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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Eric , Didn't you post a thread and perhaps make a Video on doing this a while back? I couldn't find the Thread as I couldn't find the right Search term I guess.... @solver
  2. post on this a couple of days ago..... which has a link to one from last year as well
  3. There have been a few Suggestions and other Threads about this Issue but , so far it is not possible as others mentioned, though in X12 they did give us Boxed Headers. here are a few , I am sure there are others.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16468-headers-in-x10/ or https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16473-chief-built-framing-assemblies/
  4. I did read a few Days ago that Nahimic updated it's Apps earlier this week , but you may need to check your Laptop's support site as well. If you don't need there Audio Enhancements ( mostly for Gamers ) I'd leave it un-installed though. M.
  5. I'd think you could use a Note Schedule....they are pretty flexible M.
  6. It is possible with material Regions , set to different thicknesses, putting each on a Unique Layer will make it possible to lock different Regions while you shape a particular 1 as needed. Create the 1st Material region, on the whole wall ( field tile) then in a Vector Camera in Elevation View you can "trace" the grout lines , close the polyline and convert to a material region, copy the material and blend a second colour , then do 3rd color etc. This is just the Hex Tile from the Tile Bonus Library , so not too Special.... Little laborious but do-able... if it helps "sell" the job perhaps worth it M.
  7. - Paint Tool in Object or Room mode instead of component mode perhaps? but also a good lesson on why to open the object and change the material there instead. I can see how making individual Tile symbols would be a total PITA though. - Use an elevation cam and Rotate the Block up perhaps ? M.
  8. There is nothing wrong with the Book in of itself ...I bought it a number of years ago myself - and like it, for for it's general design principals etc, but I guess my own design Principals" must naturally follows Hers as mine weren't learnt at School. As for it being a definitive Guide I am unsure and only the Reader could make that judgement, as from reading the book overtime I doubt the Author ever thought that about Her own book , ie She seems to have Her feet firmly on the ground unlike Her Editor/Book Publisher apparently... M.
  9. Symbols normally allow Material Changes? so something doesn't seem right Could you not use 3 Material Regions "Shaped" in elevation to the Hexagon/Grout lines ? M.
  10. NEW Nvidia Drivers were released today - both Game Ready (GR) and Studio Drivers DCH - GeForce 451.48 WHQL Game Ready Driverhttps://us.download.nvidia.com/Windo...l-dch-whql.exeStandard - GeForce 451.48 WHQL Game Ready Driverhttps://us.download.nvidia.com/Windo...ional-whql.exe DCH - GeForce 451.48 WHQL Game Ready Driver https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/161451/en-us Standard - GeForce 451.48 WHQL Studio Driver https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/161449/en-us Mick.
  11. Similar but not the same actually ...
  12. Do a bit of Forum searching as that looks suspiciously like a Thread that was posted last year, might even be the same Shower Door , looks very familiar for some reason... M.
  13. Eric is correct I believe.... Again I think Eric is right , The Grey ones are not Temporary Dimensions they are Auto Dimensions on a Layer you have turned off , use the ALDO to open each Layerset till you find the one they are on or Simply delete all Dimensions via Edit>Delete Objects>CAD>Dimensions ( Auto and maybe Manual) there replace the Auto Dims. M.
  14. Now why do I think only you would think to doing that , another Chief secret handshake to put in the book thanks. M.
  15. Thanks for the Heads up , Indital used to be in the 3D Library too but I think they merged with or were bought out by IAMDesign, but I usually just use the Chief one in the Core Catalog if needed , it's good enough for visuals. M.
  16. Cable Railings are in the library for use as "Panels" , there are also several downloadable Catalogs from Manufacturers like IAMDesign available. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/1106 M.
  17. Then the only way to do it is one by one ...it seems Glen deleted his post for some reason about that..... but sounds l;ike you know how to do that , and as noticed you can't multiselect but shouldn't take too long as my guess is anything with a 2 or 3 after it is deleteable.
  18. Yep , Chief created there own RT Engine many versions ago after using Export to POVRay for many Years, Chief does everything "in-house" these days (except the PDF interface I believe.) , so hopefully RTX and DirectX12 Ultimate are somewhere on the Drawing Board. M.
  19. Re-import your Default Sets ( Annotations) from a known good Plan Export from good plan > import into Bad plan *** Do it in a COPY of the "Bad" Plan , test and Save As if worth Keeping.... M.
  20. Be careful doing this as your local Jurisdiction may not accept anything other than 1/4" = 1ft , which means sometimes having to got to ARCH E1 or ARCH E Paper size. M.
  21. He is talking about moving the Light SOURCE not the Light fitting ie lowering the "bulb" ( light data ) down the wire so to speak. NO you can't Raytrace the SAME pic again, you have to Run the Whole RT again from the Same Camera ( ie save it and don't move it till done ) Have you seen these two free Webinars? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10206/ray-trace-rendering-how-to-get-started.html?playlist=171 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10205/3d-rendering-tips-and-tricks.html?playlist=171 M.
  22. It sounds like you were previously using an old template plan eg from x9 or x10 migrated forward because as far as I know X11 and now X12 do not have that Layerset in the Default Template any longer. And it sounds like you have toggled the Temporary dimension off on the Right hand toolbar > Large T with a diagonal Arrow under it M.
  23. You can probably use "Print Preview" ( and "Show Sheet" if needed ? ) to get a good idea of what things will look like without Sending To Layout , the Icons are on your RH toolbar - unless you moved them. Mick.
  24. Just what I was about to say --- might still not look great though as the base may not sit on Ceiling Slope... see pic