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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. See your other thread.....there is a download for you.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/22023-standing-seam/?do=findComment&comment=180306 There is a Siding Folder and in it is the Fiber Cement Siding Folder in X10 ..... in X11 , they only have the Vinyl Siding ( no longer selling F.C.?) I was told to NOT change the name of the Library files we download from the Online 3D library , as if you do they will NOT Auto Update it seems, so it is possible that in my need to give files more descriptive names I may have unintentionally broken AutoUpdate...I didn't think it mattered as the Folder imported into the CA Library is still the same File/folder Chief Exported the Library from, but I have been told renaming can cause this issue. On the other Hand , with this knowledge I can now install older Libraries such as the X10 Certainteed Library alongside the X11 Library by renaming the X10 Library 1st....
  2. Yes unfortunately , about a week or so ago , lost some work too as it seemed the Layout is not saved regularly along with the .Plan file even though I Autosave on 5 Mins and auto archive every hour. I was making some custom Moldings and had just finished adding them to the library when it just "blinked" and disappeared. Most of my Crashes seem related to the Library somehow. Can't say for sure I left my computer on overnight or not but it is possible, though typically I shut it down each night just for this reason ( ie Chief acting weird sometimes if you don't). CPU Fan or Fans on VideoCard running fullspeed? both are worth looking at.....install HWInfo64 at a minimum and check out those Temps. VideoCard Fans running at 100% is usually a sign the Card needs to be RMA'd, at least that is the advice on the EVGA Forums for that issue. M.
  3. See if the glass is set to have an emissive value in it's properties......or switch it to the normal standard glass which I don't think does...many lamps etc have emissive set by default though.
  4. Weirds issues like this are sometimes related to the Video card Driver......when was it last Updated ? latest is 419.67 for your 940MX..... https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/145536
  5. Hi , I just did some digging in the Chief Files after you mentioned X6-X7 and found them back then but also found the files were actually changed in 2016 , (the new files have 2016 in their names), X9 has them, and the X10 Core Catalog actually has both Files,(uses newer files?) but X11 has only the newer ones. In this folder (or x6-x9) C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X9\Referenced Files\ You will find a file called CoreCatalogFiles.Zip unzip it to a folder and you will find all the CA SS (Color).jpg Files , you can copy these to a new Folder and then use 3D>Materials>convert Textures to Material> point to the new folder made above and they will be added to the User Library under the name of the Folder you made above. eg CA Standing Steam . OR download the Library I made in X10 and try it.... MHD CA Standing Seam_X10.calibz X11 with "Patterns" : MHD CA Standing Seam_X11.calibz
  6. Yep I agree , it should be Auto adding the Soffit Material at least as a start , with an Option to change the material and thickness. M.
  7. True ...I still think you get more horsepower for the same dollars in a desktop , so unless you need a Laptop to work , I still think a well spec'd desktop is going to see you through better , without the heat and other issue inherent in most Laptops today.... Like you, I think you are always going to be giving up a little buying a "Deal" from a name brand like Dell , there is a reason they can sell at lower Prices, you just have to decide if it "good enough" for you......and if only running Windows and Chief in the Office, perhaps they will do just fine, I just wouldn't expect to be able to upgrade one as easily as Custom Built PC. The "same" hardware , doesn't mean the same performance unfortunately , an example I saw of this yesterday was the 2060 RTX card in a MSI laptop preforming and only about 75% of it's desktop counterpart, though this is the kind of thing most wouldn't know about, without doing a lot of research or having a general interest in Computer Hardware.... M.
  8. Well wonders will never cease ...MarkMc with a desktop..... Looks like most of there STD configs come with fairly low end GPU's , so expect to add $300? to prices quoted after reconfiguring. I prefer to build my own but it is often hard to beat some of the Deals places like Dell and Lenovo etc have for similar Configs. MSi's new ones are the Trident 9th and Infinite 9th Series https://www.msi.com/Desktop/Products#?tag=Trident-Series https://www.msi.com/Desktop/Products#?tag=Infinite-Series
  9. That should do the Trick.... If the garage roof plane is Manual pull it back off the house wall too and then let it "re-snap" to the house.... M.
  10. Lot depends on budget but I would suggest a 500GB NVME SSD ( not SATA SSD) minimum, as they are 4x faster and you'll want way more space than 128gb on your Primary Drive as win10 is sucking a 1/3 or more off that alone nowadays. you can likely get by with a 1TB HDD for storage unless you have an extensive Movie and other Media Library, though it may not save you much to change it and it is good to have extra space for doing backups etc too, eg doing an Image of C:\Drive a few times a week in case there is a crash. 16GB Ram may do it ....but I'd still suggest 32GB especially since you seem to keep your systems for a few years I read yesterday MSI has a new desktop out too , so that maybe worth looking at too.... M. *** edit it seems Dell has a discount on the 512GB NVME+2TB HDD ATM of $150 ,so with the extra RAM (32) it's about $2179 ( No software except Win10 Home) .
  11. Ok , I thought you meant 3D but I was also having Slowness Issues for the last few weeks, then I uninstalled the Win10 March Cumulative update (KBxxxx.899) and things were MUCH better , I have since done a InPlace Win10 1809 Install ( saves all current files) with the KB xxxxx899 V2 .Iso from Microsoft and things are much better in X10 and X11. https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/software-download/windows10 M.
  12. Okay great...... here is the revised Plan..... MHD_Post_residence_expanded_Rev1.plan
  13. The Easiest Solution would be to just swap the toilet and Linen Closet locations I think......
  14. Fill transparency is working here..... but I can't find a "Wall in the way" between the door and Vanity....i even made the Wall fill yellow to hight them , so I am missing something....
  15. This is an Automatic setting and is made to work with the angle of the stair , not common framing lumber sizes , that is the total depth too, not just the Framing so includes the Hardwood, plywood, framing and Drywall etc. ,it appears to be approx. a 2x6 to me but I didn't measure it , so I suggested 2x8 or 2x10 as that is how I would build it in the field as the landing is supporting the upper staircase and it's weight, ie that would be a double joist/beam.
  16. No Problem , so you don't have X11 right ? otherwise you could look at the Plan..... *** to fill in your Signature like this .... go up to the top RH Corner above and click on your UserName> Account Settings> Signature.... and enable Signature (will Turn Green) then add your Hardware Details and Chief Software Version, as different Version require different Answers.
  17. They will join if "identical" AFAIK , so if you change the lower section to say 44" wide and the upper is 39" then it should stop it, which is how this one was done, it depends on where you need the "notch at the wall, eg mid-tread etc but the Overlap works too, this maybe another case where CA is a little too smart for our good ie it tries to join them even when we don't want that.... the solution there is to make each each staircase 1 step longer , ie the lower 1 step higher and the upper 1 step lower , so you have a full 1 tread overlap , then they won't join as the heights and widths are different. M.
  18. The touching is not an issue , in my plan they are actually overlapped....the issue with your plan was that you had let the two Stair segments "join" as evidenced by the fact both segments are in the same DBX when you open them...this means you cannot control each section independently of the other, which is needed/helpful in most cases, eg the bottom set is wider etc. TheWinder technique has never worked well for me in this situation , so I have been using the 2 staircase method for a number of years now...
  19. Should be fine I'd think, are you talking about 3D views? Have you made sure that CA is using the Quadro Card , not the Intel Card? , it is likely 4 x as fast..... but if the Laptop uses Optimus , it may not be switching the cards when it is supposed to as Chief does not supply Nvidia with Profiles, but you can force the Nvidia Driver to use your settings in the Nvidia Control panel>manage 3D settings>add Program>(CA X11-may need to add it to the list) Preferred Card for OpenGL>Nvidia. *** found another post I made on this too.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17190-inserting-object-from-library-browser-freezes-most-of-the-app/?do=findComment&comment=144430 M.
  20. There are two methods using two (or more Staircases) , it's how I do it too , I make a few copies of the staircase and then overlap them at the wall or just past it , eg 1/2 tread. The lower stairscase is wider so the handrails butt into the walls and the upper Staircase fits between the walls. Don't let the two staircase join though , they must remain sperate entities. In this case Steve's stacked "slices" way may work better , as there is a Doorway getting interfered with on the lefthand side too, which i deleted and replaced with a Solid or Soffit as the door Jamb didn't like my 1st Flight cutting through it.
  21. That was my understanding too from watching the "what's new video" ..... this is a different scenario
  22. Two parts has been the normal way to do these.....but you can't let them join to each other...just overlay them .....in this case your doorway is causing issues too.... so I removed it and use a Soffit instead for the Header. ***apparently you aren't using X11 FB , so sorry the plan is no use to you.......please do you Forum signature so we know for next time, what version you are on, thx. ( I missed in the OP you have X10 sorry) M.
  23. So you didn't do a Save As and rename the File for example xxxxxxx-Residence-Proposed.Rev1 before proceeding with the Remodel plan? with luck you enabled AutoSave and Auto Archive in Edit>Preferences (?) , and there is a Plan saved for you in the Chief Premier X11 Data Folder > Archives>xxxxx (YourFile-name with a bunch of numbers after it) The Data Folder is usually in My Documents assuming you are a Windows User ? please do you Signature as Eric Mentioned and continue with new questions in the Q&A Forum. Thx. M.
  24. CA has a NanaWall library and David Michael (DMDz Designs) also posted one in the Symbols Forum a few years ago, though I am unsure which year if that would work with X9 , I also updated his Library at one point as well , may have been X9. CA one is here....https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/991