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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Yep, strange one.......but then we know CA hates anything Round with lots of polygons......and many 3D Warehouse symbols are done by Students learning Sketchup for a School course, so you really need to check the Polygon count. M.
  2. it's a pretty common error if you google search it..... https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b&q=fbx+converter+not+enough+parameters&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiOkIyR2_7dAhUnJTQIHRpqAUwQ1QIIqgEoAg&biw=1425&bih=936 did they change the Converter to an SDK Kit? https://www.autodesk.com/products/fbx/overview
  3. Perhaps they can Print to a different PDF Printer then, if using Sketchup's built-in one? eg BullZip which I use.
  4. I have not seen that Alan , did you try importing into the plan and then sending to Layout ( I may misunderstand your workflow here? ) Mick.
  5. I would contact Tech Support with this kind of Issue..... Are you the only one accessing your particular plan? , that is the only thing I can think of , other that the VPN used? some are slow due to encryption I have read.
  6. Using FBX in what? I don't have anyway to test the File if it works..... Your DB is empty ?
  7. Kbird1


    Check the MEP Library Items and 3D WareHouse for Sketchup Files you can convert. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  8. CA can import OBJ but not export AFAIK.... Did you try exporting 3DS instead ? looks like AutoDesk FBX can convert them too http://download.autodesk.com/us/fbx/Converter_online/index.html?url=WS1a9193826455f5ff-3a29af00119afd28e95-21e6.htm,topicNumber=d0e273
  9. How appropriate thanks.... didn't know he could play like that.....not just a pretty face apparently. M.
  10. I think you are talking about my Green Treated Spruce Material right? in that case when I made it I inadvertently named it the same as CA's default material and dropped it into the Root of the Textures Folder and Chief was finding it 1st before looking deeper in the other Folders and/or Referenced Zips which made Plans using the default CA texture look all wrong with my Green Spruce Treated Lumber. Mick.
  11. Ahhhh.... I did post a while back in the Tips Forum that Ram Drives makes CA do weird things , including not Update Correctly..... I also had issues with Windows Update assigning my temp Folder to the Ram Disk. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17662-why-does-ca-get-slower-and-slower-the-more-i-use-it-solved/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-162092 *** ahhh I see you found that thread...... M.
  12. Ahhhh....no I hadn't twigged to the difference in what was Purple but sounds similar to MTL's issue with templates too. M.
  13. PM him and see what the issue was.... I didn't find much Else on it but maybe CS did from his Post earlier in the Thread?
  14. see the last part of his comment.......
  15. I don't recommend updating a Bios from a Windows App but in this case it sounds like it worked out okay..... Use EzFlash in the Bios , it is much safer..... Pity that wasn't it though , you are sure it isn't the backdrop right? since it's only effecting the BD now? very strange one .......Only RT right? not PBR or anything else?
  16. This happens when you assign a Railing Panel as a Baluster in a Baluster Type Railing , instead assign the Cable to the Panel in a Panel type Railing and its all good.... This still happens in X10 too if you assign the wrong railing types... M.
  17. I think I am seeing the same weirdness fairly frequently , I will need to open and close views more often it sounds like. M.
  18. It looks like you need to Use a Corner Cabinet where you can specify the Right and Left length..... or use an angled front? .... ....it can be done with 2 modified 12" cabinets ....one set as the angled Part. If not please give us more details to help you and please do you Forum Signature and different versions of the software require different answers. M.
  19. This is the Material I changed from the one included.......with your skills you can likely make it better..... Mick. MHD_Window Screen Material.calibz
  20. I have a ASUS X99A-II MB and have to rename it for every Bios Update, as I use the USBFlashback port on the MB, not 100% sure the rename is need if using EZFlash3 in the Bios to do it. The file as downloaded will not work usually... most modern ASUS boards use the .cap (capsule) extension but I think EZFlash in the bios will also recognize .rom (image file) files BUT the file MUST be renamed correctly for your particular MB , to the shortened version , that is why they provide the Re-Naming Utility too. did I have the correct MB? do you have the correct MB listed in your Sig.? the renamed File is MB dependant and will only work for that model or model revision. , the Latest Bios is already a .cap file , so all that is usually needed is to change the name in Win. Explorer to the correct name for your Model. Also use a USB2 Drive if you have one and the USB2 port if you don't have USB Flashback Port like my MB. Try the RenamerL utility and see what it renames it...... hmmmmmm..........you sure you downloaded the correct Bios for your MB?
  21. this one? https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/Z170-PRO-GAMING/HelpDesk_BIOS/ I assume you unzipped it and renamed it correctly for your MB? you can do that manually or use the Bios File Renamerl Utility do you have USB BIOS Flashback ? usb port and button? there is also an ME update by the looks
  22. Just curious if you figured this out ? might be good for others to know how if you did too.... M.
  23. I looked at them a couple of years ago but ultimately got a 32" Benq QHD CAD/CAM Monitor instead (1/2 the price almost) and really like it and the space.... enough in fact to own several of them now. M.
  24. Yes, if the Stairs don't connect then the Railings on the landing will turn on Auto and you will have to turn them off for the selected edge, it can be very finicky at times to get the landings and stairs to snap together every time.