looks like saving the plan has broken the Corner again , I had to use the Join Walls tool there to get it to join nicely. There are 3 different walls there and Chief is having trouble sorting out the layer connections especially since the porch wall is 6" lower. I tried the Invisible wall break trick too to stop them connecting but it didn't help much, if at all it seemed I still had to use the Wall Layer Tool/Join tool. If you take a cross section just infront of that wall behind the stairs and select the wall you can see how it cuts into the house wall and being 6 " lower causes the issue, so here I pull that wall down in elevation and fixed the Layers above. M.
  6. In this case the Problem wasn't your Walls , it was the way you setup the Foundation for the Porches , so I redid them and redrew the inner foundation Walls since what I thought was baseboard in your picture was actually the top of the Concrete Foundation Walls with no stucco used there instead of the standard foundation which is Block+Stucco? .....but check out the Plan as I may have Broken something else too , I did not look much further . M. Gulfport_MHD_1.zip
  7. *** that's called a cheat usually using @ in front of a User's Name usually gets a "mention" for them... maybe it doesn't work here? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make a Request in the Symbols Forum and post it attention @Chief_Content so they see it or email the Content team at content@chiefarchitect.com
  8. If you saved it in X10 you can no longer Open it in X8 so either follow Chopsaw's advice above or replace the File from one of your Own backups....you do backup right In X8 in Preferences turn off the Update Check under General ie make it 0 to stop it asking every time you open X8
  9. Probably because then CA would need to track "Default" Views for possibly thousands of Item DBXs and how you set the View for Each.... I think the Defaults Settings DBX , just uses the standard Item's DBX so those 4 Items are shown but don't do anything.
  10. Ahhhh Ok I thought you meant there was a new Setting somewhere in Defaults ....I don't believe those Options are Defaults in the Usual sense ie Settable per Item, ie Colour on/off etc doesn't work as a default Either. Standard or Vector , doesn't effect the DBX Lag much for me , it's marginal , on an Intel GFX Card, maybe it would? I am still thinking RCSS's are being used in ALL views including DBX's and the Library by default.....
  11. Can you post a pic pls .... I can't find it thx.
  12. Have not downloaded plan but.... The hole in the stucco appears to be the Room Molding (Baseboard) ...ie looks like back wall in pic. try applying a Slab for the Porch floor with Tile rather than applying a "Floor Finish" as Tile, as that will stop at the railing ( Room Definition line) , the slab will replace the Concrete Porch Floor and you can give it an overhang etc too if needed (water drip)
  13. I thought it always returned to whatever you set in Preferences (above pic) but you could change it in the DBX if needed.... I had not noticed a new setting in Defaults or missed it? Before my 980ti I used Vector to make things faster in everyday use, then switched in the DBX if I needed it to check something.
  14. The images show different wall types ( more layers on 1st floor vs 2nd floor) so I'd say you have an alignment issue due to what is designated as the Main Layer Please forgive google translate Les images montrent différents types de murs (plus de couches au 1er étage et au 2e étage), donc je dirais que vous avez un problème d'alignement en raison de ce qui est désigné comme la couche principale
  15. Dermot or Brian Beck said to never turn off Global Illumination unless told to by Tech Support to do it during Trouble Shooting... so the checkbox in Preferences does not work for you G. ?
  16. If the 1st Floor is the Correct size Align the walls of the 2nd Floor with it , or you may have to do the reverse depending on which Level shows the Correct dimensions , using F9 to show the Reference Layer ( Red usually) may help too. You may need to realign the Foundation too depending on what you do unless Autobuild foundation is on.
  17. The Bonus Columns and Pillars Library has one under Craftsman , not sure if it meets you needs though? ( you do need SSA) https://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?r=site/detail/772
  18. Not sure I did anything thanks Mark !
  19. In Chief , Wall heights are governed by the Roof Plane , which is how they are normally controlled but you can Pull a wall down in an Elevation View and do it all manually if desired / needed , it's just more work , so you'd open the elevation on the wall you want 6' , (6 O'C) select the wall and change the height to 6' , then do the same for the 8' Wall (12 O'C ) or whatever height you want ( eg 8' and 10' ) , then open the Left and Right Elevations , (3 and 9 O'C ) select the wall and pull the required corner down to the 6' height. You will then need to mess with the Roof Plane as it will still build as normal as if all the walls are still 8ft but once you know the Roof Pitch ( found using a CAD line in side Elevation it isn't too Hard. You can then get it to Auto frame the Roof for you so you don't need to do the Rafters Manually too. M. Angled Wall Plan.plan
  20. I would say use the Tranform Replicate Tool and rotate to the desired angle but not being able to group select and block the Island is a bit strange.... In a pinch I'd have thought the Parallel Tool may work too but both will be a pain if the Island isn't blocked , no idea why without the plan to look at though....
  21. Gables Walls by Design have no pitch , if you want a 10/12 over the Garage you would change it in the Other two (hip) walls of the Garage , ie N/S if the 2 Gables walls are E/W. Any single wall may have a different Pitch from the Default eg 8/12 in this case. M.
  22. The Tags are for Forum Search Use , to make it easier for other Users to find similar Topics. Usually I draw a "House" ie 30'x24' box and place the Bathroom inside it on the appropriate Wall , so that later I can take Image for the Client from the Hall or Bedroom etc. You need a foundation and Roof for Ray Traces in Particular for the Lighting to work properly and walls and cabinets not to show "light bleeding" through there Corners etc. Normally I draw the xxxxx.As-Built Plan > Save As xxxxx.Proposed > Show Client >Make Changes as needed > Save as xxxxx.Final Plan You can use different Wall types/fills (see below everything is On except furniture) or Hatching for New and Existing and Layer Sets or Annotation Set will allow you to Switch different things on and Off like Electrical, Plumbing Fixtures, Dimensions , Cad (Nuheat Mat in this case) etc Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in please, especially with the Software Version, and of course a Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. M.
  23. Anyone can get the X10 Beta in their Digital Locker now AFAIK .....it will just expire Feb 20th if you don't have SSA... M.
  24. It sounds like X8 is still the Default "Handler" for .calibz Files , you can go to Settings>Apps>Default Apps> Scroll to bottom >choose Defaults Apps by File Type> scroll down and find .calibz > Click on the Program name (X8?) and choose X9 or X10 > Ok/Close Settings.... it doesn't normally need a Reboot by may ... M.
  25. I believe Brick Walls are a Special Case Situation ( I don't deal with them much) and Chief Treats the Brick as the Main Layer for these Wall Types not the Framing Layer... It's also why they Align differently in some situations.... Aligning Foundation Walls The Foundation To This Line setting in the Wall Type Definitions dialog controls how a wall of a given type aligns with foundation walls directly below on Floor 0. By default, Foundation To This Line is specified for the Main Layer of most wall types. An exception to this are brick wall types, which have Foundation To This Line specified for the exterior siding layer. See Brick Ledges.