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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. It appears Chief is not Importing the 07Text Layer from the DWG properly as Chief indicates the layer is not used in Chief ( no red + in ALDO), that layer is what most of the Text is on.....what we see is on the 08Dims layer ie 4" +/- etc..... *** Opened DWG in Draftsight and the Text is in the DWG and is on 07Text M.
  2. The TEXT is not necessarily on Chief's TEXT layer , it will have imported I assume using whatever name was used in the DWG by the AutoCad User, as a trouble shooting step turn the All ON Layerset on and see if it is there...... select it if so, and then in the ALDO check it's true Layer to use. ***EDIT : TEXT Layer maybe called 07TEXT in this DWG.... Mick.
  3. I don't see the Option Full Overlay checked in the Pics or the Options under it if either applies either.... M.
  4. Open in Chief ? the file is locked if so.......... M.
  5. I just used the Plan above...... House2 and deleted the Doors used as side panels on the left hand unit..... House2_MHD.plan
  6. Me thinks you no follow instructions good.... it works just like MarkMc said........ Looks pretty good actually...............
  7. I too find Text is often White or a Pale Yellow and hard to see in Chief , so I switch chief to a Dark grey background to check ....
  8. If they were floating on the 2nd monitor , this will reset them to "Dock" back into the main Program window on the right and fix the Issue..... M.
  9. Use the Cameras on the Perspective Cameras Menu/Icon which use the Standard Camera, not the Orthographic Cameras Menu which Use Vector View by default. Once in Standard View you can also switch the Render Type to Physical Based Rendering (PBR for short.) https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2426/ M.
  10. Did you try Edit Area and Clip it out with maybe 2ft of wall each side and then save it as a A.Block , I am thinking the Walls should rejoin to the walls in the new plan okay but would need to play with it perhaps, if it doesn't work as a Window Symbol Properly that is?
  11. Seems to work okay , though I don't have hundreds of CAD Details .... I guess to make searching easier you could use a "combo" system, ie have a Cad Detail Plan for each "Group" of Details , ( eg foundation,Wall , Roof etc) and within it keep the appropriate CAD Details ( in a CAD Detail not Plan.) M.
  12. don't think he does , though a CAD Detail can be Blocked and Added to the Library , there is really no need if it is in your CAD Detail Plan , in a CAD Detail . ( and sent to Layout from there.... M.
  13. And apparently I am not the only one.........
  14. Does an archive copy still have them ? I am still not clear on how you erased Room Names? are you talking about just the room label text? Room Types or ?
  15. Yep , it was that thread where I started using a symbol , it is posted over there a few posts below this one : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/23244-q-window-how-to-do-a-sheetrock-return/?do=findComment&comment=192925 I have not found a reason yet to use it on the exterior. M.
  16. A Symbol can work well if you want Drywall returns on the interior but still isn't 100% accurate
  17. Yes ( maybe?? you're going to need to explain a bit more.... at least I have no clue what you are trying to do.... ) M.
  18. CA uses the Casing size currently I believe though a suggestion has been made to allow us more control. I use a Sill Molding with apron built in if I need something different. M.
  19. Good thought Don , and it does work ....... I thought that once you designated a "Room Type" , the Room Type Definition would overide the Defualt of no floor finish on Level 1 but Chief has somehow set it so about only half the Room Types will override the Defualt automatically , eg Bathrooms and Kitchens work but Family and Bedrooms Don't , you can however Open the Defaults and in the Room Type Definition for those Rooms Click on the Edit button , close it out with doing anything ( causes chief to uncheck default) and close Defaults and the Floor Finish will build. (maybe a better way? , would need to play more) Still a bit surprised I have never noticed this "quirk" before.... M.
  20. There isn't a Chief "Basement Room Type" sorry , i might not have been clear enough on that I was alluding to whatever "Room Type" you had used or designated in the basement area, and had set the floor finish in those Rooms individually , which would override the Default for Floor 0 As others have noted it is best to post the plan in question unless you can't as it is proprietary product or for some other reason you can't, then it is best to provide a Sample plan with the same issue , eg a 30' x 30' "Box" house using your Template.
  21. Are you overriding the Floor 0 defaults with the Basement "Room" defaults perhaps ? M.
  22. Kbird1


    Chief can't Open DWG or DXF Files directly that is why Windows says it needs another App , but like many CAD Programs Chief can Import both File Types via the DWG\DXF Import Wizard instead. The colours can be an Issue as many AutoCad users like a Black background, and lines maybe white, so sometimes you will need to change Chief background to Black or a Dark grey ( Preferences>Colors) so you can see all the linework and Text etc. then you should be able to select it and change it's colours / linetype /etc etc as normal. I find quite often putting it on a new layer doesn't always help as it Imports with the color option to use the layer for color unchecked. M.
  23. Graham has some info in the Old Lets Raytrace thread on this.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/14512-lets-ray-trace/?page=4&tab=comments#comment-130373 M.
  24. Auto Dormer won't work as an auto Dormer can not cross the roofplane's edge ( ie straddle two Roof Planes ) but I'd have thought you could cut a notch or Hole in the Roof Planes and build one manually.... Not sure if this may give some pointers or not......... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00915/creating-a-dormer-in-a-roof-with-multiple-pitches.html ***Please do your forum signature as the answer may require people know what version of Chief you are Using. M.