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Everything posted by SNestor

  1. Too many things to explain...but, I set the roof default to 8/12. Then opened the walls that required 12/12 and set the pitch. The one key thing to do is in "roof defaults" make sure you select "same height eaves"....and uncheck "same roof height at exterior walls". I manually fixed the roof over the main entry.
  2. I gave it a shot. Not perfect...but I think close enough.
  3. You might want to use a combo of things...but I think you could do most of this using cabinets.
  4. The view in my post is a vector view. Same as an elevation's a vector view which is controlled by the "rendering technique". You should just go purchase my Screened Porch Library and save yourself a lot of hassle. Section Elevation Camera...vector view;
  5. @ThomasR89 - I gave it a shot; roof is about 90% auto. Plan attached; Carr1 - Steve Edits.plan
  6. What screen material are you using. You can probably use the "rainbow" tool to edit the material to make it more transparent. I created my screen material from the "glass block" material in Chief...and adjusted the material definition.
  7. @JLHomeCo - I took a shot and placed a dual pitched roof on your plan. I wouldn't say it's an award winning roof design...but, at least it covers the floor below. Here is the plan; 6.27.23 - Dave Back Roof -
  8. Just a quick guess...but, you don't have your foundation defaults set to use a "monlithic slab".
  9. In the 3D you have the "attic walls" layer turned on?
  10. are correct. Did you possible carry this plan forward from X14? I examined/changed everything in this plan and no matter what I do I cannot get the foundation walls to align properly. I even copied the walls into a new plan using Chief's Residential Template...and the foundation still built incorrectly. However, using my template...using the same settings, my foundation walls build properly. I'd say there is something wrong with the plan...and you might think about starting over with a new template.
  11. You floor defaults are all messed up. You have specified a concrete floor...but have it as "framing"...this isn't going to work. Also...I'm guessing you don't need the 7/16" OSB on top of the slab either. You need to go to defaults and set your first floor to be "walls with footings" and check the box "Hang 1st Floor Platform inside Foundation Walls". Then rebuild your foundation. You will probably have to open each room on the main level and set the floor to use "default"... I fixed your plan. Plan attached; Wormser house
  12. This tool is used in conjunction with the "Child Tool Palette". Maybe your tool palette is hidden? If you have set up to use "drop down"...then this gear should disappear.
  13. @LotzCC - you have a roof plane line that is not 90 degrees. See attached
  14. The foundation wall tops are most likely different because the floor platform thickness in the room above is different.
  15. You will have to do this manually... From the first floor level, turn on reference display, then...drag the wall to the side of the foundation wall. It should snap to it. (if you don't see the foundation wall in your reference will need to turn that layer in in the layer set)
  16. @BruceKC - I was looking at the way you built the front porch thought I'd mess with it and try to build it a different way. You might take a look at the attached and see what I did. FYI - I used a post-to-beam railing wall. Made the wall wide enough so that the beam is centered on the columns. I removed the floor from the porch room...used a "solid" in it's place...I put this solid on the "slab" layer. I also used the stock columns from the Chief library and made a few basic edits to the 2D cad block. I also changed the rafters in the porch roof to 2x6...and the ridge board. You're original plan had 2x10's with a 2x6 sub fascia. This was lifting the soffit and creating issues. Not sure you want to frame it this way...just wanted to let you know what I did. Builder.TEST
  17. @BruceKC - Bruce, all I did was open the plan and rebuild the foundation and all the footings were aligned...I didn't spend a lot of time reviewing the plan but you might also review your defaults then reset the foundation level to the "default".
  18. @BruceKC - have you tried to create a new test plan and dimension....if so, are you getting the same result? I'm wondering if it's a plan issue. Did you start this plan in an older version of Chief and bring it forward into X15? I open X15, draw a quick test plan, set up the manual dimensions to grab the centers of interior walls and the dimensioning works fine. But - your plan doesn't...and I'm not sure why.
  19. Go to the foundation level, turn on your reference display (F9 is the hotkey). on the "0" floor level and click the define in the reference display this layer set make sure you have "checked" the layer "walls, railing". You should now be able to see the newels in your deck railing. If not, then make sure in your railing wall definition, under the "newels/balusters" tab you have check "draw newels" and "draw balusters/panels" boxes listed under the "Plan Display" section of the tab.
  20. We are all just guessing...can you post a plan or sample plan? a minimum post some screen shots of the deck structure tab so we can see what you are doing. Thanks!
  21.'s a computer program that knows the VSD when you set the top chord parameter in your defaults. I think the software should default to this as the heel height...and allow us to change it as needed. But - alas, I may be in the minority.
  22. I understand that we can set the heel height to the vertical structure depth...but, why for sake do we have to? There is no one that would build a truss where the top chord intersects the outer surface of the main layer. I mean it's just dumb. How does having to set this dimension help any of us get our work done quicker or more accurately? do new users know that if they don't want a raised heel that they need to minimally enter the vertical structure depth as the heel height? Crazy... Chief engineers need to start over and fix this two cents.
  23. Just FYI...I built the roof using "auto rebuild". I set the heel height to zero. You would think that the truss would build normally...with the bottom chord extending the outer surface of the main layer. The "auto truss" tool needs a lot of work to get me to use it on a regular basis.
  24. Actually...if you look closely it's clipping the ceiling. So...something isn't working properly. I think I'm going to send in a report.
  25. So, if you specify "roof trusses" in the structure tab of the roof build dialogue and specify zero inch heel height...the top chord of the truss sits at the outside edge of the wall main layer. Is this a bug...or, do we always have to specify a heel height when specifying trusses?