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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I agree, while it may not be a BUG, ( in some people's eyes), I think it is definitely Bad or un-intentioned Functionality, that the Average User , especially those who don't visit the Forum will be calling TS about, and needs to be Fixed..... M.
  2. I don't know obviously, but as it is, if you choose Trusses now you will have to set the Raise + Hgt or Heel Height to the VSD of the Truss Member to get it correct, and I can see that being a problem especially for new Users who don't know the ins and outs of Chief Roofs., and it seems to me it would be easy enough to program that functionality automatically since Chief knows the VSD. M. This Post of mine has more on VSD distances and a PDF here if anyone needs it.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/24689-vertical-structure-depth-vsd-rafter-table-pdf/?tab=comments#comment-198524
  3. Ok , looks like a bug for sure , though I'm not sure how this got by QS or Beta since Auto Trusses are a new Feature in X15, so you'd think testing was scrupulous. M.
  4. Not sure what you mean by " a while" but there has always been an unwritten Rule to Restart Chief during the Day eg when going to lunch, to help stop "weirdness" ( a memory leak I think ) but not sure if that is what you are experiencing or not? I have not seen this myself but am still doing a lot of work in X14. M.
  5. Your Image looks Correct , Steve's does not , the top chord is intersecting the Top plate causing a small sloped section against the wall too. Steve are your Roof Planes the Correct Height? M.
  6. This would be my guess too..... M.
  7. Switch to the Electrical Saved Plan View ......... Have a look at the 1st 3 videos on this list if not sure what we mean..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/search/?default_tab=video&q=saved+plan+views M
  8. With Pro , finish EVERYTHING 1st , then do a Save As Plan for each discipline ...eg Site Plan, Floor Plan(s) Electrical, Foundation etc , as HDP only allows 1 ( as in one) page per layout , I believe in HDP 2023 they raised that Limit to 5 Pages , the alternative would be to Rent CA Premier for a month ($200) but likely worth it. M.
  9. Is the retain framing option checked instead of Clear ( and auto frame on )
  10. If you post a Plan , even just a small test plan with the same issue , I'll have a play later ..... M.
  11. The Legion 7 ( and 5 ) have been getting good reviews for a couple of years now , like Jason I am still in the Intel Camp though. M.
  12. Try this...... I'll check back in the morning..... you could consider making the Frames 1/2 the desired thickness since the Frame is not seen once the Casing goes on and...... Make sure your Window Separation in the Window Defaults is set to 0mm Bump the two Awnings tight together and then mull them together 1st Then mull the Mulled Awnings to the Picture Window below for the full Unit. If needed try adjusting the inset options as well to adjust the "Bar" depth. M.
  13. I guess it's not in your Sig. then , and it likely has a top of the Line CPU eg 13th gen (with a much faster IMC) and Faster NVME(s) and high-end GPU too , so I'm not surprised that overall it is faster/snappier than the one in your Sig. ( as one would hope ) M.
  14. It's no as bad as you think I had the same thought about mine ( see my Sig.) All the RGB Lighting can be turned off on the Strix or set to a single color if you prefer , at least mine can, though I like the Illuminated Keyboard on the Strix , (set quite low single color) and now have one on the Desktop too.
  15. The prices of NVMEs and Ram have come down considerably in the last 12-18 months , but from what I have read, DDR5 doesn't make much difference in the real world until it reaches speeds of at least 6000mhz, but that also depends on the latency too ie CL 38 (fast) vs CL 52 (slower) etc. M.
  16. Something to consider if a Laptop is not essential is that Desktop GPUs are always more powerful than their similarly named Laptop GPU, due the the power limitations put on Laptops due too much heat being produced in a thin body and the battery usage too as a discrete GPU uses a lot more power. https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-3080-Laptop-vs-Nvidia-RTX-3080/m1443565vs4080
  17. I'd suggest spending the extra $400-500CDN and getting an Asus Strix or Gigabyte Aorus with 32GB of Ram and a 4070 perhaps.... and one with a 2560 x 1440 Panel so it matches your Desktop resolution too, in probably the 16" or 17" size if it is basically a desktop replacement. M. 54 minutes ago, SHCanada2 said: There were some with 3080s 4070 at memory express like this one perhaps https://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/MX00124464
  18. I think it became "Automatic" in X12 ( someone will correct me no doubt ) , it's one on the Options quickly accessed by Alt-Q ( General Wall Defaults ), I think it's still a good Practice , since CA doesn't always get it right , but then I am used to it and it is SOP. M.
  19. Post the Plan perhaps or ask over on HomeTalk which is the Forum for the non-pro versions, someone like Jo_Ann has many tips and tricks from years of Using HD Products https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ M.
  20. Thanks Simon, I did not know what name to search to find an Image...... it appears to be insulated as well. M.
  21. I assumed the Bends are needed for stiffness and the slope was to help run any moisture to the outside of the wall to the weep-holes but Jeet will need to confirm ( or not) .....
  22. It wouldn't be just Doug who'd be happier I stopped using the Room Column due to the double name problem and use a custom field when needed. Normally the Door would be named for the Room on it INTERIOR side eg a Bedroom off a Hall , but that doesn't work in all cases so perhaps a Checkbox under the Label Tab for Room Name for Interior and Exterior would work or something similar? M.
  23. If you mean in the Shape of the RED Line? then no, if that is a common UK Header for what appears to be a double layer masonry wall? you would need to ask Chief to add it as a Feature Request. M.
  24. Not really, it took longer to make the post than to do it....... it's just a handy tip to have up ones' sleeve, when walls won't behave or are on unknown/non-standard angles, though admittedly it's not something I do every day or even on every project ..... M.