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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Looking good now ....was caustics on? good to put that info into the "fixed it"post, so others with the same issue will know for the future..... M.
  2. You can just use a CAD Line Diane and use the checkbox to "show length" , I also use the "arrow" that is a circle or the Circle with a filled Dot for Plot Plans too
  3. The Store Front Wall idea seems to work and if you need too you could just delete the Top Plate (TP) but even in a system like this you need horizontal somewhere , ie at max glass height. Here the walls are 13' high and Balloon framed on the 1st Floor (only) , the Office Floor in the back corner, is hung on the Walls with a ledger instead.... This way the wall is Framed and you can move the "studs" around as needed , and would need all those Polyline Solids you have for Window Bars either. Not sure if it would work in your plan as yet....
  4. Thanks Joe , I had forgotten that we can now add Notes to the Library , so will give that a try too..... *** there is too much text for the "Text Above Line", for the Callout, so it's better to put the macro in the Text of the Note and have it report in the Schedule, which maybe better anyway as it keeps the drawing "cleaner". M.
  5. Good of the glass company not to mention that in the 1st phone call I did notice a few "different" Wall types in there , perhaps better to approach those areas like a Store-Front Window system , ie floor to Ceiling , with the Exterior surface of the Wall ,set to Black Metal as well ? ( or whatever colour you need) so it appears to be one "system" M.
  6. Just noticed this recently myself with the X11 Bonus Sliding Barn Door library having an extra Folder in it, in a pic someone posted I didn't have , so I downloaded and installed it to check, and sure enough I was missing the Hardware Folder, so I am like you now, slowly downloading and updating my "Up to Date" Libraries as well, as I know Chief has updated many Materials to work properly with PBR views , so I now feel like I need to redo them all "just in case". M.
  7. I am a bit surprised to see all the comments about my offhand remark about "how I think" and perceive things in CA , I do understand the hows and why's it is done the way it is, I just can't seem to remember that I need to be on level 0 to see the 1st floor Framing ......it always seems to be an "oh yeah" moment each time I display floor framing and nothing appears
  8. Hey thanks Michael, that works nicely , but I have to say, I think you are probably one of nine guys on this forum who could write that Macro...and understand how it works I made it into a Library "Block" with the Label for Others to use, you just have to remember to "explode" the Block after you insert it , so the macro "reads" the Room it is in , and not just show the Data from the Room I made the Block in. (see pic below) Macro : AlaskanSon_Room Moldings.json CAD Block : MHD_Room Molding CAD Block.calibz
  9. The Framing looks correct to me for the current Roof configuration , so you'd need to change it like Eric said or use a Ceiling plane just below the current one as you had attempted previously. If you change the two "Valley" boards to 7 1/4 they disappear and display the correct Ceiling. You will see this elsewhere too as unfortunately this is still a common issue in CA as it defaults to using the RidgeBoard Size for Valleys too , which in the case of OverFrame Roofs causes issues....and the auto "cut framing to soffit" doesn't always do it's job. M.
  10. Exactly....when I am looking at 1st Floor Framing , I don't "see" the Plywood , and I am not sure which Builder would consider the 1st Floor Framing to be part of the Foundation? at least not me.... , I have never headed to the basement to look up at the Floor Framing...... but everyone "thinks" differently right so..... M.
  11. Keep your fingers and toes crossed and be a good boy this year and hopefully Santa will bring (us all) a Present this year.... Most don't have RTX Cards yet , but hopefully moving forward they will have to go RT like everyone else.....
  12. Have to agree Ed , 32GB of 3000/3200 will suit just fine .....just make sure it is on the QVL list for the chosen MB as ThreadRipper AMD timings are Different from Intel Timings and may not be compatible. M.
  13. Once CA catches PBR up the Nvidia's Real time Raytracing (RTRT) on the RTX Cards you will likely see the difference , though Nvidia has now said that RTRT will be supported by GTX cards in the new Drivers but it will be a massive hit on Performance if enabled.
  14. Good Drive , It's what I have and the 960 version as well actually mine is the non+ model , this one is newer. They plug in at a 30-4rdeg. angle , similar to a ramchip and you then push it down and secure with a small screw....which you may not have?
  15. It's not a high end board but good enough and gets good reviews No, m2 drives go in their own m2 Slot , in the case of your MB it actually has 2 , a PCIe m2 (M-Key) and a Combo (M+B Key?) PCie/SATA port looking at the Specs https://www.asus.com/ca-en/Motherboards/PRIME-H370M-PLUS-CSM/specifications/ you would need a PCIe Riser card to use an m2 drive in a PCIe Slot....I use one as my MB ony has one m2 slot. Unfortunately in my experience the Samsung Software does not always produce a Bootable system.....so I always use Macrium Reflect Free to Clone my Drives. M.
  16. As noted always best to post the Plan File....attach it while the Plan is Closed in Chief though as Chief locks the File. From the second pic it looks like the ceiling Planes (Pink) are pulled through the Side Walls, not up to them, and not far enough to the Front of the Roof Slope. The ceiling planes shouldn't really be needed, unchecking "Has Flat ceiling" in the Porch Room's DBX should give you the same result , and no need to mess with ceiling planes. You have the front Gable Wall set to Invisible it seems so you'll need to explain more on how you want to "fill it in"
  17. Although CA seems to crash once in a while when I play in the library for some reason , I have never had an issue before with using Files from the Archive Folder and perhaps losing an hour or so of work but never a whole afternoon in Layout, luckily the model was already mostly done , and so it was mostly re-sending Views , though some had to be re-annotated and Dimensioned etc. I now have Syncback running an hourly backup instead of Daily if the Computer is on, so hopefully that will help. Thanks for the thoughts and advice... M.
  18. Although I use DropBox , I don't use it as a "live" backup anymore , after a Folder "disappeared" , in that case I had my local backups ( I use and extra 2TB internal HDD just for backups with Syncback and Macrium each night and an External USB HDD too) saved me , so I pulled my real folders off Dropbox and have Syncback backup to the Dropbox Folder each night , and it syncs after that. I may need to think about a more Robust "Paid " backup scheme with the added features like access reports and versioning though after this incident. M.
  19. Now you are just showing your "Architect's View of the World" and I can assure you it is not the same as the average Builder's ...... at least when I am/was Framing I didn't "see" the Plywood, it's like an after thought or the wrapping on that Birthday Present you just got.... and for me at least it is long ingrained, I may do Design-Build but I still see the World from a Carpenter's point of View, I guess it's the whole left brain - right brain argument or Function over Form for some of us. M.
  20. Ahhhh.... thanks for clarifying Lew , I have always used the Icon or a Programmed Mouse Button , but admit my failure to check that the SAVE was actually happening , though having an Explorer Window open yesterday on another Monitor showed it did make a save each time ( time changed on File ) , though in X11 I haven't really needed that as there is a 15-30 second "pause" in Chief whenever you do a Save. But as you suggest I should likely be a bit more Proactive in my saving files. M.
  21. That I didn't know , but I guess it is the Builder in Me, I feel like I should be able to look down and see it just like on the job , the Floor starts at the Top of the Concrete foundation wall as far as my Builder Brain works and has done for 35+ years now.... M.
  22. That is how I also work these days , and I know I saved the Plan file numerous time manually with the Icon yesterday afternoon, so I can't really say what happened , but it is the 3rd time X11 has just closed and disappeared without warning , the 1st twice it was with plans form the Forum so I didn't really lose anything, but it is usually when I am or was doing something in the Library. I am not sure why CA has not developed a Method to Use Undoplan.plans as a rescue method as I have 100 files upto almost the minute before the Crash, including a a 40+ mb file and I couldn't use it. M.
  23. Just sorting things out now , my backups had a few different versions, so I have been importing Layersets, defaults and SPVS etc to try and make it all match up again in One plan ...and Layout...... and trying to figure out what you told Larry in the Auto Dims thread as it would seem I have the similar but opposite issue as him.... nothing changes...seems like everything is now on 1/4" Anno default in EVERY Anno somehow..... At least in these recovered Files..... M.
  24. Be interesting to hear what TS has to say , that is a "Split Level" on Steroids and will give them Fits too..... I guess with the hurricanes etc down you way 10' glass makes sense..... I'm not a ML Expert but if you need help on your other project shoot me a PM I am always looking for some extra work to fill in.... M.