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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Didn't we get a new Find And Replace Text Tool in X11? which if I read correctly can now see macros with %.....% on each end too.... Not sure it will work on a Project as large as some of your's we've seen lately....
  2. Hitting F9 for the Reference Layer may help? especially if you draw a wall on level 1 1st , it will snap to it , and can be deleted later, .... at least that's what I'd try 1st......if I had the Plan..... M.
  3. I know bummer huh ----- forgot they had finally fixed that one , as I haven't run into the Issue in quite a While....
  4. - If you click on the Room, you can make a Room Polyline (edit toolbar) and it has a total length etc in the DBX..... - you can also Place a Room Finish Schedule in a CAD Detail (best) and use the available Columns to document thinks like Moldings. M.
  5. What Info are you looking for? as CA has built in Marcos for the basics like Area and Perimeter etc M.
  6. I wanted to keep a Copy of this for myself for Offline Use , so I made a PDF of Mark's post above and with his consent, I have attached it below so Others can download it too. Mick. SETTING UP A CABINET BRAND LIBRARY.pdf
  7. thanks for Answer Mark , that should surely help...... you are right , alot of people will find that info useful including me M.
  8. Just so we are Clear for the future.....it is common practice to ask for the Plan File and Images of the Issue for ALL posts , there is just too much guessing otherwise and time wasted by Responders otherwise.....I suspect you would of had an answer within an hour yesterday had you done that...... and I would be surprised if it wasn't Eric who helped you..... even if his answers as somewhat short at times.....but in his defense He is a strong believer in leading you to the answer so you Learn, and are not just someone using the Forum for quick answers, as many do, cos they don't read the manual or Help Files, then disappear again. Mick.
  9. As Solver said...... but keep the Ceiling at Defaults.....so it's the same as every other Ceiling on Level 1
  10. Seems to work for me too.... PS your Doors are 82 1/2" high , which at least around here is not a standard size , 80" is ....82 1/2 would be the Rough Opening though, also not sure why 1/2 the house has no floor finishes? M
  11. Likely A Nvidia Videocard Driver Issue , try updating them if not done recently.... PS. no need to use all CAPS either.... You'll need to do your Forum Signature with Hardware Details if you need more help..... see mine M.
  12. Possibly..... but I renamed the Data Folder before reinstalling , and moving some of my Folders and Files back into it afterwards, the Residental Template I used last night was from the Clean Templates Folder though as I specifically saved the Folder for that reason ie a clean backup Copy of the OOB Templates. My TemplateTextures.zip File could be an old one from previously I guess? but I think the Template's Wall definition Material is pointing to the wrong material ie a generic Lap Siding....not the Blue Lap Siding in the Library so maybe the wall definition was made before the White Siding got turned into all the coloured Siding by the Content Team by Blending for example?
  13. I am not a Cabinet expert , that would be @MarkMc he'll have some answers for you I'd think. You could ask the Manufacturer to work with Chief, there is a program set up just for that, but you can easily make Material libraries by pointing CA at a Folder and it will create the materials and place them in your User Folder. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/partners/catalog-partner-program.html I am not sure if you imported symbols , say from sketchup that they would work exactly like CA's Cabinets , but the Experts may have more insight on that too.... M.
  14. ***Windows can not be in two walls (or cross two floor levels I think) , so if either of these conditions are present it would cause this.... Ie the Gable wall is actually two walls not one continuous one due to a Wall break. *** they can nowadays....
  15. -26 assuming a 4" slab on Grade... , maybe -28 if you want it in the Ground a bit and want 4 x 7" risers M.
  16. Hi Dermot, I clean installed X11 with the Public Release Last week , and the problem is still there as I found last night, looking a bit further, this particular material used as the default Siding in the Residental Template in Siding6 Walls is NOT in the Library, (if you try to change it, it leads you to the White Siding in the library) and it uses the Normal from the TemplateTextures.zip , not the corrected one in the Textures Folder. Switch the Default Siding6 to thr Blue Lap Siding in the Library and all is well again as the new normal and texture have been resized as noted... not sure why at 7 1/2 boards though? ( that would make the siding 3 3/4"per board not 4" for 8 boards for the pattern to show 8 boards would it?)
  17. I hadn't really looked into it .....but the issue is the Normal Map has been made correctly ie it is 8 boards x 4" each per the Pattern tab for a 32"x32" texture but if you look at the Texture ( not the normal ) it is 9 Boards in 32", hence it not lining up with the Normal. So after a bit of splicing and dicing in Paint I made a 9 Board Normal and set the Texture to 36x36" and it looks much better.....might look better if someone made a "real" normal with 9 Boards as I don't have Photoshop , but what I made is below, if you want to try it. Old normal The 32" Texture New 9 Board Normal we can try and get the Content team to have a look Monday..... @Chief_Content M.
  18. No it appears Rich and I had Lapsiding - Gray3 in our Wall definitions from X9 or 10 Originally .......
  19. This Texture does appear to be badly sized or something as the "Groove" doesn't appear to match Boards ,(or anything) if you like the textured woodgrain look I would try the Certainteed or Hardi Lap Siding in the Manufacturer's library instead , and apply the texture to the bump map as well if you want too. M.
  20. It seems like the As-Built Foundation is auto generating Attic Walls for some reason , and since you used Manual Roof planes you never noticed the Issue, I am not sure why the Walls on Level one didnt stop the Attic Walls on the foundation Level from auto Building , not sure if it has something to do with the weird shape of the old Breezeway foundation and you not fixiing it under the new Family room or not? Sorry I can't be more help...... M.
  21. Interesting , so with this Info and Joe's comment above it would suggest we can only have one scale for Plan Views... I was not aware that this Dialog is VIEW SPECIFIC and saved in Plan , I will need to play with this more.... M.
  22. While in Layout Open Defaults>Layout>Ref.Grid. (Defaults = wrench Icon)
  23. No , click on the Layout box and on the Edit toolbar you should see an Icon that looks like a Scale Ruler , click on that to Open the Re-Scale DBX Mick.
  24. I would assume No2 is the issue , and no3 would be the fix for views already sent.... Joe.....I don't think SPVs have a scale do they? (zoom level yes) though some probably wish they did.... M.
  25. I uninstalled the latest Windows 10 update yesterday as a test and both X10 and X11 are back to normal for me..... as yet I have no real idea on why , they pulled the previous update for Win10 and replaced it with KBxxxxxx899 and things got worse for me so I removed it on a hunch....and have delayed its reinstall for now...