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Everything posted by RL-inc

  1. I'll play with that - but it appears that while I can create a window size that is proportionate (1.5 /1) to the actual size I need I can't a window that is large enough to get the full size I am after 1800x1200. Good idea Eric - maybe one to post in the suggestions forum.
  2. Michael- Are you referring to a setting in CA or actually changing the display setting in windows or through my Nvidia graphics settings ?
  3. Much appreciated- would be interested in seeing some of those ideas.
  4. Thanks for the reply but that is not the issue I am having- I can and do run the prelims at the active window size and make adjustments. the issue is I need to create the final image at a specific output size fro realtor use - in this case 1800x1200. I am having to continually adjust how far back or close to the model I am creating the raytrace view from to get it to create the output window that I want. I have attached 3 screen shots - 1- the full camera view I needed to get to the raytrace 2- the raytrace view I needed to get to 3 3- the exported view
  5. When setting a raytrace image to a specific size- say 1800x1200- is there a way to get some sort of a preview of the final output window without running the raytrace. I am having to run the first pass- see where the image parameters are in the view -close the raytrace - adjust in, out, up, or down- run the first pass again- check view parameters- close raytrace- adjust- and so on until I get the final output view I want. Thanks for any input
  6. Much thanks Michael. Makes sense.
  7. I am playing around with some interior overviews to send a client on a remodel job and the shelving in the cabinets is showing through the door faces. The odd thing is that when I scroll in closer the shelving fades away. Please see attached images - cabinets circled in red have glass doors. I am guessing a setting I am missing somewhere in my camera defaults? Thanks for any input as always.
  8. Thanks for the replies- So it sounds like there is no "automated" way to keep the template updated- understandable. Also sounds lie there are many different methods in use for updating and copying plan and layout templates. I will continue to research previous threads and work to improve my own method.
  9. I have been committing myself to becoming more efficient with my work process and one of the biggies is to spend less time on duplicate tasks. I am working to refine my plan templates so as to update my layersets and anno-sets based on what I find I am using the most. ( It is coming along as I expected- well worth the time and a few bumps in the road.) The question I have is, when you are working on a plan and come up with a need for additional layersets or anno-sets do you just create as you go and then have to go back into the original plan template and duplicate so that the original template will always be updated. Or is there a method that the savvy vet uses for keeping those new sets available to the templates you like to use. (Michael- Perry- Scott-Joe.....looking your way maybe? ) I have done a search and didn't come up with anything that was in line with what I am trying to learn - but sure could have missed it somewhere.
  10. If the drop between the house and garage is incorrect your floor setting is off in the structure tab for the garage.
  11. Not at my computer to check but there may be one in additional catalogs at CA .com If not I'm sure 3d warehouse would have one.
  12. As Scott said, create cad detail from the plan view and edit. You won'the be editing the actual Slab however, just the cad detail.
  13. Another option is to create a symbol and insert it in the plan. Can be made from P-line solids or moldings. Would probably get you closer to the image in the picture. Then it can be edited in this plan or stored for future use.
  14. Very simple manual roof to draw- and would be a great exercise for a new CA user.
  15. This forum is a great resource for sure. Try searching previous threads for info before posting a topic that may have been covered previously. More often than not you will find the answer in much less time than it takes to Q&A back and forth here.
  16. You will need to delete the joists you have already drawn. Then place the direction line and auto build. This is a method I use often and then edit manually to dial it in. Once you have it as you want, lock the layer and you are set.
  17. Don't sweat it too much Nate- DJP may just be having a rough day. Keep the posts coming- it's how this forum continues to be the great resource that it is.
  18. From a practical application standpoint it will obviously be constructed as the OP has shown in the 2nd view with the main plane extending down to the wall line. Overfaming sheds or valleys is a very common practice that I often edit manually in CA to get the final look into want. I am guessing most other users do as well. I don't know that I would ever find the need to do a whole lot more than edit the framing and confirm the roofing manualy. Perhaps in the future we could have the option to adjust individual layers of the roof structure by creating partial breaks or in section?
  19. If it still does not appear run a plan check and that should bring it back.
  20. I do as Perry does. I lay out all the framing pages and discuss how I see the structural details coming together and then my engineer goes through it all and sends back red-lines withe lateral and gravity info. I transpose the info and then he back checks. Stamped calc packet and submit.
  21. Tim, Following along with what Joe said, CA uses ceiling and floor heights as a large part of how it developes the model you are creating. Even small changes to ceiling heights can have a big effect on the areas above. Try and consider the real world application of how raising that lid will work with the floor above and it will help you understand the way CA sees the model.
  22. There are lights in the library that are designed for under mount application depending on what version you are using. Good idea to add a signature with your version and some more detailed info about yourself. You will get many more responses.