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Everything posted by rgardner

  1. That is interesting indeed. So what happens to the sea SSA members of interiors? @scottharris or @Dermot
  2. Why would you make a wall out of solids? you can change them to fooor mounted and change the offsets.
  3. Interesting do you have the code reference for that?
  4. By chance is it a new mouse or other new equipment on your desk? Is it wireless and you have a new mug or something on your desk? Sounds like wireless mouse interference. Perhaps you have your Aldo/PB on another screen or at the edge of your screen and you move your mouse enough away that it is not interfering at that location. Just a thought. Otherwise restart everything and retest.
  5. Are you storing your library and program files on a cloud drive?
  6. Because your cabinet partitions layer is turned off in the view they are missing on.
  7. The foundation wall is not aligned with the main wall above. but there are other issues with what you are trying to do there. What Eric is showing will make the foundation build out to the built out walls.
  8. Use the text box and the new leader tool on the text box to drag a leader to attach to your stairs or any other item you need to do so for.
  9. If you use an actual wall and set it to invisible then the wall will fill in above the room ceiling.
  10. Sorry, I should probably not post this because it is probably going to get me some red downvotes from users who were affected. Which I am very sorry if someone missed the opportunity to upgrade in time. But perhaps the turn on and off rental ofthe latest software may be a better option for those users. However Mick my POV for what it is worth (nothing) is that "a LOYAL long term user" would have been up to date on SSA knowing the value it added and knowing that it helps to develop the software further.
  11. Although 16 has worked for me I had to replace a dead computer while on vacation when I bought it and only use it while traveling which has been fine for me. I would go 32 min and went with 64 on my desktop unit. More than that I don’t see the need.
  12. It looks like you have something funky going on with that window as the jamb is not set right it is not cutting the wall completely. Check to make sure that is set to fit to wall and see if it helps. Usually for this type of problem it is best to upload the file but that is not possible with the trial version I don't believe as you cannot save the file.
  13. 16” has significantly better cooling which is important with Chief and helps it run faster as the m2 runs more efficiently. if you are getting a new one a 16” seems to be the sweet spot imho regarding portability and function. Also upgrade everything so you can get as much time out if it as possible.
  14. Glad it helped out. just an fyi and probably the reason someone downvoted your comment above. 1.) It’s considered bad form to mark yourself as the correct answer unless you figured it out on your own and detailed out the response for others. The marking correct answer helps others who have the same question to find the correct answer. 2.) marking the correct answer helps others who are searching to get their answer quickly.
  15. Your soffit Int is following the structure you have a 9 1/4” roof structure and a 7 1/4” gable sun fascia. 2” gap
  16. Your images are not very legible for me but I am guessing you are looking for a wall elevation view. Try the help file.
  17. That doesn't list the GPU which if its a hardware issue would be most likely the issue. But did you try to restart your computer? If you did and it persists then since you have x14 you should have active ssa so call chief for support. my guess if its hardware is a driver issue.
  18. With not knowing what your system specs are (not in your signature) my guess is it’s a hardware issue then. First thing I would do is restart your computer and see if it helps.
  19. You want to print not export the pdf. In the print dbx use the Chief print to pdf option for the printer selected.
  20. You can do both. Depending on the complexity and size of your main house sometimes it is better to do the detached garage in a separate plan file. Another advantage of a separate plan files is if your floor heights and ceiling heights are different from your garage to your home and you want to use all of the automatic tools. Personally I generally model them in separate plan files.
  21. Yup most likely what Joey is mentioning. Good practice is to have a "linked files" type folder within your plan folders that you save any pdf and or png/jpg files you are using in your plan or layout files. It keeps them all together and is less problematic.
  22. I would highly recommend @Renerabbitt for this type of training. He specializes in efficiency methods, and has a great program for file and standards development.