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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. One way for sure but currently SP's are limited in their functionality in regards to what you can add to an SP . ( eg Cabinet Partitions can't be last I looked)
  2. Unfortunately in x13 , saving Items to the Library still resets all Options to "Defaults" it seems which is a real PITA when you have a symbol etc set just perfect and the height etc is all removed when added to the Library. I am not sure why this insistence on "default" persists and we can't save stuff as we want them specified.... and have spent time on setting up. Mick.
  3. More disturbing is the fact that CA has told me multiple times ( different techs) that "Chief does not have a memory" in regards to this Room naming Issue.... I begged to differ but we all know it happens in certain circumstances. M.
  4. Check the Layer Color as Joe suggested.......... And make permanent Changes like this in your Template , not the the current Plan......or save Current plan as your new Template is also an Option we have nowadays... M.
  5. 1st off it is best practice to put Schedules in Individual CAD Details to keep Plan View Speeds up , you then send them to Layout, on the appropriate page where you can then scale them like ant Layout Box further if needed eg 1/8" instead of 1/4" = 1' **** Put the Schedules in your Template Plan CAD Details and you only ever need to do them Once.... And - Change the Schedule Text Style - Columns widths can be adjusted with the Edit handle when you single click a schedule - look for the Diamond - Row height is dependent on Font Size ..........AFAIK - In the Schedule DBX make sure Use Scale > Plan Scale is checked
  6. Michael was just asking cos' They work on "Fixes" based on the number of bug reports , so the more reports the higher it goes on the List....
  7. Good to know , not sure I have run into that issue.... I know there is an issue in elevation for cabinet hardware for example , unless it is somehow related to that? I have had to that recently myself to get outlines of Symbols properly in elevation.... M.
  8. I think it is just that you have such long names for some Layers , annotations etc which caused all the drop downs to changes sizes as my Toolbars weren't locked, I just haven't seen it so dramatic before M.
  9. you skim reading again Perhaps try a "Repair" from Control Panel>Programs and Features............. KB running the .msi file again will sometimes make the same offer too
  10. a "Repair" didn't help then? M.
  11. same layerset in both views? backclipped view? M.
  12. See if a Repair can fix it ...otherwise a full reinstall perhaps.... Folders all have Folders within? not empty eg
  13. no corruption here CS. However there is more info ( Log) in your User Folder > AppData > Roaming CA X13 Help...and it looks like mine is having issues with Translations Info: HelpViewer log: "Wed Jul 14 19:16:47 2021" Debug: Application args: ("C:\\Program Files\\Chief Architect\\Chief Architect Premier X13\\Chief Architect Premier X13 Help.exe", "", "61131", "file:///C:/ProgramData/Chief Architect Premier X13/Help/Default.htm", "-id=0") Warning: Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location C:/Program Files/Chief Architect/Chief Architect Premier X13/translations\qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory... Warning: Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location C:/Program Files/Chief Architect/Chief Architect Premier X13\qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct. Info: Loading of URL ' QUrl("file:///C:/ProgramData/Chief Architect Premier X13/Help/Default.htm#cshid=0") ' finished successfully. *** Folder and File Do not exist , hence the logged error in my case --- only using english though.... Also more info in User Folder > AppData > Local > CA Inc > CA X13 Help > User Folder > AppData > Local > CA X13> CA X13 Help > Perhaps try a "Repair" from Control Panel>Programs and Features............. KB
  14. I thought "Allow Low Roof Plans" was given to use to stop these Interactions with lower Roof planes but it is on in your Plan. I am not sure what is up with your Toolbars ( long custom names?) or why they effect my Toolbars in this Plan but this is weird too.... guess I forgot to lock my toolbars again sometime recently , thanks for the reminder Normal Your Plan
  15. Someone Mentioned doing a Cad Detail from View and Copying it back into the Elevation , until it is fixed..... *found it finally but doesn't say much more.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31321-new-computer-questions/?do=findComment&comment=246908
  16. I think it is a Bug Larry , it seems like 2 different things depending...... (1) short trusses > is related to the wall on the lower level in the Garage that the Truss just happens to line up with it seems...... Draw a new truss 12' up or down in the plan and it seems to build ok for me....Playing a bit more and the truss either builds to the Ridge (1) or stops at the end of the Wall (2) ----used REF layer to see the wall below... (2) Playing a bit more again and the "Weird truss" seems to be trying to snap onto the front Entry wall it just happens to line up with, neither is right , so you should probably put it in.
  17. www.pugetsystems.com I believe MarkMc just got a new Desktop from AXADirect - contact Kyle he told me he recommends them, and has ordered a 2nd system from them too....... but I built my Own. M.
  18. You don't see 2 images in the post above yours with the RED Cylinder ? try this: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31348-pbr-w-realtime-ray-tracing-questions-in-x13/?do=findComment&comment=247266
  19. You can see the Chevron wallpaper I used on the Wall, reflected on the Glass wall Camera side
  20. yes used new file , see last post for pics it wouldn't let me add a few minutes ago.... Mick.
  21. I think that Hack is working , the Red Hue reflected on the Wall Glass , just made it look like it wasn't there , similar to the Chevron I used here , but rasing the ceiling and looking over the glass ( 1/2 / 1/2 ) confirms it..... looks a bit strange though.... and it is "fuzzy" unlike the real mirror being Metal reflection.
  22. Nope , I just didn't see any red in the Mirror , so swapped it back to Default and it went "grey" not beige as expected..... maybe I had wrong plan ? you have posted a few , I'll try again with Glass02..... Nope I don't have the Damask texture apparently let me try something else. Mick.
  23. Not me personally , I think Rene is the only person I have seen here mention a EGPU but he is not using macOS AFAIK. @Renerabbitt
  24. It's just a Shed Type Roof correct ? single slope? overframed on the old Roof, so build the Roof Plane 1st , then a Roof Beam should automatically follow the Slope of that plane. Mick.