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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I have found many Forums don't display Sigs on their Mobile Websites to conserve bandwidth.
  2. I assume you mean the Short "tick" mark on the base line? it is telling/pointing to you which way the Roof Slopes UP . just to be Clear the baseline is always at the VRD distance above the Wall Plate but in line with it. The VRD ( vertical rafter distance) can be seen in the Roof planes DBX General Tab. This distance is dependant on the Rafter size used and the Roof Pitch as Scott was pointing out above.... Here is Curt's Cheat Sheet for VRD's he posted a couple of years ago and a Roof Pitch Ref. Chart. Curt's Energy Heel Info.pdf Roof Pitch Degrees Reference.pdf
  3. No .see mine below in blue for where to go to do it up at the top of the Window.... M.
  4. We lost Post numbers back in March I think it was...I too found them useful.... M.
  5. See the 2nd post again or my Signature , which tells you how to do yours.... It sounds like you have inadvertently drawn stairs on the wrong level , and can now see them in an Elevation view...you can't draw stairs in elevation , except using CAD.... .M. edit..... had a look at the plan, I see no stairs in the Basement but Michael is right you never set the Basement (foundation default height) so it is the default 37 1/2" high and will need rebuilding at 100 1/2" +/- to get a full 96" height basement. I can also tell you are using X10, but the Text on many Room labels is truncated , a common issue, with plans started in older Versions and brought forward. ie an X9 Template Plan for eg. to fix it just open each label and close the DBX again without changing anything. .
  6. Your Co-Worker is correct as Michael also pointed out, but if you want one room's (only) drywall you can create the Room's Polyline ( edit toolbar) then Pull the PL back to the middle of the each WALL, and convert the PL to a Materials PL and it will now include the Wall Drywall, not just the Ceilings. Note the ML only lists exactly what is modelled and by default, only uses 4'x8' sheets, even for say a 12'x12' bedroom. You can fill in your Forum signature by looking at mine too if you like, as many questions require the Version being used to offer the best solution. M.
  7. Did you have a pic of the Situation as I can't think of why a Staircase won't show unless staircases are off in your particular view? ie you used a Floor camera and not a Full camera. M
  8. Since you are Selling you should put this in the Offers Forum , there was another Post today also selling an additional x10 which has some additional info... M.
  9. This is because you paid $1900 for an Additional licence , if you had paid the Full price it would be only $50 , and like Mark I don't believe SSA is transferable, you would need to confirm that with CA but it is currently an additional $495 if not included. ($525 after Jan 7th 2019) M.
  10. Yes I meant Automatic as you can as you say change an individual entry in the ML.... I am guessing that perhaps a Ruby Expert maybe able to leverage it in the ML in X10 ? but personally don't think that should be needed.... M.
  11. I tried it in both CAD detail and Plan and it significantly slowed things down in both , if I enabled ALL the "Types" available to the Schedule, ( so only enable exactly what you need perhaps) but haven't really played too much more with it ......may need to export to Excel or something then delete in Plan (?) to speed it up again.
  12. HQ informed me last year when I asked them about the FIR name in the ML and why it wouldn't change, that the ML is HARDCODED with the word FIR and it can not be changed at this (that time) . I too went to the trouble of making my own SPF Framing to suit local conditions like Chopsaw, before finding that out. I was told if I wanted to see SPF listed, I would need to use a Framing Schedule .... though I found recently you need to be really selective with a Schedule or it will really slow the Plan down if you let it list everything in the Model.
  13. To save as a Exterior Fixture (symbol) you need to be in a 3D view with only the Knee Brace visible ..... This is the basics but the 1st pic of the kitchen is totally misleading...... you can't make the Oven cabinet a symbol from that view... as EVERYTHING in view will be added to the symbol...... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00809/converting-an-object-into-a-symbol.html M.
  14. Not 100% sure what you mean but If the Computer will handle 64bit Win10 I believe the switch is free since you already have a 32bit license , my old Netbook is the only 32bit version I have, I went 64bit at Win7. https://www.windowscentral.com/how-upgrade-32-bit-64-bit-version-windows-10 https://www.faqforge.com/windows/windows-10/upgrade-32-bit-64-bit-version-windows-10/ https://www.easeus.com/todo-backup-resource/upgrade-windows-10-32-bit-to-64-bit-without-losing-data.html
  15. Not as far as I know Tomingreene . each version and copy of the Program has it own Serial Number, but to confirm I would call Sales or try them via Email, WebChat or Skype https://www.chiefarchitect.com/company/contact.html An alternative maybe to upgrade to 64bit Windows if your computer is capable of Running it? M.
  16. I picked up one of these a few months back , price has dropped $15 since then..... see my (Kbird) Review too.... https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07D5V2ZXD/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Mick.
  17. Thanks for let others know how......sheesh....
  18. About once a week it is a good habit to use the Update Catalog Link in the Library Menu.... it checks all installed Catalogs to see if you have the latest and when it is done, it tells you which Libraries it has updated, if it found anything. this week the Medical library , and several Plant Catalogs got updates
  19. Yes it has been a good change and I am hoping that in X11 it is much improved, especially in the area of reflections and in particular Glass. I can tell from the weekly library Catalog updates Chief is work feverishly to update all the catalogs for PBR. David (User Seafield) posted about a week ago about some of the Other renders he has tried you might be interested ? Indigo Render RT looked interesting but I have not researched it more yet....it would be a great addon for CA I think...but Chief doesn't work with outside Developers AFAIK. https://www.indigorenderer.com/indigo-rt-4
  20. Are you talking about the Windows in Room 8 and 10 and the 45° wall between them? ( btw is room 9 missing? ) Chief really doesn't like extra thick walls,with deep recesses it seems, eg many European thick stone walled Buildings, you will find other posts on the Forum about that issue, as there are several Users from France who have run into issues too especially when the area where the windows and doors are is thinner, Chiefer doesn't cover the ends of the thicker part properly is that your issue too? Some images of the Issue may help someone suggest a few workarounds ....nice images in the Goodies thread BTW M.
  21. Faulty Graphics Card ?.....try another Card if you can or RMA the 1070 perhaps I assume you have set Chief to use the 1070 in Nvidia Control Panel and that OpenGL is set to render on the 1070? (ie there is no iGFX card interfering with the 1070)
  22. - A new Fresh install on a New computer will have nothing from the previous System or any of your Personal Files or any Libraries other than the Core Libraries. - Bonus Catalogs have always been a separate Download , the Core libraries can be installed via the Library menu though. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/library&reset=true Personally I save any Bonus Libraries I download to a Separate Folder and it is backed up to an external HDD Drive along with the Chief Data Folder, so I don't have to go through the Online Library one Bonus Lib. at a time to download them ever again. If you don't have a Backup "in the Cloud" or on an external drive of the Chief Data Folder in My Documents ( and your plan Files if not kept there) then your only hope is accessing the HDD from the old system as mentioned. If you do have a backup you will also be able to save your User Catalog too from the Library. Food for thought..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00001/migrating-chief-architect-to-a-new-computer.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00091/backing-up-library-content.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00562/guide-to-file-management-for-chief-architect-files.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00099/accessing-your-archive-files.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02899/manually-installing-core-catalogs-for-chief-architect-premier.html
  23. perhaps if you entered a positive number it is refusing to do it ? since the other numbers are negative but Eric is right best to post the plan for quick answers like this. M.
  24. Wrong version year of the .skp file perhaps? or just a bad 3D Warehouse Model KB
  25. I also use 125% Windows Scaling (recommend) and sometimes also see this Issue.