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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. OK, so all this mumbo-jumbo Tomato-Tomato leads me to another question; I know that we can do an automatic roof build and select where we want our regular gables and hips within the same roof structures but can we do an automatic build and select where we our our Dutch-Gables to be and still have regular hips and gables on other parts of the roof? Can I do this in an automatic build?
  2. I'm more then sure that is is a Chief software issue. I will call tec again in the morning. Not sure what more information I can give anyone to get more help. 3D Works fine on the laptop screen but locks up when I move the 3D view to either of the additional display monitors. Once and while I can get it to work, not sure why. I've tried all different ways. I installed, reinstalled and updated video cards and CA several times. Always have the same issues. Tried every setting I can think of.
  3. The computer is plenty powerful enough. The resolution settings match the two additional monitors. Nvidia is set for triple display and I only have the one graphics card so its not like my other computers where I would have the standard display card and the Navidia as an optional. Everything is fine until I move the perspective view in the larger displays and then I get that stinking white screen! Never had this issue with any of my past 6 laptops. Bummer!
  4. Thank you! I will check that as soon as i get back to the office.
  5. Did Did you only have the issues when you were working with 3D views? It appears that is it only problem with mine at this time.
  6. Good Morning! I have to additional monitors plugged into my laptop. I'm having issues with Chief running on the additional display monitors. Seems to be only when I put the 3D views on them. Any suggestions to help me remedy this problem?
  7. With the screens being so wide these days I prefer to have the task bar on the right side of my screen. I have really gotten used to it and it works nicely! Also it does not obstruct Chief when I'm in full view as attached picture.
  8. Updated my computer specs in my signature. You would think with all these fancy new gadgets that it would fix itself!
  9. Yes I can access the digital locker. I just purchased this new computer a week ago so everything is new. It all started when I was trying to convert some cad auto desk files into Chief
  10. I just has that working circle and it wont let me do anything. I have to bring up the task manager to shut it down. My internet is working great. I have three monitors and I can serf the net and open other programs even when CA is hung up.
  11. Hey guy's, Could use a little help. My Chief Architect program wont open and I'm not sure why. Please see picture below and you will see what opens when I try. I deleted the program and re-installed it a couple of times. I got it to work for a little wile but I am now having the problem again. Any help would be much appreciated Thank You
  12. Did you want to see them on the floor plan like this?
  13. Thanks for the info! I really appreciate it.
  14. This is all really good information! I will bring all of what I learned and go to Jim with it on Monday so I can figure out what I want to do. Its not about the good deal for me at this point its about having a system that is right for me because its my livelihood. No price for that! I just need to get my work done and not sit and look at the dreaded hour glass or the spinning circle!!! LOL Thank You!!!
  15. I really like the feel of this Leovo and the reviews are good from what I've seen. Check this one
  16. Do you mind me asking what you paid for your laptop?
  17. I really appreciate the input. I think Jim was just trying to help but I do believe that it was bad advice because I went in willing to spend the big bucks and specifically asked about the gaming system and he really thought that I didn't need it. The good thing is that he is willing to give me my money back so I can get something else. I like working on Laptops because for one thing I'm use to it and the more important thing is I travel a lot so I like to always be mobile.
  18. I cant tell from your description of your computer. Is it a gaming computer?
  19. I know a guy that owns a computer store here in California and he sells a lot of these "Think Pad" computers. He does so because the demand for them are high for his professional customers that need good working durable portable systems. Most of them purchase these for their CAD programs and have been very happy with them. Jim (the owner) told me that he hasn't had any complaints but he did say that just about every computer he sells they ask to upgrade the ram right off the bat. Most b people will tell you that you should have a minimum of 32 GB of ram if your running any type of graphics (at least that's what I always seem to hear). Jim told me to try it and If it doesn't work then he will take the computer back no problem. I have known him for about 15 years now and he is a very fair and honest guy. He suggested this computer because gaming laptop are not a very good option for the following reasons: These machines cost some serious money. They aren’t cheap at all. You could purchase a gaming desktop and a very good laptop for the same price as just one gaming laptop. You are really cutting out many options by investing this kind of money in hardware like this. The weight of it is a huge problem. While you might think it’s portable because it’s a laptop, it really isn’t that portable. It will be too heavy to carry around all day. Additionally, you will need a gaming mouse to go along with it which adds to the weight and makes it more complicated. The battery life of these machines are fairly worthless since it’s running high power hardware. You will be stuck near a plug if you want to do anything more than an hour of gaming. This really defeats the purpose of using a laptop. Most people purchase laptops so that they can be portable. There is a huge risk with these laptops. The parts on them tend to go bad quickly. You will have to service the whole computer versus repairing a part or two yourself like on a desktop. This will also up the cost of owning this type of computer over the long haul. You can’t upgrade that easily. As a gamer you know it’s best to have frequent upgrades. A gaming laptop will become old much faster than a desktop that you can upgrade. Most gaming computer laptops have most of the upgrades already installed when you purchase if you are serious about gaming. This limits future upgrades which would require you to purchase a new model in order to upgrade. Heat will make it uncomfortable to use and eventually kill your hardware. There is a limited life span with these devices compared to a desktop that can deal with heat better while playing games.
  20. I didn't get a gaming card on my new laptop but I believe my video card is good. I noticed my CPU will max out for a couple of seconds when I make a change in the 3D view and so it needs a little time to gather itself and its really frustrating me when I'm on a designing roll. Even though the ram doesn't seem to be maxing out I was told it could still make a pretty big difference if I install more ram. I want to give it a chance before I take back and exchange it for something else because I really like this computer in every other way.
  21. I currently have 16 GB ram memory in my computer and was going to upgrade to 32. Can anyone tell me if this could make a significant difference when I'm working with 3D renderings if the rest of my computer hardware is sufficient?
  22. In the future remember also that when your in the attic level you can turn on reference display to see your lower walls so you know where you need to place the attic walls that Chief does not add automatically.
  23. That's funny! Sounds like me. There is only one room divider so you must have done it.
  24. You are a big help to others. Thank You!

    I was wondering if you could help me with getting all the bugs worked out on a complicated roof design if I sent you the plan file. I would of course donate to your cause. My problem is I don't have enough time to learn it. I have been using Chief for about 20 years now so I'm not new at this. I set up everything to run live and I use annotation sets so I have a lot of time learning and building my template.

    Right now I'm trying to do an as build and they must have added on to this house 3 or 4 times so its cut up. I got the outside to look right but from the inside you can see all the penetrations from the roof lines. Frustrating!

    The addition I'm adding is the area where I put the Mansard roof. Seemed like a good way to do it to keep it simple and keep the cost down. Also I think the city would prefer a lower profile roof.

    I'm sending you the plan file in case you would like to take a look for me. I would much appreciate it.

    Joe Biesiada

    Built-Right Construction

    New Plan 101, Videc.plan

    1. solver
    2. builtright3


      Its easy to draw what you did but its another thing to build it and make it work structurally without the high cost. Structural design codes have gotten way out of hand here in California (most of it unnecessary in my opinion). That's not my problem here. Its cleaning up the inside lines for 3D view I'm concerned about.

    3. solver


      Someone building this would start by cutting back the overhangs on the intruding roof planes. 


      I noticed you have a ridge showing. Is that correct?


      For questions like this, it would help to have an as-built model as a comparison.

  25. I'm more of a visual guy and I like the training video's but the knowledge base is faster sometimes depending on what you are doing. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/?utm_source=Chief+Architect+Premier+