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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Were you downloading or opening a Macro off the Forum? a .json is how Chief Exports Macros ( which are in Ruby as Joe Mentioned ), opening ChiefTalk in IE instead of FireFox does not trigger a Download for me though ...I am Win10 too . M.
  2. You can do this with a Framing Layer fairly easily , You must uncheck "Stagger Framing Layers" to get the Rainscreen Strapping to line up with the studs automatically if that is desired in the Wall's DBX Structure Tab ( at Bottom) And VERY importantly FRAME the wall or you won't see them in Plan View OR 3D Views as they are a Framing Type Material. I use the same technique for Board And Batten Siding. See if my Library of RainScreen Materials Work for you..... Mick. MHD RainScreen Battens.calibz
  3. Ouch..... bit of a let down.... I wonder if Pro 2019 will have PBR ?
  4. nice DJ , that should make him very Happy
  5. If you "Drew" your Terrain manually ?, it is likely only a CAD Line / CAD box so not seen in 3D Go to Terrain>Create Terrain Perimeter to have X9 Place the default Terrain into Plan view , you can then resize or move it as Normal. M.
  6. The GTX 570 should be able to use the latest Nvidia Drivers (390.65) , not sure what M$ installed during the upgrade , 382.05 still seems the most stable for CA though. this is the 1st time I have seen the Reset > Reset Side Windows Option not work.... is your Sig accurate? still on X8? not sure if it is different than x9 or 10 in this regard?
  7. Do you Monitors show up in Device Manager as whatever they are rather than "generic PNP Monitor" ? M.
  8. Eric's tip should get it back.....did you drag it out to another monitor you don't have now or something like that? M.
  9. good advice..especially nowadays when a lot of fridges have waterlines too, seen a lot of them kinked and leaking over the years... Alot of big fridges can also be noisy, I like the recess behind the fridge Area but it depends on the Room on the other side. M.
  10. Merci beaucoup Monsieur ! I will take a look... Now I see why you get crazy shapes sometimes and the "non-parallel " reference makes sense , ie cos all the tool does is extend the two line until they intersect with each other , which in the case of a rectangle means at the original corner. Nice Tip on Chopping Polyline shapes up with Polyline Subtraction too , thanks....
  11. Yeah , that is right, I guess I didn't explain myself well ? , it doesn't work if you try and join two segments of the same straight line , the video you linked just confirmed my own findings , though I am unclear on why the Tool "needs" a Corner , and if you go around the corner the results are not always good , and it only seems work if you go one corner , go to the next line around the corner on your rectangle to the right and it doesn't.... I guess cos it loops back the other way instead which are already joined? In some situations it will work well though... like alot of things in CA you have to know exactly the right circumstances you can use a Tool in ,especially when stuff like "you must go around 1 Corner" isn't documented , the Help file just says it only works on non-parallel line or arc Objects. Perhaps they need the Help file translated into Layman's English
  12. Just now I had them off placing some recessed cans cos they kept coming on for the camera and everything else I was close too and I can barely see a 5" can as it is if not zoomed in , and then I forget to turn them back on.... should always have Center and intersections on I guess, you are right.
  13. Thanks , Good Tip , as I don't always have them on.... will try it next time.... M
  14. Eric could you export your working Library and Post it here please, thanks.... may in Version 9 if you can since not everyone has X10 yet...
  15. It may have to do with the fact those other items are "built-in" units whereas that Fridge is Free Standing , for Free Standing items I size the Cabinet Opening from the Manufacturers Specs and then slide it in.
  16. That Library does not contain Ramps Perry AFAIK , however CA does have Ramps , you would need to know the ADA Specifications to set them though. It would be a good Idea to fill in your Forum Signature ( see mine in Blue below for how) so we know what version you have or intend on Purchasing. M.
  17. Ahhhh yes , that is what I was finding too ( see my edit above) ... so it doesn't work....you have to be "around the Corner" , if it's the same line even in 4 or 5 segments it doesn't.... I thought it was just something I was doing wrong *** would be great to have Basil's suggestion of a right click remove node option.....
  18. Never seem to have much luck with the Join 2 lines Tool , (if the segments are connected already) , it's about as frustrating as trying to drag a Node to the nearest (reshape) Diamond and drop it right on it.... M.
  19. Looks like it is Fixed in X10 on PC too Barb..... thx Scott.
  20. is that in X9 or X10 Scott? I only tried X9 as that is what the OP was using... M.
  21. is the cabinet big enough? width and depth? for the chosen fridge --the cabinet will not auto resize to it... make it 2 1/2" -3" bigger than the fridge to allow for the cabinet sides thickness and Air space
  22. Okay I thought I was seeing something you weren't but I don't think the framing in the exterior Wall in the middle should show like that, messing with the Clipping Depth didn't seem to help.
  23. I haven't heard of that happening before , but It would be best to Post your Plan file so someone can look at it and see if it happened for them too. It is also recommend to fill in your Forum Signature ( see mine below for how in blue ) especially in this case as the issue maybe OS or Hardware related , we also don't know what version you are using. Thanks, M.
  24. hmmmm I must be special cos it's adding framing in mine or I misunderstand the issue? the cross boxes are missing on the right , but I don't know why we have plates framing in the middle as that wall is not crossed (drywall should hide them...) Building the Framing again didn't help Pics below are taken with Windows Snipping Tool under Accessories, please post pics if yours looks different... M.
  25. I would call Tech Support and / or Email them , so they are aware of the Issues as I have seen a few reports like Sherry's that the 3D models are not "waterproof" https://www.chiefarchitect.com/company/contact.html